import Vec2 from "../DataTypes/Vec2"; import Receiver from "../Events/Receiver"; import Emitter from "../Events/Emitter"; import Scene from "../Scene/Scene"; import Layer from "../Scene/Layer"; import AI from "../DataTypes/Interfaces/AI"; import Physical from "../DataTypes/Interfaces/Physical"; import Positioned from "../DataTypes/Interfaces/Positioned"; import { isRegion } from "../DataTypes/Interfaces/Region"; import Unique from "../DataTypes/Interfaces/Unique"; import Updateable from "../DataTypes/Interfaces/Updateable"; import DebugRenderable from "../DataTypes/Interfaces/DebugRenderable"; import Actor from "../DataTypes/Interfaces/Actor"; import Shape from "../DataTypes/Shapes/Shape"; import AABB from "../DataTypes/Shapes/AABB"; import NavigationPath from "../Pathfinding/NavigationPath"; import TweenController from "../Rendering/Animations/TweenController"; import Debug from "../Debug/Debug"; import Color from "../Utils/Color"; import Circle from "../DataTypes/Shapes/Circle"; import GoapAI from "../DataTypes/Interfaces/GoapAI"; /** * The representation of an object in the game world. * To construct GameNodes, see the @reference[Scene] documentation. */ export default abstract class GameNode implements Positioned, Unique, Updateable, Physical, Actor, DebugRenderable { /*---------- POSITIONED ----------*/ private _position: Vec2; /*---------- UNIQUE ----------*/ private _id: number; /*---------- PHYSICAL ----------*/ hasPhysics: boolean = false; moving: boolean = false; frozen: boolean = false; onGround: boolean = false; onWall: boolean = false; onCeiling: boolean = false; active: boolean = false; collisionShape: Shape; colliderOffset: Vec2; isStatic: boolean; isCollidable: boolean; isTrigger: boolean; triggerMask: number; triggerEnters: Array; triggerExits: Array; _velocity: Vec2; sweptRect: AABB; collidedWithTilemap: boolean; group: number; isPlayer: boolean; isColliding: boolean = false; /*---------- ACTOR ----------*/ _ai: AI | GoapAI; aiActive: boolean; path: NavigationPath; pathfinding: boolean = false; /*---------- GENERAL ----------*/ /** An event receiver. */ protected receiver: Receiver; /** An event emitter. */ protected emitter: Emitter; /** A reference to the scene this GameNode is a part of. */ protected scene: Scene; /** The visual layer this GameNode resides in. */ protected layer: Layer; /** A utility that allows the use of tweens on this GameNode */ tweens: TweenController; /** A tweenable property for rotation. Does not affect the bounding box of this GameNode - Only rendering. */ rotation: number; /** The opacity value of this GameNode */ abstract set alpha(a: number); abstract get alpha(): number; // Constructor docs are ignored, as the user should NOT create new GameNodes with a raw constructor constructor(){ this._position = new Vec2(0, 0); this._position.setOnChange(() => this.positionChanged()); this.receiver = new Receiver(); this.emitter = new Emitter(); this.tweens = new TweenController(this); this.rotation = 0; } destroy(){ this.tweens.destroy(); this.receiver.destroy(); if(this.hasPhysics){ this.removePhysics(); } if(this._ai){ this._ai.destroy(); delete this._ai; this.scene.getAIManager().removeActor(this); } this.scene.remove(this); this.layer.removeNode(this); } /*---------- POSITIONED ----------*/ get position(): Vec2 { return this._position; } set position(pos: Vec2) { this._position = pos; this._position.setOnChange(() => this.positionChanged()); this.positionChanged(); } get relativePosition(): Vec2 { return this.inRelativeCoordinates(this.position); } /** * Converts a point to coordinates relative to the zoom and origin of this node * @param point The point to conver * @returns A new Vec2 representing the point in relative coordinates */ inRelativeCoordinates(point: Vec2): Vec2 { let origin = this.scene.getViewTranslation(this); let zoom = this.scene.getViewScale(); return point.clone().sub(origin).scale(zoom); } /*---------- UNIQUE ----------*/ get id(): number { return this._id; } set id(id: number) { // id can only be set once if(this._id === undefined){ this._id = id; } else { throw "Attempted to assign id to object that already has id." } } /*---------- PHYSICAL ----------*/ // @implemented /** * @param velocity The velocity with which to move the object. */ move(velocity: Vec2): void { if(this.frozen) return; this.moving = true; this._velocity = velocity; }; moveOnPath(speed: number, path: NavigationPath): void { if(this.frozen) return; this.path = path; let dir = path.getMoveDirection(this); this.moving = true; this.pathfinding = true; this._velocity = dir.scale(speed); } // @implemented /** * @param velocity The velocity with which the object will move. */ finishMove(): void { this.moving = false; this.position.add(this._velocity); if(this.pathfinding){ this.path.handlePathProgress(this); this.path = null; this.pathfinding = false; } } // @implemented /** * @param collisionShape The collider for this object. If this has a region (implements Region), * it will be used when no collision shape is specified (or if collision shape is null). * @param isCollidable Whether this is collidable or not. True by default. * @param isStatic Whether this is static or not. False by default */ addPhysics(collisionShape?: Shape, colliderOffset?: Vec2, isCollidable: boolean = true, isStatic: boolean = false): void { // Initialize the physics variables this.hasPhysics = true; this.moving = false; this.onGround = false; this.onWall = false; this.onCeiling = false; = true; this.isCollidable = isCollidable; this.isStatic = isStatic; this.isTrigger = false; this.triggerMask = 0; this.triggerEnters = new Array(32); this.triggerExits = new Array(32); this._velocity = Vec2.ZERO; this.sweptRect = new AABB(); this.collidedWithTilemap = false; = -1; // The default group, collides with everything // Set the collision shape if provided, or simply use the the region if there is one. if(collisionShape){ this.collisionShape = collisionShape; = this.position; } else if (isRegion(this)) { // If the gamenode has a region and no other is specified, use that this.collisionShape = (this).boundary.clone(); } else { throw "No collision shape specified for physics object." } // If we were provided with a collider offset, set it. Otherwise there is no offset, so use the zero vector if(colliderOffset){ this.colliderOffset = colliderOffset; } else { this.colliderOffset = Vec2.ZERO; } // Initialize the swept rect this.sweptRect = this.collisionShape.getBoundingRect(); // Register the object with physics this.scene.getPhysicsManager().registerObject(this); } /** Removes this object from the physics system */ removePhysics(): void { // Remove this from the physics manager this.scene.getPhysicsManager().deregisterObject(this); // Nullify all physics fields this.hasPhysics = false; this.moving = false; this.onGround = false; this.onWall = false; this.onCeiling = false; = false; this.isCollidable = false; this.isStatic = false; this.isTrigger = false; this.triggerMask = 0; this.triggerEnters = null; this.triggerExits = null; this._velocity = Vec2.ZERO; this.sweptRect = null; this.collidedWithTilemap = false; = -1; this.collisionShape = null; this.colliderOffset = Vec2.ZERO; this.sweptRect = null; } /** Disables physics movement for this node */ freeze(): void { this.frozen = true; } /** Reenables physics movement for this node */ unfreeze(): void { this.frozen = false; } /** Prevents this object from participating in all collisions and triggers. It can still move. */ disablePhysics(): void { = false; } /** Enables this object to participate in collisions and triggers. This is only necessary if disablePhysics was called */ enablePhysics(): void { = true; } /** * Sets the collider for this GameNode * @param collider The new collider to use */ setCollisionShape(collider: Shape): void { this.collisionShape = collider;; } // @implemented /** * Sets this object to be a trigger for a specific group * @param group The name of the group that activates the trigger * @param onEnter The name of the event to send when this trigger is activated * @param onExit The name of the event to send when this trigger stops being activated */ setTrigger(group: string, onEnter: string, onExit: string): void { // Make this object a trigger this.isTrigger = true; // Get the number of the physics layer let layerNumber = this.scene.getPhysicsManager().getGroupNumber(group); if(layerNumber === 0){ console.warn(`Trigger for GameNode ${} not set - group "${group}" was not recognized by the physics manager.`); return; } // Add this to the trigger mask this.triggerMask |= layerNumber; // Layer numbers are bits, so get which bit it is let index = Math.log2(layerNumber); // Set the event names this.triggerEnters[index] = onEnter; this.triggerExits[index] = onExit; }; // @implemented /** * @param group The physics group this node should belong to */ setGroup(group: string): void { this.scene.getPhysicsManager().setGroup(this, group); } // @implemened getLastVelocity(): Vec2 { return this._velocity; } /*---------- ACTOR ----------*/ get ai(): AI | GoapAI { return this._ai; } set ai(ai: AI | GoapAI) { if(!this._ai){ // If we haven't been previously had an ai, register us with the ai manager this.scene.getAIManager().registerActor(this); } this._ai = ai; this.aiActive = true; } // @implemented addAI(ai: string | (new () => T), options?: Record, type?: number): void { if(!this._ai){ this.scene.getAIManager().registerActor(this); } if(typeof ai === "string"){ this._ai = this.scene.getAIManager().generateAI(ai); } else { this._ai = new ai(); } // Question, how much do we want different type of AI to be handled the same, i.e. should GoapAI and AI similar methods and signatures for the sake of unity this._ai.initializeAI(this, options); this.aiActive = true; } // @implemented setAIActive(active: boolean, options: Record): void { this.aiActive = active; if(this.aiActive){; } } /*---------- TWEENABLE PROPERTIES ----------*/ set positionX(value: number) { this.position.x = value; } set positionY(value: number) { this.position.y = value; } abstract set scaleX(value: number); abstract set scaleY(value: number); /*---------- GAME NODE ----------*/ /** * Sets the scene for this object. * @param scene The scene this object belongs to. */ setScene(scene: Scene): void { this.scene = scene; } /** * Gets the scene this object is in. * @returns The scene this object belongs to */ getScene(): Scene { return this.scene; } /** * Sets the layer of this object. * @param layer The layer this object will be on. */ setLayer(layer: Layer): void { this.layer = layer; } /** * Returns the layer this object is on. * @returns This layer this object is on. */ getLayer(): Layer { return this.layer; } /** Called if the position vector is modified or replaced */ protected positionChanged(): void { if(this.collisionShape){ if(this.colliderOffset){ = this.position.clone().add(this.colliderOffset); } else { = this.position.clone(); } } }; /** * Updates this GameNode * @param deltaT The timestep of the update. */ update(deltaT: number): void { // Defer event handling to AI. while(this.receiver.hasNextEvent()){ this._ai.handleEvent(this.receiver.getNextEvent()); } } // @implemented debugRender(): void { // Draw the position of this GameNode Debug.drawPoint(this.relativePosition, Color.BLUE); // If velocity is not zero, draw a vector for it if(this._velocity && !this._velocity.isZero()){ Debug.drawRay(this.relativePosition, this._velocity.clone().scaleTo(20).add(this.relativePosition), Color.BLUE); } // If this has a collider, draw it if(this.collisionShape){ let color = this.isColliding ? Color.RED : Color.GREEN; if(this.isTrigger){ color = Color.MAGENTA; } color.a = 0.2; if(this.collisionShape instanceof AABB){ Debug.drawBox(this.inRelativeCoordinates(, this.collisionShape.halfSize.scaled(this.scene.getViewScale()), true, color); } else if(this.collisionShape instanceof Circle){ Debug.drawCircle(this.inRelativeCoordinates(, this.collisionShape.hw*this.scene.getViewScale(), true, color); } } } } export enum TweenableProperties{ posX = "positionX", posY = "positionY", scaleX = "scaleX", scaleY = "scaleY", rotation = "rotation", alpha = "alpha" }