# /bin/sh verify () { yesexpr="^[yY1+是]|^\s*$" while true; do read -p "$1" yn if [[ "$yn" =~ $yesexpr ]]; then return 1 else return 0 fi done } time="$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)" # ---------------- zshrc start ---------------- echo "setting up zsh" if [ -e ~/.zshrc ] then echo "~/.zshrc exists, backup to ./zshrc_backup-$time" mv ~/.zshrc ./zshrc_backup-$time fi ln ./zshrc ~/.zshrc # comment the following line if not running on arch-based linux verify "Are you running on arch-based linux? (Y/n)" if [[ $? == 1 ]] then sudo pacman -S zsh-syntax-highlighting else echo -e "\e[1;31mPlease find zsh-syntax-highlighting https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting suitable for your distro\e[0m" fi git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ~/.zsh/zsh-autosuggestions echo "finish install plugins" chsh -s /bin/zsh echo "set zsh as default shell" # ---------------- zshrc end ----------------