import Game from "./Wolfie2D/Loop/Game"; import MainMenu from "./shattered_sword/Scenes/MainMenu"; // The main function is your entrypoint into Wolfie2D. Specify your first scene and any options here. (function main(){ // Run any tests runTests(); // Set up options for our game let options = { canvasSize: {x: 1200, y: 800}, // The size of the game clearColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0}, // The color the game clears to inputs: [ {name: "left", keys: ["a"]}, //TODO - add arrow keys {name: "right", keys: ["d"]}, {name: "up", keys: ["w"]}, {name: "down", keys: ["s"]}, {name: "jump", keys: ["x","space"]}, {name: "attack", keys: ["j","z","enter"]}, {name: "dash", keys: ["k","z"]}, {name: "skill", keys: ["l","v"]}, {name: "inventory", keys: ["i","b"]}, {name: "pause", keys: ["escape"]}, {name: "tab", keys: ["tab"]} ], useWebGL: false, // Tell the game we want to use webgl showDebug: true // Whether to show debug messages. You can change this to true if you want } // Create a game with the options specified const game = new Game(options); // Start our game game.start(MainMenu, {}); //TODO - change to splash screen once available //game.start(SplashScreen,{}); })(); function runTests(){};