import GoapActionPlanner from "../../Wolfie2D/AI/GoapActionPlanner"; import StateMachineAI from "../../Wolfie2D/AI/StateMachineAI"; import StateMachineGoapAI from "../../Wolfie2D/AI/StateMachineGoapAI"; import GoapAction from "../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Interfaces/GoapAction"; import AABB from "../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Shapes/AABB"; import Stack from "../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Stack"; import State from "../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/State/State"; import Vec2 from "../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2"; import GameEvent from "../../Wolfie2D/Events/GameEvent"; import GameNode from "../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/GameNode"; import AnimatedSprite from "../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/Sprites/AnimatedSprite"; import OrthogonalTilemap from "../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/Tilemaps/OrthogonalTilemap"; import NavigationPath from "../../Wolfie2D/Pathfinding/NavigationPath"; import Weapon from "../GameSystems/items/Weapon"; import BattlerAI from "./BattlerAI"; import Patrol from "./EnemyStates/Patrol"; import { GameState, Statuses } from "../sword_enums"; import Sprite from "../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/Sprites/Sprite"; import MathUtils from "../../Wolfie2D/Utils/MathUtils"; import { Player_Events } from "../sword_enums"; import InputWrapper from "../Tools/InputWrapper"; export default class EnemyAI extends StateMachineGoapAI implements BattlerAI { /** The owner of this AI */ owner: AnimatedSprite; /** The total possible amount of health this entity has */ maxHealth: number; /** The current amount of health this entity has */ CURRENT_HP: number; /** The default movement speed of this AI */ speed: number = 20; /** The weapon this AI has */ weapon: Weapon; /** A reference to the player object */ player: GameNode; // The current known position of the player playerPos: Vec2; // The last known position of the player lastPlayerPos: Vec2; // Attack range inRange: number; // Path to player //path: NavigationPath; // Path away from player retreatPath: NavigationPath; tilemap: OrthogonalTilemap; velocity: Vec2 = Vec2.ZERO; direction: number; //1 for right, -1 for left initializeAI(owner: AnimatedSprite, options: Record): void { this.owner = owner; //add states // Patrol mode this.addState(EnemyStates.DEFAULT, new Patrol(this, owner)); this.maxHealth =; this.CURRENT_HP =; this.weapon = options.weapon; this.player = options.player; this.inRange = options.inRange; this.goal = options.goal; this.currentStatus = options.status; this.possibleActions = options.actions; this.plan = new Stack(); this.planner = new GoapActionPlanner(); //TODO - get correct tilemap //this.tilemap = this.owner.getScene().getTilemap(options.tilemap) as OrthogonalTilemap; this.tilemap = this.owner.getScene().getLayer("Wall").getItems()[0]; //this.tilemap = this.owner.getScene().getTilemap("Main"); // Initialize to the default state this.initialize(EnemyStates.DEFAULT); //this.getPlayerPosition(); this.direction = 1; //default moving to the right } activate(options: Record): void { } damage(damage: number): void { this.CURRENT_HP -= damage; //TODO -"HURT",false); console.log(damage +" damage taken, "+this.CURRENT_HP+" hp left"); // If we're low enough, add Low Health status to enemy if (this.CURRENT_HP <= Math.floor(this.maxHealth/2)) { } // If health goes below 0, disable AI and fire enemyDied event if (this.CURRENT_HP <= 0) { this.owner.setAIActive(false, {}); this.owner.isCollidable = false; this.owner.visible = false; this.emitter.fireEvent(Player_Events.ENEMY_KILLED, {owner:, ai:this}); if (Math.random() < 0.05) { // give buff maybe //this.emitter.fireEvent("giveBuff", { position: this.owner.position }); } } } //TODO - need to modify for side view /* isPlayerVisible(pos: Vec2): Vec2{ //Check if one player is visible, taking into account walls // Get the new player location let start = this.owner.position.clone(); let delta = pos.clone().sub(start); // Iterate through the tilemap region until we find a collision let minX = Math.min(start.x, pos.x); let maxX = Math.max(start.x, pos.x); let minY = Math.min(start.y, pos.y); let maxY = Math.max(start.y, pos.y); // Get the wall tilemap let walls = this.owner.getScene().getLayer("Wall").getItems()[0]; let minIndex = walls.getColRowAt(new Vec2(minX, minY)); let maxIndex = walls.getColRowAt(new Vec2(maxX, maxY)); let tileSize = walls.getTileSize(); for (let col = minIndex.x; col <= maxIndex.x; col++) { for (let row = minIndex.y; row <= maxIndex.y; row++) { if (walls.isTileCollidable(col, row)) { // Get the position of this tile let tilePos = new Vec2(col * tileSize.x + tileSize.x / 2, row * tileSize.y + tileSize.y / 2); // Create a collider for this tile let collider = new AABB(tilePos, tileSize.scaled(1 / 2)); let hit = collider.intersectSegment(start, delta, Vec2.ZERO); if (hit !== null && start.distanceSqTo(hit.pos) < start.distanceSqTo(pos)) { // We hit a wall, we can't see the player return null; } } } } return pos; } */ update(deltaT: number){ if (InputWrapper.getState() != GameState.GAMING) { this.owner.animation.pause(); return; } this.owner.animation.resume(); super.update(deltaT); // This is the plan that is executed in the Active state, so whenever we don't have a plan, acquire a new one given the current statuses the enemy has /* if (this.plan.isEmpty()) { //get a new plan this.plan = this.planner.plan(Statuses.REACHED_GOAL, this.possibleActions, this.currentStatus, null); } */ } } export enum EnemyStates { DEFAULT = "default", ALERT = "alert", PREVIOUS = "previous" }