OfficialCHenry 417315cf08 added super simple ai
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2022-04-10 18:58:09 -04:00

449 lines
15 KiB

import AABB from "../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Shapes/AABB";
import Vec2 from "../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2";
import Debug from "../../Wolfie2D/Debug/Debug";
import { GameEventType } from "../../Wolfie2D/Events/GameEventType";
import Input from "../../Wolfie2D/Input/Input";
import { TweenableProperties } from "../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/GameNode";
import { GraphicType } from "../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/Graphics/GraphicTypes";
import Point from "../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/Graphics/Point";
import Rect from "../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/Graphics/Rect";
import AnimatedSprite from "../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/Sprites/AnimatedSprite";
import Label from "../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/UIElements/Label";
import { UIElementType } from "../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/UIElements/UIElementTypes";
import Scene from "../../Wolfie2D/Scene/Scene";
import Timer from "../../Wolfie2D/Timing/Timer";
import Color from "../../Wolfie2D/Utils/Color";
import { EaseFunctionType } from "../../Wolfie2D/Utils/EaseFunctions";
import PlayerController from "../Player/PlayerController";
import MainMenu from "./MainMenu";
import { Player_Events, Statuses } from "../sword_enums";
import RegistryManager from "../../Wolfie2D/Registry/RegistryManager";
import WeaponType from "../GameSystems/items/WeaponTypes/WeaponType";
import Weapon from "../GameSystems/items/Weapon";
import BattleManager from "../GameSystems/BattleManager";
import EnemyAI from "../AI/EnemyAI";
import BattlerAI from "../AI/BattlerAI";
import InventoryManager from "../GameSystems/InventoryManager";
import Item from "../GameSystems/items/Item";
* Add in some level music.
* This can be done here in the base GameLevel class or individual level files
export default class GameLevel extends Scene {
// Every level will have a player, which will be an animated sprite
protected playerSpawn: Vec2;
protected player: AnimatedSprite;
protected respawnTimer: Timer;
// Labels for the UI
protected static livesCount: number = 3;
protected livesCountLabel: Label;
// Stuff to end the level and go to the next level
protected levelEndArea: Rect;
protected nextLevel: new (...args: any) => GameLevel;
protected levelEndTimer: Timer;
protected levelEndLabel: Label;
// Screen fade in/out for level start and end
protected levelTransitionTimer: Timer;
protected levelTransitionScreen: Rect;
// The battle manager for the scene
private battleManager: BattleManager;
// Health UI
protected healthLabel: Label;
// A list of items in the scene
private items: Array<Item>;
// A list of enemies
private enemies: Array<AnimatedSprite>;
loadScene(): void {
//can load player sprite here
//can load enemy sprite here
// Load the scene info
this.load.object("weaponData", "shattered_sword_assets/data/weaponData.json");
// Load in the enemy info
//this.load.object("enemyData", "shattered_sword_assets/data/enemy.json");
// Load in item info
//this.load.object("itemData", "shattered_sword_assets/data/items.json");
this.load.image("knife", "shattered_sword_assets/sprites/knife.png");
this.load.spritesheet("slice", "shattered_sword_assets/spritesheets/slice.json");
this.load.image("inventorySlot", "shattered_sword_assets/sprites/inventory.png");
startScene(): void {
// Do the game level standard initializations
// Create the battle manager
this.battleManager = new BattleManager();
// Initialize the items array - this represents items that are in the game world
this.items = new Array();
// Create an enemies array
this.enemies = new Array();
// Send the player and enemies to the battle manager
// Initialize the timers
this.respawnTimer = new Timer(1000, () => {
if(GameLevel.livesCount === 0){
} else {
this.levelTransitionTimer = new Timer(500);
this.levelEndTimer = new Timer(3000, () => {
// After the level end timer ends, fade to black and then go to the next scene"fadeIn");
// Start the black screen fade out"fadeOut");
//TODO - uncomment when done testing
// Initially disable player movement
updateScene(deltaT: number){
// Handle events and update the UI if needed
let event = this.receiver.getNextEvent();
//update health UI
let playerAI = (<PlayerController>;
this.healthLabel.text = "Player Health: "+ playerAI.CURRENT_HP +'/' + (playerAI.MAX_HP +playerAI.CURRENT_BUFFS.hp );
//handle collisions - may be in battle manager instead
//move background
// Get the viewport center and padded size
const viewportCenter = this.viewport.getCenter().clone();
const baseViewportSize = this.viewport.getHalfSize().scaled(2);
//check position of player
this.playerFalloff(viewportCenter, baseViewportSize);
//TODO - this is for testing
console.log("trying to spawn enemy");
this.addEnemy("test_dummy",this.player.position,{player: this.player,
health :100,
tilemap: "Main",
goal: Statuses.REACHED_GOAL,
* Initialzes the layers
protected initLayers(): void {
// Add a layer for UI
// Add a layer for players and enemies
this.addLayer("primary", 1);
* Initializes the viewport
protected initViewport(): void {
* Handles all subscriptions to events
protected subscribeToEvents(){
// TODO -
* Adds in any necessary UI to the game
protected addUI(){
// In-game labels
this.healthLabel = <Label> this.add.uiElement(UIElementType.LABEL, "UI",{position: new Vec2(100, 30), text: "Player Health: "+ (<PlayerController> });
this.healthLabel.textColor = Color.WHITE;
this.healthLabel.font = "PixelSimple";
// End of level label (start off screen)
this.levelEndLabel = <Label>this.add.uiElement(UIElementType.LABEL, "UI", {position: new Vec2(-300, 200), text: "Level Complete"});
this.levelEndLabel.size.set(1200, 60);
this.levelEndLabel.borderRadius = 0;
this.levelEndLabel.backgroundColor = new Color(34, 32, 52);
this.levelEndLabel.textColor = Color.WHITE;
this.levelEndLabel.fontSize = 48;
this.levelEndLabel.font = "PixelSimple";
// Add a tween to move the label on screen
this.levelEndLabel.tweens.add("slideIn", {
startDelay: 0,
duration: 1000,
effects: [
property: TweenableProperties.posX,
start: -300,
end: 300,
ease: EaseFunctionType.OUT_SINE
this.levelTransitionScreen = <Rect>this.add.graphic(GraphicType.RECT, "UI", {position: new Vec2(300, 200), size: new Vec2(600, 400)});
this.levelTransitionScreen.color = new Color(34, 32, 52);
this.levelTransitionScreen.alpha = 1;
this.levelTransitionScreen.tweens.add("fadeIn", {
startDelay: 0,
duration: 1000,
effects: [
property: TweenableProperties.alpha,
start: 0,
end: 1,
ease: EaseFunctionType.IN_OUT_QUAD
onEnd: Player_Events.LEVEL_END
this.levelTransitionScreen.tweens.add("fadeOut", {
startDelay: 0,
duration: 1000,
effects: [
property: TweenableProperties.alpha,
start: 1,
end: 0,
ease: EaseFunctionType.IN_OUT_QUAD
onEnd: Player_Events.LEVEL_START
// Initialize all enemies
// Send the player and enemies to the battle manager
//this.battleManager.setEnemies( => <BattlerAI>enemy._ai));
// Subscribe to relevant events
//TODO - determine whether we will have weapon datatype
* Creates and returns a new weapon
* @param type The weaponType of the weapon, as a string
createWeapon(type: string): Weapon {
let weaponType = <WeaponType>RegistryManager.getRegistry("weaponTypes").get(type);
let sprite = this.add.sprite(weaponType.spriteKey, "primary");
return new Weapon(sprite, weaponType, this.battleManager);
* Initalizes all weapon types based of data from weaponData.json
initializeWeapons(): void{
let weaponData = this.load.getObject("weaponData");
for(let i = 0; i < weaponData.numWeapons; i++){
let weapon = weaponData.weapons[i];
// Get the constructor of the prototype
let constr = RegistryManager.getRegistry("weaponTemplates").get(weapon.weaponType);
// Create a weapon type
let weaponType = new constr();
// Initialize the weapon type
// Register the weapon type
RegistryManager.getRegistry("weaponTypes").registerItem(, weaponType)
* Initializes the player
protected initPlayer(): void {
//create the inventory
let inventory = new InventoryManager(this, 1, "inventorySlot", new Vec2(16, 16), 4, "slots1", "items1");
//add starting weapon to inventory
let startingWeapon = this.createWeapon("knife");
inventory.addItem(startingWeapon); //using slice to test right now
// Add the player
this.player = this.add.animatedSprite("player", "primary");
this.player.scale.set(2, 2);
console.warn("Player spawn was never set - setting spawn to (0, 0)");
this.playerSpawn = Vec2.ZERO;
this.player.addPhysics(new AABB(Vec2.ZERO, new Vec2(32, 32))); //sets the collision shape
this.player.colliderOffset.set(0, 0);
this.player.addAI(PlayerController, {
playerType: "platformer",
tilemap: "Main",
speed: 100,
health: 10,
inventory: inventory,
items: this.items,
inputEnabled: false,
range: 100
//TODO -
* Adds an Enemy into the game
* @param spriteKey The key of the Enemy sprite
* @param tilePos The tilemap position to add the Enemy to
* @param aiOptions The options for the Enemy AI
protected addEnemy(spriteKey: string, tilePos: Vec2, aiOptions: Record<string, any>): void {
let enemy = this.add.animatedSprite(spriteKey, "primary");
//enemy.position.set(tilePos.x*32, tilePos.y*32);
enemy.scale.set(2, 2);
enemy.addPhysics(new AABB(Vec2.ZERO, new Vec2(16, 25)));
enemy.colliderOffset.set(0, 6);
enemy.addAI(EnemyAI, aiOptions); //TODO - add individual enemy AI
//add enemy to the enemy array
this.battleManager.setEnemies( => <BattlerAI>enemy._ai));
protected handlePlayerEnemyCollision(player: AnimatedSprite, enemy: AnimatedSprite) {
//collisions are handled by the battleManager - no need for this in gamelevel for now
* Increments the amount of life the player has
* @param amt The amount to add to the player life
protected incPlayerLife(amt: number): void {
GameLevel.livesCount += amt;
this.livesCountLabel.text = "Lives: " + GameLevel.livesCount;
if (GameLevel.livesCount == 0){
this.emitter.fireEvent(GameEventType.PLAY_SOUND, {key: "player_death", loop: false, holdReference: false});"death");
* Returns the player to spawn
protected respawnPlayer(): void {
GameLevel.livesCount = 3;
this.emitter.fireEvent(GameEventType.STOP_SOUND, {key: "level_music"});
this.sceneManager.changeToScene(MainMenu, {});
* handles the player falling off the map
* @param viewportCenter The center of the viewport
* @param viewportSize The size of the viewport
playerFalloff(viewportCenter: Vec2, viewportSize: Vec2):void{
if(this.player.position.y >= viewportCenter.y +viewportSize.y/2.0){