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2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00
(function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i<t.length;i++)o(t[i]);return o}return r})()({1:[function(require,module,exports){
exports = module.exports = stringify
exports.getSerialize = serializer
function stringify(obj, replacer, spaces, cycleReplacer) {
return JSON.stringify(obj, serializer(replacer, cycleReplacer), spaces)
function serializer(replacer, cycleReplacer) {
var stack = [], keys = []
if (cycleReplacer == null) cycleReplacer = function(key, value) {
if (stack[0] === value) return "[Circular ~]"
return "[Circular ~." + keys.slice(0, stack.indexOf(value)).join(".") + "]"
return function(key, value) {
if (stack.length > 0) {
var thisPos = stack.indexOf(this)
~thisPos ? stack.splice(thisPos + 1) : stack.push(this)
~thisPos ? keys.splice(thisPos, Infinity, key) : keys.push(key)
if (~stack.indexOf(value)) value =, key, value)
else stack.push(value)
return replacer == null ? value :, key, value)
* random-seed
* This code was originally written by Steve Gibson and can be found here:
* It was slightly modified for use in node, to pass jshint, and a few additional
* helper functions were added.
* Copyright (c) 2013 skratchdot
* Dual Licensed under the MIT license and the original GRC copyright/license
* included below.
/* ============================================================================
Gibson Research Corporation
UHEPRNG - Ultra High Entropy Pseudo-Random Number Generator
Gibson Research Corporation releases and disclaims ALL RIGHTS AND TITLE IN
THIS CODE OR ANY DERIVATIVES. Anyone may be freely use it for any purpose.
This is GRC's cryptographically strong PRNG (pseudo-random number generator)
for JavaScript. It is driven by 1536 bits of entropy, stored in an array of
48, 32-bit JavaScript variables. Since many applications of this generator,
including ours with the "Off The Grid" Latin Square generator, may require
the deteriministic re-generation of a sequence of PRNs, this PRNG's initial
entropic state can be read and written as a static whole, and incrementally
evolved by pouring new source entropy into the generator's internal state.
ENDLESS THANKS are due Johannes Baagoe for his careful development of highly
robust JavaScript implementations of JS PRNGs. This work was based upon his
JavaScript "Alea" PRNG which is based upon the extremely robust Multiply-
With-Carry (MWC) PRNG invented by George Marsaglia. MWC Algorithm References:
The quality of this algorithm's pseudo-random numbers have been verified by
multiple independent researchers. It handily passes the tests as
well as the "diehard" and "dieharder" test suites. For individuals wishing
to further verify the quality of this algorithm's pseudo-random numbers, a
256-megabyte file of this algorithm's output may be downloaded from,
and a Microsoft Windows scripting host (WSH) version of this algorithm may be
downloaded and run from the Windows command prompt to generate unique files
of any size:
The Fermilab "ENT" tests:
The 256-megabyte sample PRN file at GRC:
The Windows scripting host version:
Qualifying MWC multipliers are: 187884, 686118, 898134, 1104375, 1250205,
1460910 and 1768863. (We use the largest one that's < 2^21)
============================================================================ */
'use strict';
var stringify = require('json-stringify-safe');
/* ============================================================================
This is based upon Johannes Baagoe's carefully designed and efficient hash
function for use with JavaScript. It has a proven "avalanche" effect such
that every bit of the input affects every bit of the output 50% of the time,
which is good. See:
var Mash = function () {
var n = 0xefc8249d;
var mash = function (data) {
if (data) {
data = data.toString();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
n += data.charCodeAt(i);
var h = 0.02519603282416938 * n;
n = h >>> 0;
h -= n;
h *= n;
n = h >>> 0;
h -= n;
n += h * 0x100000000; // 2^32
return (n >>> 0) * 2.3283064365386963e-10; // 2^-32
} else {
n = 0xefc8249d;
return mash;
var uheprng = function (seed) {
return (function () {
var o = 48; // set the 'order' number of ENTROPY-holding 32-bit values
var c = 1; // init the 'carry' used by the multiply-with-carry (MWC) algorithm
var p = o; // init the 'phase' (max-1) of the intermediate variable pointer
var s = new Array(o); // declare our intermediate variables array
var i; // general purpose local
var j; // general purpose local
var k = 0; // general purpose local
// when our "uheprng" is initially invoked our PRNG state is initialized from the
// browser's own local PRNG. This is okay since although its generator might not
// be wonderful, it's useful for establishing large startup entropy for our usage.
var mash = new Mash(); // get a pointer to our high-performance "Mash" hash
// fill the array with initial mash hash values
for (i = 0; i < o; i++) {
s[i] = mash(Math.random());
// this PRIVATE (internal access only) function is the heart of the multiply-with-carry
// (MWC) PRNG algorithm. When called it returns a pseudo-random number in the form of a
// 32-bit JavaScript fraction (0.0 to <1.0) it is a PRIVATE function used by the default
// [0-1] return function, and by the random 'string(n)' function which returns 'n'
// characters from 33 to 126.
var rawprng = function () {
if (++p >= o) {
p = 0;
var t = 1768863 * s[p] + c * 2.3283064365386963e-10; // 2^-32
return s[p] = t - (c = t | 0);
// this EXPORTED function is the default function returned by this library.
// The values returned are integers in the range from 0 to range-1. We first
// obtain two 32-bit fractions (from rawprng) to synthesize a single high
// resolution 53-bit prng (0 to <1), then we multiply this by the caller's
// "range" param and take the "floor" to return a equally probable integer.
var random = function (range) {
return Math.floor(range * (rawprng() + (rawprng() * 0x200000 | 0) * 1.1102230246251565e-16)); // 2^-53
// this EXPORTED function 'string(n)' returns a pseudo-random string of
// 'n' printable characters ranging from chr(33) to chr(126) inclusive.
random.string = function (count) {
var i;
var s = '';
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
s += String.fromCharCode(33 + random(94));
return s;
// this PRIVATE "hash" function is used to evolve the generator's internal
// entropy state. It is also called by the EXPORTED addEntropy() function
// which is used to pour entropy into the PRNG.
var hash = function () {
var args =;
for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < o; j++) {
s[j] -= mash(args[i]);
if (s[j] < 0) {
s[j] += 1;
// this EXPORTED "clean string" function removes leading and trailing spaces and non-printing
// control characters, including any embedded carriage-return (CR) and line-feed (LF) characters,
// from any string it is handed. this is also used by the 'hashstring' function (below) to help
// users always obtain the same EFFECTIVE uheprng seeding key.
random.cleanString = function (inStr) {
inStr = inStr.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/gi, ''); // remove any/all leading spaces
inStr = inStr.replace(/[\x00-\x1F]/gi, ''); // remove any/all control characters
inStr = inStr.replace(/\n /, '\n'); // remove any/all trailing spaces
return inStr; // return the cleaned up result
// this EXPORTED "hash string" function hashes the provided character string after first removing
// any leading or trailing spaces and ignoring any embedded carriage returns (CR) or Line Feeds (LF)
random.hashString = function (inStr) {
inStr = random.cleanString(inStr);
mash(inStr); // use the string to evolve the 'mash' state
for (i = 0; i < inStr.length; i++) { // scan through the characters in our string
k = inStr.charCodeAt(i); // get the character code at the location
for (j = 0; j < o; j++) { // "mash" it into the UHEPRNG state
s[j] -= mash(k);
if (s[j] < 0) {
s[j] += 1;
// this EXPORTED function allows you to seed the random generator.
random.seed = function (seed) {
if (typeof seed === 'undefined' || seed === null) {
seed = Math.random();
if (typeof seed !== 'string') {
seed = stringify(seed, function (key, value) {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
return (value).toString();
return value;
// this handy exported function is used to add entropy to our uheprng at any time
random.addEntropy = function ( /* accept zero or more arguments */ ) {
var args = [];
for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
hash((k++) + (new Date().getTime()) + args.join('') + Math.random());
// if we want to provide a deterministic startup context for our PRNG,
// but without directly setting the internal state variables, this allows
// us to initialize the mash hash and PRNG's internal state before providing
// some hashing input
random.initState = function () {
mash(); // pass a null arg to force mash hash to init
for (i = 0; i < o; i++) {
s[i] = mash(' '); // fill the array with initial mash hash values
c = 1; // init our multiply-with-carry carry
p = o; // init our phase
// we use this (optional) exported function to signal the JavaScript interpreter
// that we're finished using the "Mash" hash function so that it can free up the
// local "instance variables" is will have been maintaining. It's not strictly
// necessary, of course, but it's good JavaScript citizenship.
random.done = function () {
mash = null;
// if we called "uheprng" with a seed value, then execute random.seed() before returning
if (typeof seed !== 'undefined') {
// Returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and range (exclusive)
random.range = function (range) {
return random(range);
// Returns a random float between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)
random.random = function () {
return random(Number.MAX_VALUE - 1) / Number.MAX_VALUE;
// Returns a random float between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive)
random.floatBetween = function (min, max) {
return random.random() * (max - min) + min;
// Returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and max (inclusive)
random.intBetween = function (min, max) {
return Math.floor(random.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
// when our main outer "uheprng" function is called, after setting up our
// initial variables and entropic state, we return an "instance pointer"
// to the internal anonymous function which can then be used to access
// the uheprng's various exported functions. As with the ".done" function
// above, we should set the returned value to 'null' once we're finished
// using any of these functions.
return random;
// Modification for use in node:
uheprng.create = function (seed) {
return new uheprng(seed);
module.exports = uheprng;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Map_1 = require("../DataTypes/Map");
* A manager class for all of the AI in a scene.
* Keeps a list of registered actors and handles AI generation for actors.
class AIManager {
constructor() {
this.actors = new Array();
this.registeredAI = new Map_1.default();
* Registers an actor with the AIManager
* @param actor The actor to register
registerActor(actor) {
removeActor(actor) {
let index = this.actors.indexOf(actor);
if (index !== -1) {
this.actors.splice(index, 1);
* Registers an AI with the AIManager for use later on
* @param name The name of the AI to register
* @param constr The constructor for the AI
registerAI(name, constr) {
this.registeredAI.add(name, constr);
* Generates an AI instance from its name
* @param name The name of the AI to add
* @returns A new AI instance
generateAI(name) {
if (this.registeredAI.has(name)) {
return new (this.registeredAI.get(name))();
else {
throw `Cannot create AI with name ${name}, no AI with that name is registered`;
update(deltaT) {
// Run the ai for every active actor
this.actors.forEach(actor => { if (actor.aiActive); });
exports.default = AIManager;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Graph_1 = require("../DataTypes/Graphs/Graph");
const Stack_1 = require("../DataTypes/Stack");
const GraphUtils_1 = require("../Utils/GraphUtils");
class GoapActionPlanner {
plan(goal, possibleActions, currentStatus, actor) {
this.graph = new Graph_1.default(true);
this.mapping = new Map();
//0 is our root
this.mapping.set(0, "Start");
//1 is the goal
this.mapping.set(1, "Goal");
this.graph.addEdge(1, 1, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
//Build tree from 0 to 1
this.buildTree(0, goal, possibleActions, currentStatus);
//Run djikstra to find shortest path
this.path = GraphUtils_1.default.djikstra(this.graph, 0);
//Push all elements of the plan
let plan = new Stack_1.default();
let i = 1;
while (this.path[i] !== -1) {
if (this.path[i] !== 0) {
i = this.path[i];
return plan;
buildTree(root, goal, possibleActions, currentStatus) {
//For each possible action
possibleActions.forEach(action => {
//Can it be performed?
if (action.checkPreconditions(currentStatus)) {
//This action can be performed
//Add effects to currentStatus
let newStatus = [...currentStatus];
//Check if the new node is the goal
if (newStatus.includes(goal)) {
let newNode = this.graph.addNode() - 1;
this.mapping.set(newNode, action);
this.graph.addEdge(root, newNode, action.cost);
this.graph.addEdge(newNode, 1, 0);
//Add node and edge from root
let newNode = this.graph.addNode() - 1;
this.mapping.set(newNode, action);
this.graph.addEdge(root, newNode, action.cost);
//Recursive call
let newActions = possibleActions.filter(act => act !== action);
this.buildTree(newNode, goal, newActions, action.effects);
exports.default = GoapActionPlanner;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const StateMachine_1 = require("../DataTypes/State/StateMachine");
* A version of a @reference[StateMachine] that is configured to work as an AI controller for a @reference[GameNode]
class StateMachineAI extends StateMachine_1.default {
// @implemented
initializeAI(owner, config) { }
// @implemented
destroy() {
// Get rid of our reference to the owner
delete this.owner;
// @implemented
activate(options) { }
exports.default = StateMachineAI;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const StateMachine_1 = require("../DataTypes/State/StateMachine");
* A version of a @reference[StateMachine] that is configured to work as an AI controller for a @reference[GameNode]
class StateMachineGoapAI extends StateMachine_1.default {
// @implemented
initializeAI(owner, config) { }
// @implemented
destroy() {
// Get rid of our reference to the owner
delete this.owner;
// @implemented
activate(options) { }
changeGoal(goal) { }
exports.default = StateMachineGoapAI;
"use strict";
// @ignorePage
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* A placeholder function for No Operation. Does nothing
const NullFunc = () => { };
exports.default = NullFunc;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* A linked-list for the edges in a @reference[Graph].
class EdgeNode {
* Creates a new EdgeNode
* @param index The index of the node this edge connects to
* @param weight The weight of this edge
constructor(index, weight) {
this.y = index; = null;
this.weight = weight ? weight : 1;
exports.default = EdgeNode;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.MAX_V = void 0;
const EdgeNode_1 = require("./EdgeNode");
exports.MAX_V = 100;
* An implementation of a graph data structure using edge lists. Inspired by The Algorithm Design Manual.
class Graph {
* Constructs a new graph
* @param directed Whether or not this graph is directed
constructor(directed = false) {
this.directed = directed;
this.weighted = false;
this.numVertices = 0;
this.numEdges = 0;
this.edges = new Array(exports.MAX_V); = new Array(exports.MAX_V);
/** Adds a node to this graph and returns the index of it
* @returns The index of the new node
addNode() {
return this.numVertices;
/** Adds an edge between node x and y, with an optional weight
* @param x The index of the start of the edge
* @param y The index of the end of the edge
* @param weight The optional weight of the new edge
addEdge(x, y, weight) {
let edge = new EdgeNode_1.default(y, weight);
if (this.edges[x]) { = this.edges[x];
this.edges[x] = edge;
if (!this.directed) {
edge = new EdgeNode_1.default(x, weight);
if (this.edges[y]) { = this.edges[y];
this.edges[y] = edge;
this.numEdges += 1;
* Checks whether or not an edge exists between two nodes.
* This check is directional if this is a directed graph.
* @param x The first node
* @param y The second node
* @returns true if an edge exists, false otherwise
edgeExists(x, y) {
let edge = this.edges[x];
while (edge !== null) {
if (edge.y === y) {
return true;
edge =;
* Gets the edge list associated with node x
* @param x The index of the node
* @returns The head of a linked-list of edges
getEdges(x) {
return this.edges[x];
* Gets the degree associated with node x
* @param x The index of the node
getDegree(x) {
* Converts the specifed node into a string
* @param index The index of the node to convert to a string
* @returns The string representation of the node: "Node x"
nodeToString(index) {
return "Node " + index;
* Converts the Graph into a string format
* @returns The graph as a string
toString() {
let retval = "";
for (let i = 0; i < this.numVertices; i++) {
let edge = this.edges[i];
let edgeStr = "";
while (edge !== undefined && edge !== null) {
edgeStr += edge.y.toString();
if (this.weighted) {
edgeStr += " (" + edge.weight + ")";
if ( !== null) {
edgeStr += ", ";
edge =;
retval += this.nodeToString(i) + ": " + edgeStr + "\n";
return retval;
exports.default = Graph;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Graph_1 = require("./Graph");
* An extension of Graph that has nodes with positions in 2D space.
* This is a weighted graph (though not inherently directd)
class PositionGraph extends Graph_1.default {
* Createes a new PositionGraph
* @param directed Whether or not this graph is directed
constructor(directed = false) {
this.debugRender = () => {
// for(let point of this.positions){
// ctx.fillRect((point.x - origin.x - 4)*zoom, (point.y - origin.y - 4)*zoom, 8, 8);
// }
this.positions = new Array(Graph_1.MAX_V);
* Adds a positioned node to this graph
* @param position The position of the node to add
* @returns The index of the added node
addPositionedNode(position) {
this.positions[this.numVertices] = position;
return this.addNode();
* Changes the position of a node.
* Automatically adjusts the weights of the graph tied to this node.
* As such, be warned that this function has an O(n + m) running time, and use it sparingly.
* @param index The index of the node
* @param position The new position of the node
setNodePosition(index, position) {
this.positions[index] = position;
// Recalculate all weights associated with this index
for (let i = 0; i < this.numEdges; i++) {
let edge = this.edges[i];
while (edge !== null) {
// If this node is on either side of the edge, recalculate weight
if (i === index || edge.y === index) {
edge.weight = this.positions[i].distanceTo(this.positions[edge.y]);
edge =;
* Gets the position of a node
* @param index The index of the node
* @returns The position of the node
getNodePosition(index) {
return this.positions[index];
* Adds an edge to this graph between node x and y.
* Automatically calculates the weight of the edge as the distance between the nodes.
* @param x The beginning of the edge
* @param y The end of the edge
addEdge(x, y) {
if (!this.positions[x] || !this.positions[y]) {
throw "Can't add edge to un-positioned node!";
// Weight is the distance between the nodes
let weight = this.positions[x].distanceTo(this.positions[y]);
super.addEdge(x, y, weight);
// @override
nodeToString(index) {
return "Node " + index + " - " + this.positions[index].toString();
exports.default = PositionGraph;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.isRegion = void 0;
function isRegion(arg) {
return arg && arg.size && arg.scale && arg.boundary;
exports.isRegion = isRegion;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* Associates strings with elements of type T
class Map {
/** Creates a new map */
constructor() { = {};
* Adds a value T stored at a key.
* @param key The key of the item to be stored
* @param value The item to be stored
add(key, value) {[key] = value;
* Get the value associated with a key.
* @param key The key of the item
* @returns The item at the key or undefined
get(key) {
* An alias of add. Sets the value stored at key to the new specified value
* @param key The key of the item to be stored
* @param value The item to be stored
set(key, value) {
this.add(key, value);
* Returns true if there is a value stored at the specified key, false otherwise.
* @param key The key to check
* @returns A boolean representing whether or not there is an item at the given key.
has(key) {
return[key] !== undefined;
* Returns an array of all of the keys in this map.
* @returns An array containing all keys in the map.
keys() {
return Object.keys(;
// @implemented
forEach(func) {
Object.keys( => func(key));
* Deletes an item associated with a key
* @param key The key at which to delete an item
delete(key) {
// @implemented
clear() {
this.forEach(key => delete[key]);
* Converts this map to a string representation.
* @returns The string representation of this map.
toString() {
let str = "";
this.forEach((key) => str += key + " -> " + this.get(key).toString() + "\n");
return str;
exports.default = Map;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("./Vec2");
/** A 4x4 matrix0 */
class Mat4x4 {
constructor() {
this.mat = new Float32Array([
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0
// Static members
static get IDENTITY() {
return new Mat4x4().identity();
static get ZERO() {
return new Mat4x4().zero();
// Accessors
set _00(x) {
this.mat[0] = x;
set(col, row, value) {
if (col < 0 || col > 3 || row < 0 || row > 3) {
throw `Error - index (${col}, ${row}) is out of bounds for Mat4x4`;
this.mat[row * 4 + col] = value;
return this;
get(col, row) {
return this.mat[row * 4 + col];
setAll(...items) {
return this;
identity() {
return this.setAll(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
zero() {
return this.setAll(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
* Makes this Mat4x4 a rotation matrix of the specified number of radians ccw
* @param zRadians The number of radians to rotate
* @returns this Mat4x4
rotate(zRadians) {
return this.setAll(Math.cos(zRadians), -Math.sin(zRadians), 0, 0, Math.sin(zRadians), Math.cos(zRadians), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
* Turns this Mat4x4 into a translation matrix of the specified translation
* @param translation The translation in x and y
* @returns this Mat4x4
translate(translation) {
// If translation is a vec, get its array
if (translation instanceof Vec2_1.default) {
translation = translation.toArray();
return this.setAll(1, 0, 0, translation[0], 0, 1, 0, translation[1], 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
scale(scale) {
// Make sure scale is a float32Array
if (scale instanceof Vec2_1.default) {
scale = scale.toArray();
else if (!(scale instanceof Float32Array)) {
scale = new Float32Array([scale, scale]);
return this.setAll(scale[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, scale[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
* Returns a new Mat4x4 that represents the right side multiplication THIS x OTHER
* @param other The other Mat4x4 to multiply by
* @returns a new Mat4x4 containing the product of these two Mat4x4s
mult(other, out) {
let temp = new Float32Array(16);
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
let value = 0;
for (let k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
value += this.get(k, i) * other.get(j, k);
temp[j * 4 + i] = value;
if (out !== undefined) {
return out.setAll(...temp);
else {
return new Mat4x4().setAll(...temp);
* Multiplies all given matricies in order. e.g. MULT(A, B, C) -> A*B*C
* @param mats A list of Mat4x4s to multiply in order
* @returns A new Mat4x4 holding the result of the operation
static MULT(...mats) {
// Create a new array
let temp = Mat4x4.IDENTITY;
// Multiply by every array in order, in place
for (let i = 0; i < mats.length; i++) {
temp.mult(mats[i], temp);
return temp;
toArray() {
return this.mat;
toString() {
return `|${this.mat[0].toFixed(2)}, ${this.mat[1].toFixed(2)}, ${this.mat[2].toFixed(2)}, ${this.mat[3].toFixed(2)}|\n` +
`|${this.mat[4].toFixed(2)}, ${this.mat[5].toFixed(2)}, ${this.mat[6].toFixed(2)}, ${this.mat[7].toFixed(2)}|\n` +
`|${this.mat[8].toFixed(2)}, ${this.mat[9].toFixed(2)}, ${this.mat[10].toFixed(2)}, ${this.mat[11].toFixed(2)}|\n` +
`|${this.mat[12].toFixed(2)}, ${this.mat[13].toFixed(2)}, ${this.mat[14].toFixed(2)}, ${this.mat[15].toFixed(2)}|`;
exports.default = Mat4x4;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* A class that contains the area of overlap of two colliding objects to allow for sorting by the physics system.
class AreaCollision {
* Creates a new AreaCollision object
* @param area The area of the collision
* @param collider The other collider
constructor(area, collider, other, type, tile) {
this.area = area;
this.collider = collider;
this.other = other;
this.type = type;
this.tile = tile;
exports.default = AreaCollision;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../Vec2");
* An object representing the data collected from a physics hit between two geometric objects.
* Inspired by the helpful collision documentation @link(here)(
class Hit {
constructor() {
/** The near times of the collision */
this.nearTimes = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
/** The position of the collision */
this.pos = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
/** The overlap distance of the hit */ = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
/** The normal vector of the hit */
this.normal = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
exports.default = Hit;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* A FIFO queue with elements of type T
class Queue {
* Constructs a new queue
* @param maxElements The maximum size of the stack
constructor(maxElements = 100) {
this.MAX_ELEMENTS = maxElements;
this.q = new Array(this.MAX_ELEMENTS);
this.head = 0;
this.tail = 0;
this.size = 0;
* Adds an item to the back of the queue
* @param item The item to add to the back of the queue
enqueue(item) {
if ((this.tail + 1) % this.MAX_ELEMENTS === this.head) {
throw new Error("Queue full - cannot add element");
this.size += 1;
this.q[this.tail] = item;
this.tail = (this.tail + 1) % this.MAX_ELEMENTS;
* Retrieves an item from the front of the queue
* @returns The item at the front of the queue
dequeue() {
if (this.head === this.tail) {
throw new Error("Queue empty - cannot remove element");
this.size -= 1;
let item = this.q[this.head];
// Now delete the item
delete this.q[this.head];
this.head = (this.head + 1) % this.MAX_ELEMENTS;
return item;
* Returns the item at the front of the queue, but does not remove it
* @returns The item at the front of the queue
peekNext() {
if (this.head === this.tail) {
throw "Queue empty - cannot get element";
let item = this.q[this.head];
return item;
* Returns true if the queue has items in it, false otherwise
* @returns A boolean representing whether or not this queue has items
hasItems() {
return this.head !== this.tail;
* Returns the number of elements in the queue.
* @returns The size of the queue
getSize() {
return this.size;
// @implemented
clear() {
this.forEach((item, index) => delete this.q[index]);
this.size = 0;
this.head = this.tail;
// @implemented
forEach(func) {
let i = this.head;
while (i !== this.tail) {
func(this.q[i], i);
i = (i + 1) % this.MAX_ELEMENTS;
* Converts this queue into a string format
* @returns A string representing this queue
toString() {
let retval = "";
this.forEach((item, index) => {
let str = item.toString();
if (index !== 0) {
str += " -> ";
retval = str + retval;
return "Top -> " + retval;
exports.default = Queue;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
/** A container for info about a webGL shader program */
class WebGLProgramType {
* Deletes this shader program
delete(gl) {
// Clean up all aspects of this program
if (this.program) {
if (this.vertexShader) {
if (this.fragmentShader) {
exports.default = WebGLProgramType;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Shape_1 = require("./Shape");
const Vec2_1 = require("../Vec2");
const MathUtils_1 = require("../../Utils/MathUtils");
const Circle_1 = require("./Circle");
const Hit_1 = require("../Physics/Hit");
* An Axis-Aligned Bounding Box. In other words, a rectangle that is always aligned to the x-y grid.
* Inspired by the helpful collision documentation @link(here)(
class AABB extends Shape_1.default {
* Creates a new AABB
* @param center The center of the AABB
* @param halfSize The half size of the AABB - The distance from the center to an edge in x and y
constructor(center, halfSize) {
super(); = center ? center : new Vec2_1.default(0, 0);
this.halfSize = halfSize ? halfSize : new Vec2_1.default(0, 0);
/** Returns a point representing the top left corner of the AABB */
get topLeft() {
return new Vec2_1.default(this.left,;
/** Returns a point representing the top right corner of the AABB */
get topRight() {
return new Vec2_1.default(this.right,;
/** Returns a point representing the bottom left corner of the AABB */
get bottomLeft() {
return new Vec2_1.default(this.left, this.bottom);
/** Returns a point representing the bottom right corner of the AABB */
get bottomRight() {
return new Vec2_1.default(this.right, this.bottom);
// @override
getBoundingRect() {
return this.clone();
// @override
getBoundingCircle() {
let r = Math.max(this.hw, this.hh);
return new Circle_1.default(, r);
// @deprecated
getHalfSize() {
return this.halfSize;
// @deprecated
setHalfSize(halfSize) {
this.halfSize = halfSize;
// TODO - move these all to the Shape class
* A simple boolean check of whether this AABB contains a point
* @param point The point to check
* @returns A boolean representing whether this AABB contains the specified point
containsPoint(point) {
return point.x >= this.x - this.hw && point.x <= this.x + this.hw
&& point.y >= this.y - this.hh && point.y <= this.y + this.hh;
* A simple boolean check of whether this AABB contains a point
* @param point The point to check
* @returns A boolean representing whether this AABB contains the specified point
intersectPoint(point) {
let dx = point.x - this.x;
let px = this.hw - Math.abs(dx);
if (px <= 0) {
return false;
let dy = point.y - this.y;
let py = this.hh - Math.abs(dy);
if (py <= 0) {
return false;
return true;
* A boolean check of whether this AABB contains a point with soft left and top boundaries.
* In other words, if the top left is (0, 0), the point (0, 0) is not in the AABB
* @param point The point to check
* @returns A boolean representing whether this AABB contains the specified point
containsPointSoft(point) {
return point.x > this.x - this.hw && point.x <= this.x + this.hw
&& point.y > this.y - this.hh && point.y <= this.y + this.hh;
* Returns the data from the intersection of this AABB with a line segment from a point in a direction
* @param point The point that the line segment starts from
* @param delta The direction and distance of the segment
* @param padding Pads the AABB to make it wider for the intersection test
* @returns The Hit object representing the intersection, or null if there was no intersection
intersectSegment(point, delta, padding) {
let paddingX = padding ? padding.x : 0;
let paddingY = padding ? padding.y : 0;
let scaleX = 1 / delta.x;
let scaleY = 1 / delta.y;
let signX = MathUtils_1.default.sign(scaleX);
let signY = MathUtils_1.default.sign(scaleY);
let tnearx = scaleX * (this.x - signX * (this.hw + paddingX) - point.x);
let tneary = scaleY * (this.y - signY * (this.hh + paddingY) - point.y);
let tfarx = scaleX * (this.x + signX * (this.hw + paddingX) - point.x);
let tfary = scaleY * (this.y + signY * (this.hh + paddingY) - point.y);
if (tnearx > tfary || tneary > tfarx) {
// We aren't colliding - we clear one axis before intersecting another
return null;
let tnear = Math.max(tnearx, tneary);
// Double check for NaNs
if (tnearx !== tnearx) {
tnear = tneary;
else if (tneary !== tneary) {
tnear = tnearx;
let tfar = Math.min(tfarx, tfary);
if (tnear === -Infinity) {
return null;
if (tnear >= 1 || tfar <= 0) {
return null;
// We are colliding
let hit = new Hit_1.default();
hit.time = MathUtils_1.default.clamp01(tnear);
hit.nearTimes.x = tnearx;
hit.nearTimes.y = tneary;
if (tnearx > tneary) {
// We hit on the left or right size
hit.normal.x = -signX;
hit.normal.y = 0;
else if (Math.abs(tnearx - tneary) < 0.0001) {
// We hit on the corner
hit.normal.x = -signX;
hit.normal.y = -signY;
else {
// We hit on the top or bottom
hit.normal.x = 0;
hit.normal.y = -signY;
} = (1.0 - hit.time) * -delta.x; = (1.0 - hit.time) * -delta.y;
hit.pos.x = point.x + delta.x * hit.time;
hit.pos.y = point.y + delta.y * hit.time;
return hit;
// @override
overlaps(other) {
if (other instanceof AABB) {
return this.overlapsAABB(other);
throw "Overlap not defined between these shapes.";
* A simple boolean check of whether this AABB overlaps another
* @param other The other AABB to check against
* @returns True if this AABB overlaps the other, false otherwise
overlapsAABB(other) {
let dx = other.x - this.x;
let px = this.hw + other.hw - Math.abs(dx);
if (px <= 0) {
return false;
let dy = other.y - this.y;
let py = this.hh + other.hh - Math.abs(dy);
if (py <= 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Determines whether these AABBs are JUST touching - not overlapping.
* Vec2.x is -1 if the other is to the left, 1 if to the right.
* Likewise, Vec2.y is -1 if the other is on top, 1 if on bottom.
* @param other The other AABB to check
* @returns The collision sides stored in a Vec2 if the AABBs are touching, null otherwise
touchesAABB(other) {
let dx = other.x - this.x;
let px = this.hw + other.hw - Math.abs(dx);
let dy = other.y - this.y;
let py = this.hh + other.hh - Math.abs(dy);
// If one axis is just touching and the other is overlapping, true
if ((px === 0 && py >= 0) || (py === 0 && px >= 0)) {
let ret = new Vec2_1.default();
if (px === 0) {
ret.x = other.x < this.x ? -1 : 1;
if (py === 0) {
ret.y = other.y < this.y ? -1 : 1;
return ret;
else {
return null;
* Determines whether these AABBs are JUST touching - not overlapping.
* Also, if they are only touching corners, they are considered not touching.
* Vec2.x is -1 if the other is to the left, 1 if to the right.
* Likewise, Vec2.y is -1 if the other is on top, 1 if on bottom.
* @param other The other AABB to check
* @returns The side of the touch, stored as a Vec2, or null if there is no touch
touchesAABBWithoutCorners(other) {
let dx = other.x - this.x;
let px = this.hw + other.hw - Math.abs(dx);
let dy = other.y - this.y;
let py = this.hh + other.hh - Math.abs(dy);
// If one axis is touching, and the other is strictly overlapping
if ((px === 0 && py > 0) || (py === 0 && px > 0)) {
let ret = new Vec2_1.default();
if (px === 0) {
ret.x = other.x < this.x ? -1 : 1;
else {
ret.y = other.y < this.y ? -1 : 1;
return ret;
else {
return null;
* Calculates the area of the overlap between this AABB and another
* @param other The other AABB
* @returns The area of the overlap between the AABBs
overlapArea(other) {
let leftx = Math.max(this.x - this.hw, other.x - other.hw);
let rightx = Math.min(this.x + this.hw, other.x + other.hw);
let dx = rightx - leftx;
let lefty = Math.max(this.y - this.hh, other.y - other.hh);
let righty = Math.min(this.y + this.hh, other.y + other.hh);
let dy = righty - lefty;
if (dx < 0 || dy < 0)
return 0;
return dx * dy;
* Moves and resizes this rect from its current position to the position specified
* @param velocity The movement of the rect from its position
* @param fromPosition A position specified to be the starting point of sweeping
* @param halfSize The halfSize of the sweeping rect
sweep(velocity, fromPosition, halfSize) {
if (!fromPosition) {
fromPosition =;
if (!halfSize) {
halfSize = this.halfSize;
let centerX = fromPosition.x + velocity.x / 2;
let centerY = fromPosition.y + velocity.y / 2;
let minX = Math.min(fromPosition.x - halfSize.x, fromPosition.x + velocity.x - halfSize.x);
let minY = Math.min(fromPosition.y - halfSize.y, fromPosition.y + velocity.y - halfSize.y);, centerY);
this.halfSize.set(centerX - minX, centerY - minY);
// @override
clone() {
return new AABB(, this.halfSize.clone());
* Converts this AABB to a string format
* @returns (center: (x, y), halfSize: (x, y))
toString() {
return "(center: " + + ", half-size: " + this.halfSize.toString() + ")";
exports.default = AABB;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../Vec2");
const AABB_1 = require("./AABB");
const Shape_1 = require("./Shape");
* A Circle
class Circle extends Shape_1.default {
* Creates a new Circle
* @param center The center of the circle
* @param radius The radius of the circle
constructor(center, radius) {
this._center = center ? center : new Vec2_1.default(0, 0);
this.radius = radius ? radius : 0;
get center() {
return this._center;
set center(center) {
this._center = center;
get halfSize() {
return new Vec2_1.default(this.radius, this.radius);
get r() {
return this.radius;
set r(radius) {
this.radius = radius;
// @override
* A simple boolean check of whether this AABB contains a point
* @param point The point to check
* @returns A boolean representing whether this AABB contains the specified point
containsPoint(point) {
return <= this.radius * this.radius;
// @override
getBoundingRect() {
return new AABB_1.default(this._center.clone(), new Vec2_1.default(this.radius, this.radius));
// @override
getBoundingCircle() {
return this.clone();
// @override
overlaps(other) {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
// @override
clone() {
return new Circle(this._center.clone(), this.radius);
toString() {
return "(center: " + + ", radius: " + this.radius + ")";
exports.default = Circle;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../Vec2");
const AABB_1 = require("./AABB");
* An abstract Shape class that acts as an interface for better interactions with subclasses.
class Shape {
get x() {
get y() {
get hw() {
return this.halfSize.x;
get hh() {
return this.halfSize.y;
get top() {
return this.y - this.hh;
get bottom() {
return this.y + this.hh;
get left() {
return this.x - this.hw;
get right() {
return this.x + this.hw;
static getTimeOfCollision(A, velA, B, velB) {
if (A instanceof AABB_1.default && B instanceof AABB_1.default) {
return Shape.getTimeOfCollision_AABB_AABB(A, velA, B, velB);
static getTimeOfCollision_AABB_AABB(A, velA, B, velB) {
let posSmaller =;
let posLarger =;
let sizeSmaller = A.halfSize;
let sizeLarger = B.halfSize;
let firstContact = new Vec2_1.default(0, 0);
let lastContact = new Vec2_1.default(0, 0);
let collidingX = false;
let collidingY = false;
// Sort by position
if (posLarger.x < posSmaller.x) {
// Swap, because smaller is further right than larger
let temp;
temp = sizeSmaller;
sizeSmaller = sizeLarger;
sizeLarger = temp;
temp = posSmaller;
posSmaller = posLarger;
posLarger = temp;
temp = velA;
velA = velB;
velB = temp;
// A is left, B is right
firstContact.x = Infinity;
lastContact.x = Infinity;
if (posLarger.x - sizeLarger.x >= posSmaller.x + sizeSmaller.x) {
// If we aren't currently colliding
let relVel = velA.x - velB.x;
if (relVel > 0) {
// If they are moving towards each other
firstContact.x = ((posLarger.x - sizeLarger.x) - (posSmaller.x + sizeSmaller.x)) / (relVel);
lastContact.x = ((posLarger.x + sizeLarger.x) - (posSmaller.x - sizeSmaller.x)) / (relVel);
else {
collidingX = true;
if (posLarger.y < posSmaller.y) {
// Swap, because smaller is further up than larger
let temp;
temp = sizeSmaller;
sizeSmaller = sizeLarger;
sizeLarger = temp;
temp = posSmaller;
posSmaller = posLarger;
posLarger = temp;
temp = velA;
velA = velB;
velB = temp;
// A is top, B is bottom
firstContact.y = Infinity;
lastContact.y = Infinity;
if (posLarger.y - sizeLarger.y >= posSmaller.y + sizeSmaller.y) {
// If we aren't currently colliding
let relVel = velA.y - velB.y;
if (relVel > 0) {
// If they are moving towards each other
firstContact.y = ((posLarger.y - sizeLarger.y) - (posSmaller.y + sizeSmaller.y)) / (relVel);
lastContact.y = ((posLarger.y + sizeLarger.y) - (posSmaller.y - sizeSmaller.y)) / (relVel);
else {
collidingY = true;
return [firstContact, lastContact, collidingX, collidingY];
exports.default = Shape;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* A LIFO stack with items of type T
class Stack {
* Constructs a new stack
* @param maxElements The maximum size of the stack
constructor(maxElements = 100) {
this.MAX_ELEMENTS = maxElements;
this.stack = new Array(this.MAX_ELEMENTS);
this.head = -1;
* Adds an item to the top of the stack
* @param item The new item to add to the stack
push(item) {
if (this.head + 1 === this.MAX_ELEMENTS) {
throw "Stack full - cannot add element";
this.head += 1;
this.stack[this.head] = item;
* Removes an item from the top of the stack
* @returns The item at the top of the stack
pop() {
if (this.head === -1) {
throw "Stack empty - cannot remove element";
this.head -= 1;
return this.stack[this.head + 1];
* Returns the element currently at the top of the stack
* @returns The item at the top of the stack
peek() {
if (this.head === -1) {
throw "Stack empty - cannot get element";
return this.stack[this.head];
/** Returns true if this stack is empty
* @returns A boolean that represents whether or not the stack is empty
isEmpty() {
return this.head === -1;
// @implemented
clear() {
this.forEach((item, index) => delete this.stack[index]);
this.head = -1;
* Returns the number of items currently in the stack
* @returns The number of items in the stack
size() {
return this.head + 1;
// @implemented
forEach(func) {
let i = 0;
while (i <= this.head) {
func(this.stack[i], i);
i += 1;
* Converts this stack into a string format
* @returns A string representing this stack
toString() {
let retval = "";
this.forEach((item, index) => {
let str = item.toString();
if (index !== 0) {
str += " -> ";
retval = str + retval;
return "Top -> " + retval;
exports.default = Stack;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Emitter_1 = require("../../Events/Emitter");
* An abstract implementation of a state for a @reference[StateMachine].
* This class should be extended to allow for custom state behaviors.
class State {
* Constructs a new State
* @param parent The parent StateMachine of this state
constructor(parent) {
this.parent = parent;
this.emitter = new Emitter_1.default();
* Tells the state machine that this state has ended, and makes it transition to the new state specified
* @param stateName The name of the state to transition to
finished(stateName) {
exports.default = State;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Stack_1 = require("../Stack");
const Map_1 = require("../Map");
const Receiver_1 = require("../../Events/Receiver");
const Emitter_1 = require("../../Events/Emitter");
* An implementation of a Push Down Automata State machine. States can also be hierarchical
* for more flexibility, as described in @link(Game Programming Patterns)(
class StateMachine {
* Creates a new StateMachine
constructor() {
this.stack = new Stack_1.default();
this.stateMap = new Map_1.default();
this.receiver = new Receiver_1.default();
this.emitter = new Emitter_1.default();
this.emitEventOnStateChange = false;
* Sets the activity state of this state machine
* @param flag True if you want to set this machine running, false otherwise
setActive(flag) { = flag;
* Makes this state machine emit an event any time its state changes
* @param stateChangeEventName The name of the event to emit
setEmitEventOnStateChange(stateChangeEventName) {
this.emitEventOnStateChange = true;
this.stateChangeEventName = stateChangeEventName;
* Stops this state machine from emitting events on state change.
cancelEmitEventOnStateChange() {
this.emitEventOnStateChange = false;
* Initializes this state machine with an initial state and sets it running
* @param initialState The name of initial state of the state machine
initialize(initialState, options) {
this.currentState = this.stack.peek();
* Adds a state to this state machine
* @param stateName The name of the state to add
* @param state The state to add
addState(stateName, state) {
this.stateMap.add(stateName, state);
* Changes the state of this state machine to the provided string
* @param state The string name of the state to change to
changeState(state) {
// Exit the current state
let options = this.currentState.onExit();
// Make sure the correct state is at the top of the stack
if (state === "previous") {
// Pop the current state off the stack
else {
// Retrieve the new state from the statemap and put it at the top of the stack
// Retreive the new state from the stack
this.currentState = this.stack.peek();
// Emit an event if turned on
if (this.emitEventOnStateChange) {
this.emitter.fireEvent(this.stateChangeEventName, { state: this.currentState });
// Enter the new state
* Handles input. This happens at the very beginning of this state machine's update cycle.
* @param event The game event to process
handleEvent(event) {
if ( {
// @implemented
update(deltaT) {
// Distribute events
while (this.receiver.hasNextEvent()) {
let event = this.receiver.getNextEvent();
// Delegate the update to the current state
exports.default = StateMachine;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.TiledCollectionTile = exports.TiledObject = exports.TiledLayerData = exports.TiledTilesetData = exports.TiledLayerProperty = exports.TiledTilemapData = void 0;
// @ignorePage
* a representation of Tiled's tilemap data
class TiledTilemapData {
exports.TiledTilemapData = TiledTilemapData;
* A representation of a custom layer property in a Tiled tilemap
class TiledLayerProperty {
exports.TiledLayerProperty = TiledLayerProperty;
* A representation of a tileset in a Tiled tilemap
class TiledTilesetData {
exports.TiledTilesetData = TiledTilesetData;
* A representation of a layer in a Tiled tilemap
class TiledLayerData {
exports.TiledLayerData = TiledLayerData;
class TiledObject {
exports.TiledObject = TiledObject;
class TiledCollectionTile {
exports.TiledCollectionTile = TiledCollectionTile;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const Vec2_1 = require("../Vec2");
* The data representation of a Tileset for the game engine. This represents one image,
* with a startIndex if required (as it is with Tiled using two images in one tilset).
class Tileset {
// TODO: Change this to be more general and work with other tileset formats
constructor(tilesetData) {
// Defer handling of the data to a helper class
* Initialize the tileset from the data from a Tiled json file
* @param tiledData The parsed object from a Tiled json file
initFromTiledData(tiledData) {
this.numRows = tiledData.tilecount / tiledData.columns;
this.numCols = tiledData.columns;
this.startIndex = tiledData.firstgid;
this.endIndex = this.startIndex + tiledData.tilecount - 1;
this.tileSize = new Vec2_1.default(tiledData.tilewidth, tiledData.tilewidth);
this.imageKey = tiledData.image;
this.imageSize = new Vec2_1.default(tiledData.imagewidth, tiledData.imageheight);
* Gets the image key associated with this tilemap
* @returns The image key of this tilemap
getImageKey() {
return this.imageKey;
* Returns a Vec2 containing the left and top offset from the image origin for this tile.
* @param tileIndex The index of the tile from startIndex to endIndex of this tileset
* @returns A Vec2 containing the offset for the specified tile.
getImageOffsetForTile(tileIndex) {
// Get the true index
let index = tileIndex - this.startIndex;
let row = Math.floor(index / this.numCols);
let col = index % this.numCols;
let width = this.tileSize.x;
let height = this.tileSize.y;
// Calculate the position to start a crop in the tileset image
let left = col * width;
let top = row * height;
return new Vec2_1.default(left, top);
* Gets the start index
* @returns The start index
getStartIndex() {
return this.startIndex;
* Gets the tile set
* @returns A Vec2 containing the tile size
getTileSize() {
return this.tileSize;
* Gets the number of rows in the tileset
* @returns The number of rows
getNumRows() {
return this.numRows;
* Gets the number of columns in the tilset
* @returns The number of columns
getNumCols() {
return this.numCols;
getTileCount() {
return this.endIndex - this.startIndex + 1;
* Checks whether or not this tilset contains the specified tile index. This is used for rendering.
* @param tileIndex The index of the tile to check
* @returns A boolean representing whether or not this tilset uses the specified index
hasTile(tileIndex) {
return tileIndex >= this.startIndex && tileIndex <= this.endIndex;
* Render a singular tile with index tileIndex from the tileset located at position dataIndex
* @param ctx The rendering context
* @param tileIndex The value of the tile to render
* @param dataIndex The index of the tile in the data array
* @param worldSize The size of the world
* @param origin The viewport origin in the current layer
* @param scale The scale of the tilemap
renderTile(ctx, tileIndex, dataIndex, maxCols, origin, scale, zoom) {
let image = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance().getImage(this.imageKey);
// Get the true index
let index = tileIndex - this.startIndex;
let row = Math.floor(index / this.numCols);
let col = index % this.numCols;
let width = this.tileSize.x;
let height = this.tileSize.y;
// Calculate the position to start a crop in the tileset image
let left = col * width;
let top = row * height;
// Calculate the position in the world to render the tile
let x = Math.floor((dataIndex % maxCols) * width * scale.x);
let y = Math.floor(Math.floor(dataIndex / maxCols) * height * scale.y);
ctx.drawImage(image, left, top, width, height, Math.floor((x - origin.x) * zoom), Math.floor((y - origin.y) * zoom), Math.ceil(width * scale.x * zoom), Math.ceil(height * scale.y * zoom));
exports.default = Tileset;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const MathUtils_1 = require("../Utils/MathUtils");
* A two-dimensional vector (x, y)
class Vec2 {
* Creates a new Vec2
* @param x The x value of the vector
* @param y The y value of the vector
constructor(x = 0, y = 0) {
* When this vector changes its value, do something
this.onChange = () => { };
this.vec = new Float32Array(2);
this.vec[0] = x;
this.vec[1] = y;
// Expose x and y with getters and setters
get x() {
return this.vec[0];
set x(x) {
this.vec[0] = x;
if (this.onChange) {
get y() {
return this.vec[1];
set y(y) {
this.vec[1] = y;
if (this.onChange) {
static get ZERO() {
return new Vec2(0, 0);
static get INF() {
return new Vec2(Infinity, Infinity);
static get UP() {
return new Vec2(0, -1);
static get DOWN() {
return new Vec2(0, 1);
static get LEFT() {
return new Vec2(-1, 0);
static get RIGHT() {
return new Vec2(1, 0);
* The squared magnitude of the vector. This tends to be faster, so use it in situations where taking the
* square root doesn't matter, like for comparing distances.
* @returns The squared magnitude of the vector
magSq() {
return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y;
* The magnitude of the vector.
* @returns The magnitude of the vector.
mag() {
return Math.sqrt(this.magSq());
* Divdes x and y by the magnitude to obtain the unit vector in the direction of this vector.
* @returns This vector as a unit vector.
normalize() {
if (this.x === 0 && this.y === 0)
return this;
let mag = this.mag();
this.x /= mag;
this.y /= mag;
return this;
* Works like normalize(), but returns a new Vec2
* @returns A new vector that is the unit vector for this one
normalized() {
if (this.isZero()) {
return this;
let mag = this.mag();
return new Vec2(this.x / mag, this.y / mag);
* Sets the x and y elements of this vector to zero.
* @returns This vector, with x and y set to zero.
zero() {
return this.set(0, 0);
* Sets the vector's x and y based on the angle provided. Goes counter clockwise.
* @param angle The angle in radians
* @param radius The magnitude of the vector at the specified angle
* @returns This vector.
setToAngle(angle, radius = 1) {
this.x = MathUtils_1.default.floorToPlace(Math.cos(angle) * radius, 5);
this.y = MathUtils_1.default.floorToPlace(-Math.sin(angle) * radius, 5);
return this;
* Returns a vector that point from this vector to another one
* @param other The vector to point to
* @returns A new Vec2 that points from this vector to the one provided
vecTo(other) {
return new Vec2(other.x - this.x, other.y - this.y);
* Returns a vector containing the direction from this vector to another
* @param other The vector to point to
* @returns A new Vec2 that points from this vector to the one provided. This new Vec2 will be a unit vector.
dirTo(other) {
return this.vecTo(other).normalize();
* Keeps the vector's direction, but sets its magnitude to be the provided magnitude
* @param magnitude The magnitude the vector should be
* @returns This vector with its magnitude set to the new magnitude
scaleTo(magnitude) {
return this.normalize().scale(magnitude);
* Scales x and y by the number provided, or if two number are provided, scales them individually.
* @param factor The scaling factor for the vector, or for only the x-component if yFactor is provided
* @param yFactor The scaling factor for the y-component of the vector
* @returns This vector after scaling
scale(factor, yFactor = null) {
if (yFactor !== null) {
this.x *= factor;
this.y *= yFactor;
return this;
this.x *= factor;
this.y *= factor;
return this;
* Returns a scaled version of this vector without modifying it.
* @param factor The scaling factor for the vector, or for only the x-component if yFactor is provided
* @param yFactor The scaling factor for the y-component of the vector
* @returns A new vector that has the values of this vector after scaling
scaled(factor, yFactor = null) {
return this.clone().scale(factor, yFactor);
* Rotates the vector counter-clockwise by the angle amount specified
* @param angle The angle to rotate by in radians
* @returns This vector after rotation.
rotateCCW(angle) {
let cs = Math.cos(angle);
let sn = Math.sin(angle);
let tempX = this.x * cs - this.y * sn;
let tempY = this.x * sn + this.y * cs;
this.x = tempX;
this.y = tempY;
return this;
* Sets the vectors coordinates to be the ones provided
* @param x The new x value for this vector
* @param y The new y value for this vector
* @returns This vector
set(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return this;
* Copies the values of the other Vec2 into this one.
* @param other The Vec2 to copy
* @returns This vector with its values set to the vector provided
copy(other) {
return this.set(other.x, other.y);
* Adds this vector the another vector
* @param other The Vec2 to add to this one
* @returns This vector after adding the one provided
add(other) {
this.x += other.x;
this.y += other.y;
return this;
* Increments the fields of this vector. Both are incremented with a, if only a is provided.
* @param a The first number to increment by
* @param b The second number to increment by
* @returnss This vector after incrementing
inc(a, b) {
if (b === undefined) {
this.x += a;
this.y += a;
else {
this.x += a;
this.y += b;
return this;
* Subtracts another vector from this vector
* @param other The Vec2 to subtract from this one
* @returns This vector after subtracting the one provided
sub(other) {
this.x -= other.x;
this.y -= other.y;
return this;
* Multiplies this vector with another vector element-wise. In other words, this.x *= other.x and this.y *= other.y
* @param other The Vec2 to multiply this one by
* @returns This vector after multiplying its components by this one
mult(other) {
this.x *= other.x;
this.y *= other.y;
return this;
* Divides this vector with another vector element-wise. In other words, this.x /= other.x and this.y /= other.y
* @param other The vector to divide this one by
* @returns This vector after division
div(other) {
if (other.x === 0 || other.y === 0)
throw "Divide by zero error";
this.x /= other.x;
this.y /= other.y;
return this;
* Does an element wise remainder operation on this vector. this.x %= other.x and this.y %= other.y
* @param other The other vector
* @returns this vector
remainder(other) {
this.x = this.x % other.x;
this.y = this.y % other.y;
return this;
* Returns the squared distance between this vector and another vector
* @param other The vector to compute distance squared to
* @returns The squared distance between this vector and the one provided
distanceSqTo(other) {
return (this.x - other.x) * (this.x - other.x) + (this.y - other.y) * (this.y - other.y);
* Returns the distance between this vector and another vector
* @param other The vector to compute distance to
* @returns The distance between this vector and the one provided
distanceTo(other) {
return Math.sqrt(this.distanceSqTo(other));
* Returns the dot product of this vector and another
* @param other The vector to compute the dot product with
* @returns The dot product of this vector and the one provided.
dot(other) {
return this.x * other.x + this.y * other.y;
* Returns the angle counter-clockwise in radians from this vector to another vector
* @param other The vector to compute the angle to
* @returns The angle, rotating CCW, from this vector to the other vector
angleToCCW(other) {
let dot =;
let det = this.x * other.y - this.y * other.x;
let angle = -Math.atan2(det, dot);
if (angle < 0) {
angle += 2 * Math.PI;
return angle;
* Returns a string representation of this vector rounded to 1 decimal point
* @returns This vector as a string
toString() {
return this.toFixed();
* Returns a string representation of this vector rounded to the specified number of decimal points
* @param numDecimalPoints The number of decimal points to create a string to
* @returns This vector as a string
toFixed(numDecimalPoints = 1) {
return "(" + this.x.toFixed(numDecimalPoints) + ", " + this.y.toFixed(numDecimalPoints) + ")";
* Returns a new vector with the same coordinates as this one.
* @returns A new Vec2 with the same values as this one
clone() {
return new Vec2(this.x, this.y);
* Returns true if this vector and other have the EXACT same x and y (not assured to be safe for floats)
* @param other The vector to check against
* @returns A boolean representing the equality of the two vectors
strictEquals(other) {
return this.x === other.x && this.y === other.y;
* Returns true if this vector and other have the same x and y
* @param other The vector to check against
* @returns A boolean representing the equality of the two vectors
equals(other) {
let xEq = Math.abs(this.x - other.x) < 0.0000001;
let yEq = Math.abs(this.y - other.y) < 0.0000001;
return xEq && yEq;
* Returns true if this vector is the zero vector exactly (not assured to be safe for floats).
* @returns A boolean representing the equality of this vector and the zero vector
strictIsZero() {
return this.x === 0 && this.y === 0;
* Returns true if this x and y for this vector are both zero.
* @returns A boolean representing the equality of this vector and the zero vector
isZero() {
return Math.abs(this.x) < 0.0000001 && Math.abs(this.y) < 0.0000001;
* Sets the function that is called whenever this vector is changed.
* @param f The function to be called
setOnChange(f) {
this.onChange = f;
toArray() {
return this.vec;
* Performs linear interpolation between two vectors
* @param a The first vector
* @param b The second vector
* @param t The time of the lerp, with 0 being vector A, and 1 being vector B
* @returns A new Vec2 representing the lerp between vector a and b.
static lerp(a, b, t) {
return new Vec2(MathUtils_1.default.lerp(a.x, b.x, t), MathUtils_1.default.lerp(a.y, b.y, t));
exports.default = Vec2;
Vec2.ZERO_STATIC = new Vec2(0, 0);
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Map_1 = require("../DataTypes/Map");
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const Color_1 = require("../Utils/Color");
* A util class for rendering Debug messages to the canvas.
class Debug {
* Add a message to display on the debug screen
* @param id A unique ID for this message
* @param messages The messages to print to the debug screen
static log(id, ...messages) {
// let message = "";
// for(let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++){
// message += messages[i].toString();
// }
// Join all messages with spaces
let message = => m.toString()).join(" ");
this.logMessages.add(id, message);
* Deletes a a key from the log and stops it from keeping up space on the screen
* @param id The id of the log item to clear
static clearLogItem(id) {
* Sets the list of nodes to render with the debugger
* @param nodes The new list of nodes
static setNodes(nodes) {
this.nodes = nodes;
* Draws a box at the specified position
* @param center The center of the box
* @param halfSize The dimensions of the box
* @param filled A boolean for whether or not the box is filled
* @param color The color of the box to draw
static drawBox(center, halfSize, filled, color) {
let alpha = this.debugRenderingContext.globalAlpha;
this.debugRenderingContext.globalAlpha = color.a;
if (filled) {
this.debugRenderingContext.fillStyle = color.toString();
this.debugRenderingContext.fillRect(center.x - halfSize.x, center.y - halfSize.y, halfSize.x * 2, halfSize.y * 2);
else {
let lineWidth = 2;
this.debugRenderingContext.lineWidth = lineWidth;
this.debugRenderingContext.strokeStyle = color.toString();
this.debugRenderingContext.strokeRect(center.x - halfSize.x, center.y - halfSize.y, halfSize.x * 2, halfSize.y * 2);
this.debugRenderingContext.globalAlpha = alpha;
* Draws a circle at the specified position
* @param center The center of the circle
* @param radius The dimensions of the box
* @param filled A boolean for whether or not the circle is filled
* @param color The color of the circle
static drawCircle(center, radius, filled, color) {
let alpha = this.debugRenderingContext.globalAlpha;
this.debugRenderingContext.globalAlpha = color.a;
if (filled) {
this.debugRenderingContext.fillStyle = color.toString();
this.debugRenderingContext.arc(center.x, center.y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
else {
let lineWidth = 2;
this.debugRenderingContext.lineWidth = lineWidth;
this.debugRenderingContext.strokeStyle = color.toString();
this.debugRenderingContext.arc(center.x, center.y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
this.debugRenderingContext.globalAlpha = alpha;
* Draws a ray at the specified position
* @param from The starting position of the ray
* @param to The ending position of the ray
* @param color The color of the ray
static drawRay(from, to, color) {
this.debugRenderingContext.lineWidth = 2;
this.debugRenderingContext.strokeStyle = color.toString();
this.debugRenderingContext.moveTo(from.x, from.y);
this.debugRenderingContext.lineTo(to.x, to.y);
* Draws a point at the specified position
* @param pos The position of the point
* @param color The color of the point
static drawPoint(pos, color) {
let pointSize = 6;
this.debugRenderingContext.fillStyle = color.toString();
this.debugRenderingContext.fillRect(pos.x - pointSize / 2, pos.y - pointSize / 2, pointSize, pointSize);
* Sets the default rendering color for text for the debugger
* @param color The color to render the text
static setDefaultTextColor(color) {
this.defaultTextColor = color;
* Performs any necessary setup operations on the Debug canvas
* @param canvas The debug canvas
* @param width The desired width of the canvas
* @param height The desired height of the canvas
* @returns The rendering context extracted from the canvas
static initializeDebugCanvas(canvas, width, height) {
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
this.debugCanvasSize = new Vec2_1.default(width, height);
this.debugRenderingContext = canvas.getContext("2d");
return this.debugRenderingContext;
/** Clears the debug canvas */
static clearCanvas() {
this.debugRenderingContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.debugCanvasSize.x, this.debugCanvasSize.y);
/** Renders the text and nodes sent to the Debug system */
static render() {
/** Renders the text sent to the Debug canvas */
static renderText() {
let y = 20;
this.debugRenderingContext.font = "20px Arial";
this.debugRenderingContext.fillStyle = this.defaultTextColor.toString();
// Draw all of the text
this.logMessages.forEach((key) => {
this.debugRenderingContext.fillText(this.logMessages.get(key), 10, y);
y += 30;
/** Renders the nodes registered with the debug canvas */
static renderNodes() {
if (this.nodes) {
this.nodes.forEach(node => {
exports.default = Debug;
/** A map of log messages to display on the screen */
Debug.logMessages = new Map_1.default();
/** The rendering color for text */
Debug.defaultTextColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Color_1 = require("../Utils/Color");
// @ignorePage
class Stats extends Object {
static initStats() {
let canvas = document.getElementById("stats-canvas");
canvas.width = this.CANVAS_WIDTH;
canvas.height = this.CANVAS_HEIGHT;
this.ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
this.statsDiv = document.getElementById("stats-display");
this.prevfps = new Array();
this.prevClearTimes = new Array();
this.SGClearTimes = new Array();
this.avgSGClearTime = 0;
this.prevFillTimes = new Array();
this.SGFillTimes = new Array();
this.avgSGFillTime = 0;
this.prevUpdateTimes = new Array();
this.SGUpdateTimes = new Array();
this.avgSGUpdateTime = 0;
this.prevQueryTimes = new Array();
this.SGQueryTimes = new Array();
this.avgSGQueryTime = 0;
let clearTime = document.createElement("span");
clearTime.setAttribute("id", "sgclear");
let fillTime = document.createElement("span");
fillTime.setAttribute("id", "sgfill");
let updateTime = document.createElement("span");
updateTime.setAttribute("id", "sgupdate");
let queryTime = document.createElement("span");
queryTime.setAttribute("id", "sgquery");
let br1 = document.createElement("br");
let br2 = document.createElement("br");
let br3 = document.createElement("br");
this.statsDiv.append(clearTime, br1, fillTime, br2, updateTime, br3, queryTime);
this.graphChoices = document.getElementById("chart-option");
let option1 = document.createElement("option");
option1.value = "prevfps";
option1.label = "FPS";
let option2 = document.createElement("option");
option2.value = "prevClearTimes";
option2.label = "Clear Time";
let option3 = document.createElement("option");
option3.value = "prevFillTimes";
option3.label = "Fill time";
let option4 = document.createElement("option");
option4.value = "prevUpdateTimes";
option4.label = "Update time";
let option5 = document.createElement("option");
option5.value = "prevQueryTimes";
option5.label = "Query Time";
let optionAll = document.createElement("option");
optionAll.value = "all";
optionAll.label = "All";
this.graphChoices.append(option1, option2, option3, option4, option5, optionAll);
static updateFPS(fps) {
if (this.prevfps.length > Stats.NUM_POINTS) {
if (this.SGClearTimes.length > 0) {
if (this.prevClearTimes.length > this.NUM_POINTS) {
if (this.SGFillTimes.length > 0) {
if (this.prevFillTimes.length > this.NUM_POINTS) {
if (this.SGUpdateTimes.length > 0) {
if (this.prevUpdateTimes.length > this.NUM_POINTS) {
if (this.SGQueryTimes.length > 0) {
if (this.prevQueryTimes.length > this.NUM_POINTS) {
static log(key, data) {
if (key === "sgclear") {
if (this.SGClearTimes.length > 100) {
else if (key === "sgfill") {
if (this.SGFillTimes.length > 100) {
else if (key === "sgupdate") {
if (this.SGUpdateTimes.length > 100) {
else if (key === "sgquery") {
if (this.SGQueryTimes.length > 1000) {
static render() {
// Display stats
static drawCharts() {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.CANVAS_WIDTH, this.CANVAS_HEIGHT);
let paramString = this.graphChoices.value;
if (paramString === "prevfps" || paramString === "all") {
let param = this.prevfps;
let color = Color_1.default.BLUE.toString();
this.drawChart(param, color);
if (paramString === "prevClearTimes" || paramString === "all") {
let param = this.prevClearTimes;
let color = Color_1.default.RED.toString();
this.drawChart(param, color);
if (paramString === "prevFillTimes" || paramString === "all") {
let param = this.prevFillTimes;
let color = Color_1.default.GREEN.toString();
this.drawChart(param, color);
if (paramString === "prevUpdateTimes" || paramString === "all") {
let param = this.prevUpdateTimes;
let color = Color_1.default.CYAN.toString();
this.drawChart(param, color);
if (paramString === "prevQueryTimes" || paramString === "all") {
let param = this.prevQueryTimes;
let color = Color_1.default.ORANGE.toString();
this.drawChart(param, color);
static drawChart(param, color) {
this.ctx.strokeStyle = Color_1.default.BLACK.toString();
this.ctx.moveTo(10, 10);
this.ctx.lineTo(10, this.CANVAS_HEIGHT - 10);
this.ctx.moveTo(10, this.CANVAS_HEIGHT - 10);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.CANVAS_WIDTH - 10, this.CANVAS_HEIGHT - 10);
let max = Math.max(...param);
let prevX = 10;
let prevY = this.CANVAS_HEIGHT - 10 - param[0] / max * (this.CANVAS_HEIGHT - 20);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = color;
for (let i = 1; i < param.length; i++) {
let fps = param[i];
let x = 10 + i * (this.CANVAS_WIDTH - 20) / this.NUM_POINTS;
let y = this.CANVAS_HEIGHT - 10 - fps / max * (this.CANVAS_HEIGHT - 20);
this.ctx.moveTo(prevX, prevY);
this.ctx.lineTo(x, y);
prevX = x;
prevY = y;
static updateSGStats() {
if (this.SGClearTimes.length > 0) {
this.avgSGClearTime = this.SGClearTimes.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val) / this.SGClearTimes.length;
if (this.SGFillTimes.length > 0) {
this.avgSGFillTime = this.SGFillTimes.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val) / this.SGFillTimes.length;
if (this.SGUpdateTimes.length > 0) {
this.avgSGUpdateTime = this.SGUpdateTimes.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val) / this.SGUpdateTimes.length;
if (this.SGQueryTimes.length > 0) {
this.avgSGQueryTime = this.SGQueryTimes.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val) / this.SGQueryTimes.length;
document.getElementById("sgclear").innerHTML = "Avg SG clear time: " + this.avgSGClearTime;
document.getElementById("sgfill").innerHTML = "Avg SG fill time: " + this.avgSGFillTime;
document.getElementById("sgupdate").innerHTML = "Avg SG update time: " + this.avgSGUpdateTime;
document.getElementById("sgquery").innerHTML = "Avg SG query time: " + this.avgSGQueryTime;
exports.default = Stats;
Stats.NUM_POINTS = 60;
Stats.CANVAS_WIDTH = 300;
Stats.CANVAS_HEIGHT = 300;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const EventQueue_1 = require("./EventQueue");
const GameEvent_1 = require("./GameEvent");
* An event emitter object other systems can use to hook into the EventQueue.
* Provides an easy interface for firing off events.
class Emitter {
/** Creates a new Emitter */
constructor() {
this.eventQueue = EventQueue_1.default.getInstance();
* Emit and event of type eventType with the data packet data
* @param eventType The name of the event to fire off
* @param data A @reference[Map] or record containing any data about the event
fireEvent(eventType, data = null) {
this.eventQueue.addEvent(new GameEvent_1.default(eventType, data));
exports.default = Emitter;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Queue_1 = require("../DataTypes/Queue");
const Map_1 = require("../DataTypes/Map");
const GameEventType_1 = require("./GameEventType");
* The main event system of the game engine.
* Events are sent to the EventQueue, which handles distribution to any systems that are listening for those events.
* This allows for handling of input without having classes directly hook into javascript event handles,
* and allows otherwise separate classes to communicate with each other cleanly, such as a Player object
* requesting a sound be played by the audio system.
* The distribution of @reference[GameEvent]s happens as follows:
* Events are recieved throughout a frame and are queued up by the EventQueue.
* At the beginning of the next frame, events are sent out to any receivers that are hooked into the event type.
* @reference[Receiver]s are then free to process events as they see fit.
* Overall, the EventQueue can be considered as something similar to an email server,
* and the @reference[Receiver]s can be considered as the client inboxes.
* See @link(Game Programming Patterns)( for more discussion on EventQueues
class EventQueue {
constructor() {
this.MAX_SIZE = 100;
this.q = new Queue_1.default(this.MAX_SIZE);
this.receivers = new Map_1.default();
/** Retrieves the instance of the Singleton EventQueue */
static getInstance() {
if (this.instance === null) {
this.instance = new EventQueue();
return this.instance;
/** Adds an event to the EventQueue.
* This is exposed to the rest of the game engine through the @reference[Emitter] class */
addEvent(event) {
* Associates a receiver with a type of event. Every time this event appears in the future,
* it will be given to the receiver (and any others watching that type).
* This is exposed to the rest of the game engine through the @reference[Receiver] class
* @param receiver The event receiver
* @param type The type or types of events to subscribe to
subscribe(receiver, type) {
if (type instanceof Array) {
// If it is an array, subscribe to all event types
for (let t of type) {
this.addListener(receiver, t);
else {
this.addListener(receiver, type);
* Unsubscribes the specified receiver from all events, or from whatever events are provided
* @param receiver The receiver to unsubscribe
* @param keys The events to unsubscribe from. If none are provided, unsubscribe from all
unsubscribe(receiver, {
this.receivers.forEach(eventName => {
// If keys were provided, only continue if this key is one of them
if (events.length > 0 && events.indexOf(eventName) === -1)
// Find the index of our receiver for this key
let index = this.receivers.get(eventName).indexOf(receiver);
// If an index was found, remove the receiver
if (index !== -1) {
this.receivers.get(eventName).splice(index, 1);
// Associate the receiver and the type
addListener(receiver, type) {
if (this.receivers.has(type)) {
else {
this.receivers.add(type, [receiver]);
update(deltaT) {
while (this.q.hasItems()) {
// Retrieve each event
let event = this.q.dequeue();
// If a receiver has this event type, send it the event
if (this.receivers.has(event.type)) {
for (let receiver of this.receivers.get(event.type)) {
// If a receiver is subscribed to all events, send it the event
if (this.receivers.has(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.ALL)) {
for (let receiver of this.receivers.get(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.ALL)) {
exports.default = EventQueue;
EventQueue.instance = null;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Map_1 = require("../DataTypes/Map");
* A representation of an in-game event that is passed through the @reference[EventQueue]
class GameEvent {
* Creates a new GameEvent.
* This is handled implicitly through the @reference[Emitter] class
* @param type The type of the GameEvent
* @param data The data contained by the GameEvent
constructor(type, data = null) {
// Parse the game event data
if (data === null) { = new Map_1.default();
else if (!(data instanceof Map_1.default)) {
// data is a raw object, unpack = new Map_1.default();
for (let key in data) {, data[key]);
else { = data;
this.type = type;
this.time =;
* Checks the type of the GameEvent
* @param type The type to check
* @returns True if the GameEvent is the specified type, false otherwise.
isType(type) {
return this.type === type;
* Returns this GameEvent as a string
* @returns The string representation of the GameEvent
toString() {
return this.type + ": @" + this.time;
exports.default = GameEvent;
"use strict";
// @ignorePage
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.GameEventType = void 0;
var GameEventType;
(function (GameEventType) {
* Mouse Down event. Has data: {position: Vec2 - Mouse Position}
GameEventType["MOUSE_DOWN"] = "mouse_down";
* Mouse Up event. Has data: {position: Vec2 - Mouse Position}
GameEventType["MOUSE_UP"] = "mouse_up";
* Mouse Move event. Has data: {position: Vec2 - Mouse Position}
GameEventType["MOUSE_MOVE"] = "mouse_move";
* Key Down event. Has data: {key: string - The key that is down}
GameEventType["KEY_DOWN"] = "key_down";
* Key Up event. Has data: {key: string - The key that is up}
GameEventType["KEY_UP"] = "key_up";
* Canvas Blur event. Has data: {}
GameEventType["CANVAS_BLUR"] = "canvas_blur";
* Mouse wheel up event. Has data: {}
GameEventType["WHEEL_UP"] = "wheel_up";
* Mouse wheel down event. Has data: {}
GameEventType["WHEEL_DOWN"] = "wheel_down";
* Start Recording event. Has data: {}
GameEventType["START_RECORDING"] = "start_recording";
* Stop Recording event. Has data: {}
GameEventType["STOP_RECORDING"] = "stop_recording";
* Play Recording event. Has data: {}
GameEventType["PLAY_RECORDING"] = "play_recording";
* Play Sound event. Has data: {key: string, loop: boolean, holdReference: boolean }
GameEventType["PLAY_SOUND"] = "play_sound";
* Play Sound event. Has data: {key: string}
GameEventType["STOP_SOUND"] = "stop_sound";
* Play Sound event. Has data: {key: string, loop: boolean, holdReference: boolean, channel: AudioChannelType }
GameEventType["PLAY_SFX"] = "play_sfx";
* Play Sound event. Has data: {key: string, loop: boolean, holdReference: boolean }
GameEventType["PLAY_MUSIC"] = "play_music";
* Mute audio channel event. Has data: {channel: AudioChannelType}
GameEventType["MUTE_CHANNEL"] = "mute_channel";
* Unmute audio channel event. Has data: {channel: AudioChannelType}
GameEventType["UNMUTE_CHANNEL"] = "unmute_channel";
* Encompasses all event types. Used for receivers only.
GameEventType["ALL"] = "all";
})(GameEventType = exports.GameEventType || (exports.GameEventType = {}));
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Queue_1 = require("../DataTypes/Queue");
const EventQueue_1 = require("./EventQueue");
* Receives subscribed events from the EventQueue.
class Receiver {
/** Creates a new Receiver */
constructor() {
this.MAX_SIZE = 100;
this.q = new Queue_1.default(this.MAX_SIZE);
destroy() {
* Adds these types of events to this receiver's queue every update.
* @param eventTypes The types of events this receiver will be subscribed to
subscribe(eventTypes) {
EventQueue_1.default.getInstance().subscribe(this, eventTypes);
* Adds an event to the queue of this reciever. This is used by the @reference[EventQueue] to distribute events
* @param event The event to receive
receive(event) {
try {
catch (e) {
console.warn("Receiver overflow for event " + event.toString());
throw e;
* Retrieves the next event from the receiver's queue
* @returns The next GameEvent
getNextEvent() {
return this.q.dequeue();
* Looks at the next event in the receiver's queue, but doesn't remove it from the queue
* @returns The next GameEvent
peekNextEvent() {
return this.q.peekNext();
* Returns true if the receiver has any events in its queue
* @returns True if the receiver has another event, false otherwise
hasNextEvent() {
return this.q.hasItems();
* Ignore all events this frame
ignoreEvents() {
exports.default = Receiver;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Receiver_1 = require("../Events/Receiver");
const Map_1 = require("../DataTypes/Map");
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const EventQueue_1 = require("../Events/EventQueue");
const GameEventType_1 = require("../Events/GameEventType");
* Receives input events from the @reference[EventQueue] and allows for easy access of information about input by other systems
class Input {
* Initializes the Input object
* @param viewport A reference to the viewport of the game
static initialize(viewport, keyMap) {
Input.viewport = viewport;
Input.mousePressed = false;
Input.mouseJustPressed = false;
Input.receiver = new Receiver_1.default();
Input.keyJustPressed = new Map_1.default();
Input.keyPressed = new Map_1.default();
Input.mousePosition = new Vec2_1.default(0, 0);
Input.mousePressPosition = new Vec2_1.default(0, 0);
Input.scrollDirection = 0;
Input.justScrolled = false;
Input.keysDisabled = false;
Input.mouseDisabled = false;
// Initialize the keymap
Input.keyMap = new Map_1.default();
// Add all keys to the keymap
for (let entry in keyMap) {
let name = keyMap[entry].name;
let keys = keyMap[entry].keys;
Input.keyMap.add(name, keys);
Input.eventQueue = EventQueue_1.default.getInstance();
// Subscribe to all input events
Input.eventQueue.subscribe(Input.receiver, [GameEventType_1.GameEventType.MOUSE_DOWN, GameEventType_1.GameEventType.MOUSE_UP, GameEventType_1.GameEventType.MOUSE_MOVE,
GameEventType_1.GameEventType.KEY_DOWN, GameEventType_1.GameEventType.KEY_UP, GameEventType_1.GameEventType.CANVAS_BLUR, GameEventType_1.GameEventType.WHEEL_UP, GameEventType_1.GameEventType.WHEEL_DOWN]);
static update(deltaT) {
// Reset the justPressed values to false
Input.mouseJustPressed = false;
Input.keyJustPressed.forEach((key) => Input.keyJustPressed.set(key, false));
Input.justScrolled = false;
Input.scrollDirection = 0;
while (Input.receiver.hasNextEvent()) {
let event = Input.receiver.getNextEvent();
// Handle each event type
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.MOUSE_DOWN) {
Input.mouseJustPressed = true;
Input.mousePressed = true;
Input.mousePressPosition ="position");
Input.mouseButtonPressed ="button");
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.MOUSE_UP) {
Input.mousePressed = false;
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.MOUSE_MOVE) {
Input.mousePosition ="position");
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.KEY_DOWN) {
let key ="key");
// Handle space bar
if (key === " ") {
key = "space";
if (!Input.keyPressed.get(key)) {
Input.keyJustPressed.set(key, true);
Input.keyPressed.set(key, true);
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.KEY_UP) {
let key ="key");
// Handle space bar
if (key === " ") {
key = "space";
Input.keyPressed.set(key, false);
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.CANVAS_BLUR) {
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.WHEEL_UP) {
Input.scrollDirection = -1;
Input.justScrolled = true;
else if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.WHEEL_DOWN) {
Input.scrollDirection = 1;
Input.justScrolled = true;
static clearKeyPresses() {
Input.keyJustPressed.forEach((key) => Input.keyJustPressed.set(key, false));
Input.keyPressed.forEach((key) => Input.keyPressed.set(key, false));
* Returns whether or not a key was newly pressed Input frame.
* If the key is still pressed from last frame and wasn't re-pressed, Input will return false.
* @param key The key
* @returns True if the key was just pressed, false otherwise
static isKeyJustPressed(key) {
if (Input.keysDisabled)
return false;
if (Input.keyJustPressed.has(key)) {
return Input.keyJustPressed.get(key);
else {
return false;
* Returns an array of all of the keys that are newly pressed Input frame.
* If a key is still pressed from last frame and wasn't re-pressed, it will not be in Input list.
* @returns An array of all of the newly pressed keys.
static getKeysJustPressed() {
if (Input.keysDisabled)
return [];
let keys = Array();
Input.keyJustPressed.forEach(key => {
if (Input.keyJustPressed.get(key)) {
return keys;
* Returns whether or not a key is being pressed.
* @param key The key
* @returns True if the key is currently pressed, false otherwise
static isKeyPressed(key) {
if (Input.keysDisabled)
return false;
if (Input.keyPressed.has(key)) {
return Input.keyPressed.get(key);
else {
return false;
* Changes the binding of an input name to keys
* @param inputName The name of the input
* @param keys The corresponding keys
static changeKeyBinding(inputName, keys) {
Input.keyMap.set(inputName, keys);
* Clears all key bindings
static clearAllKeyBindings() {
* Returns whether or not an input was just pressed this frame
* @param inputName The name of the input
* @returns True if the input was just pressed, false otherwise
static isJustPressed(inputName) {
if (Input.keysDisabled)
return false;
if (Input.keyMap.has(inputName)) {
const keys = Input.keyMap.get(inputName);
let justPressed = false;
for (let key of keys) {
justPressed = justPressed || Input.isKeyJustPressed(key);
return justPressed;
else {
return false;
* Returns whether or not an input is currently pressed
* @param inputName The name of the input
* @returns True if the input is pressed, false otherwise
static isPressed(inputName) {
if (Input.keysDisabled)
return false;
if (Input.keyMap.has(inputName)) {
const keys = Input.keyMap.get(inputName);
let pressed = false;
for (let key of keys) {
pressed = pressed || Input.isKeyPressed(key);
return pressed;
else {
return false;
* Returns whether or not the mouse was newly pressed Input frame.
* @param mouseButton Optionally specify which mouse click you want to know was pressed.
* 0 for left click, 1 for middle click, 2 for right click.
* @returns True if the mouse was just pressed, false otherwise
static isMouseJustPressed(mouseButton) {
if (mouseButton) {
return Input.mouseJustPressed && !Input.mouseDisabled && mouseButton == this.mouseButtonPressed;
return Input.mouseJustPressed && !Input.mouseDisabled;
* Returns whether or not the mouse is currently pressed
* @param mouseButton Optionally specify which mouse click you want to know was pressed.
* 0 for left click, 1 for middle click, 2 for right click.
* @returns True if the mouse is currently pressed, false otherwise
static isMousePressed(mouseButton) {
if (mouseButton) {
return Input.mousePressed && !Input.mouseDisabled && mouseButton == this.mouseButtonPressed;
return Input.mousePressed && !Input.mouseDisabled;
* Returns whether the user scrolled or not
* @returns True if the user just scrolled Input frame, false otherwise
static didJustScroll() {
return Input.justScrolled && !Input.mouseDisabled;
* Gets the direction of the scroll
* @returns -1 if the user scrolled up, 1 if they scrolled down
static getScrollDirection() {
return Input.scrollDirection;
* Gets the position of the player's mouse
* @returns The mouse position stored as a Vec2
static getMousePosition() {
return Input.mousePosition.scaled(1 / this.viewport.getZoomLevel());
* Gets the position of the player's mouse in the game world,
* taking into consideration the scrolling of the viewport
* @returns The mouse position stored as a Vec2
static getGlobalMousePosition() {
return Input.mousePosition.clone().scale(1 / this.viewport.getZoomLevel()).add(Input.viewport.getOrigin());
* Gets the position of the last mouse press
* @returns The mouse position stored as a Vec2
static getMousePressPosition() {
return Input.mousePressPosition;
* Gets the position of the last mouse press in the game world,
* taking into consideration the scrolling of the viewport
* @returns The mouse position stored as a Vec2
static getGlobalMousePressPosition() {
return Input.mousePressPosition.clone().add(Input.viewport.getOrigin());
* Disables all keypress and mouse click inputs
static disableInput() {
Input.keysDisabled = true;
Input.mouseDisabled = true;
* Enables all keypress and mouse click inputs
static enableInput() {
Input.keysDisabled = false;
Input.mouseDisabled = false;
exports.default = Input;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const EventQueue_1 = require("../Events/EventQueue");
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const GameEvent_1 = require("../Events/GameEvent");
const GameEventType_1 = require("../Events/GameEventType");
* Handles communication with the web browser to receive asynchronous events and send them to the @reference[EventQueue]
class InputHandler {
* Creates a new InputHandler
* @param canvas The game canvas
constructor(canvas) {
this.handleMouseDown = (event, canvas) => {
let pos = this.getMousePosition(event, canvas);
let button = event.button;
let gameEvent = new GameEvent_1.default(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.MOUSE_DOWN, { position: pos, button: button });
this.handleMouseUp = (event, canvas) => {
let pos = this.getMousePosition(event, canvas);
let gameEvent = new GameEvent_1.default(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.MOUSE_UP, { position: pos });
this.handleMouseMove = (event, canvas) => {
let pos = this.getMousePosition(event, canvas);
let gameEvent = new GameEvent_1.default(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.MOUSE_MOVE, { position: pos });
this.handleKeyDown = (event) => {
let key = this.getKey(event);
let gameEvent = new GameEvent_1.default(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.KEY_DOWN, { key: key });
this.handleKeyUp = (event) => {
let key = this.getKey(event);
let gameEvent = new GameEvent_1.default(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.KEY_UP, { key: key });
this.handleBlur = (event) => {
let gameEvent = new GameEvent_1.default(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.CANVAS_BLUR, {});
this.handleContextMenu = (event) => {
this.handleWheel = (event) => {
let gameEvent;
if (event.deltaY < 0) {
gameEvent = new GameEvent_1.default(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.WHEEL_UP, {});
else {
gameEvent = new GameEvent_1.default(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.WHEEL_DOWN, {});
this.eventQueue = EventQueue_1.default.getInstance();
canvas.onmousedown = (event) => this.handleMouseDown(event, canvas);
canvas.onmouseup = (event) => this.handleMouseUp(event, canvas);
canvas.oncontextmenu = this.handleContextMenu;
canvas.onmousemove = (event) => this.handleMouseMove(event, canvas);
document.onkeydown = this.handleKeyDown;
document.onkeyup = this.handleKeyUp;
document.onblur = this.handleBlur;
document.oncontextmenu = this.handleBlur;
document.onwheel = this.handleWheel;
getKey(keyEvent) {
return keyEvent.key.toLowerCase();
getMousePosition(mouseEvent, canvas) {
let rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
let x = mouseEvent.clientX - rect.left;
let y = mouseEvent.clientY -;
return new Vec2_1.default(x, y);
exports.default = InputHandler;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
// @ignorePage
* Sets up the environment of the game engine
class EnvironmentInitializer {
static setup() {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.roundedRect = function (x, y, w, h, r) {
// Clamp the radius between 0 and the min of the width or height
if (r < 0)
r = 0;
if (r > Math.min(w, h))
r = Math.min(w, h);
// Draw the rounded rect
// Top
this.moveTo(x + r, y);
this.lineTo(x + w - r, y);
this.arcTo(x + w, y, x + w, y + r, r);
// Right
this.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r);
this.arcTo(x + w, y + h, x + w - r, y + h, r);
// Bottom
this.lineTo(x + r, y + h);
this.arcTo(x, y + h, x, y + h - r, r);
// Left
this.lineTo(x, y + r);
this.arcTo(x, y, x + r, y, r);
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeRoundedRect = function (x, y, w, h, r) {
this.roundedRect(x, y, w, h, r);
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillRoundedRect = function (x, y, w, h, r) {
this.roundedRect(x, y, w, h, r);
exports.default = EnvironmentInitializer;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const GameLoop_1 = require("./GameLoop");
const Debug_1 = require("../Debug/Debug");
const Stats_1 = require("../Debug/Stats");
* A game loop with a fixed update time and a variable render time.
* Every frame, the game updates until all time since the last frame has been processed.
* If too much time has passed, such as if the last update was too slow,
* or if the browser was put into the background, the loop will panic and discard time.
* A render happens at the end of every frame. This happens as fast as possible unless specified.
* A loop of this type allows for deterministic behavior - No matter what the frame rate is, the update should behave the same,
* as it is occuring in a fixed interval.
class FixedUpdateGameLoop extends GameLoop_1.default {
constructor() {
* The main loop of the game. Updates until the current time is reached. Renders once
* @param timestamp The current time in ms
this.doFrame = (timestamp) => {
// If a pause was executed, stop doing the loop.
if (this.paused) {
// Request animation frame to prepare for another update or render
window.requestAnimationFrame((t) => this.doFrame(t));
// If we are trying to render too soon, do nothing.
if (timestamp < this.lastFrameTime + this.minFrameDelay) {
// A frame is actually happening
// Update while there is still time to make up. If we do too many update steps, panic and exit the loop.
this.numUpdateSteps = 0;
let panic = false;
while (this.frameDelta >= this.updateTimestep) {
// Do an update
this._doUpdate(this.updateTimestep / 1000);
// Remove the update step time from the time we have to process
this.frameDelta -= this.updateTimestep;
// Increment steps and check if we've done too many
if (this.numUpdateSteps > 100) {
panic = true;
// Updates are done, render
// Wrap up the frame
this.maxUpdateFPS = 60;
this.updateTimestep = Math.floor(1000 / this.maxUpdateFPS);
this.frameDelta = 0;
this.lastFrameTime = 0;
this.minFrameDelay = 0;
this.frame = 0;
this.fps = this.maxUpdateFPS; // Initialize the fps to the max allowed fps
this.fpsUpdateInterval = 1000;
this.lastFpsUpdate = 0;
this.framesSinceLastFpsUpdate = 0;
this.started = false;
this.paused = false;
this.running = false;
this.numUpdateSteps = 0;
getFPS() {
return 0;
* Updates the frame count and sum of time for the framerate of the game
* @param timestep The current time in ms
updateFPS(timestamp) {
this.fps = 0.9 * this.framesSinceLastFpsUpdate * 1000 / (timestamp - this.lastFpsUpdate) + (1 - 0.9) * this.fps;
this.lastFpsUpdate = timestamp;
this.framesSinceLastFpsUpdate = 0;
Debug_1.default.log("fps", "FPS: " + this.fps.toFixed(1));
* Changes the maximum allowed physics framerate of the game
* @param initMax The max framerate
setMaxUpdateFPS(initMax) {
this.maxUpdateFPS = initMax;
this.updateTimestep = Math.floor(1000 / this.maxUpdateFPS);
* Sets the maximum rendering framerate
* @param maxFPS The max framerate
setMaxFPS(maxFPS) {
this.minFrameDelay = 1000 / maxFPS;
* This function is called when the game loop panics, i.e. it tries to process too much time in an entire frame.
* This will reset the amount of time back to zero.
* @returns The amount of time we are discarding from processing.
resetFrameDelta() {
let oldFrameDelta = this.frameDelta;
this.frameDelta = 0;
return oldFrameDelta;
* Starts up the game loop and calls the first requestAnimationFrame
start() {
if (!this.started) {
this.started = true;
window.requestAnimationFrame((timestamp) => this.doFirstFrame(timestamp));
pause() {
this.paused = true;
resume() {
this.paused = false;
* The first game frame - initializes the first frame time and begins the render
* @param timestamp The current time in ms
doFirstFrame(timestamp) {
this.running = true;
this.lastFrameTime = timestamp;
this.lastFpsUpdate = timestamp;
this.framesSinceLastFpsUpdate = 0;
window.requestAnimationFrame((t) => this.doFrame(t));
* Handles any processing that needs to be done at the start of the frame
* @param timestamp The time of the frame in ms
startFrame(timestamp) {
// Update the amount of time we need our update to process
this.frameDelta += timestamp - this.lastFrameTime;
// Set the new time of the last frame
this.lastFrameTime = timestamp;
// Update the estimate of the framerate
if (timestamp > this.lastFpsUpdate + this.fpsUpdateInterval) {
// Increment the number of frames
* Wraps up the frame and handles the panic state if there is one
* @param panic Whether or not the loop panicked
finishFrame(panic) {
if (panic) {
var discardedTime = Math.round(this.resetFrameDelta());
console.warn('Main loop panicked, probably because the browser tab was put in the background. Discarding ' + discardedTime + 'ms');
exports.default = FixedUpdateGameLoop;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const EventQueue_1 = require("../Events/EventQueue");
const Input_1 = require("../Input/Input");
const InputHandler_1 = require("../Input/InputHandler");
const Recorder_1 = require("../Playback/Recorder");
const Debug_1 = require("../Debug/Debug");
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const Viewport_1 = require("../SceneGraph/Viewport");
const SceneManager_1 = require("../Scene/SceneManager");
const AudioManager_1 = require("../Sound/AudioManager");
const Stats_1 = require("../Debug/Stats");
const CanvasRenderer_1 = require("../Rendering/CanvasRenderer");
const Color_1 = require("../Utils/Color");
const GameOptions_1 = require("./GameOptions");
const FixedUpdateGameLoop_1 = require("./FixedUpdateGameLoop");
const EnvironmentInitializer_1 = require("./EnvironmentInitializer");
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const RegistryManager_1 = require("../Registry/RegistryManager");
const WebGLRenderer_1 = require("../Rendering/WebGLRenderer");
* The main loop of the game engine.
* Handles the update order, and initializes all subsystems.
* The Game manages the update cycle, and requests animation frames to render to the browser.
class Game {
* Creates a new Game
* @param options The options for Game initialization
constructor(options) {
// Before anything else, build the environment
// Typecast the config object to a GameConfig object
this.gameOptions = GameOptions_1.default.parse(options);
this.showDebug = this.gameOptions.showDebug;
this.showStats = this.gameOptions.showStats;
// Create an instance of a game loop
this.loop = new FixedUpdateGameLoop_1.default();
// Get the game canvas and give it a background color
this.GAME_CANVAS = document.getElementById("game-canvas");
this.DEBUG_CANVAS = document.getElementById("debug-canvas");
// Give the canvas a size and get the rendering context
this.WIDTH = this.gameOptions.canvasSize.x;
this.HEIGHT = this.gameOptions.canvasSize.y;
// This step MUST happen before the resource manager does anything
if (this.gameOptions.useWebGL) {
this.renderingManager = new WebGLRenderer_1.default();
else {
this.renderingManager = new CanvasRenderer_1.default();
this.ctx = this.renderingManager.initializeCanvas(this.GAME_CANVAS, this.WIDTH, this.HEIGHT);
this.clearColor = new Color_1.default(this.gameOptions.clearColor.r, this.gameOptions.clearColor.g, this.gameOptions.clearColor.b);
// Initialize debugging and stats
Debug_1.default.initializeDebugCanvas(this.DEBUG_CANVAS, this.WIDTH, this.HEIGHT);
if (this.gameOptions.showStats) {
// Find the stats output and make it no longer hidden
document.getElementById("stats").hidden = false;
// Size the viewport to the game canvas
const canvasSize = new Vec2_1.default(this.WIDTH, this.HEIGHT);
this.viewport = new Viewport_1.default(canvasSize, this.gameOptions.zoomLevel);
// Initialize all necessary game subsystems
this.eventQueue = EventQueue_1.default.getInstance();
this.inputHandler = new InputHandler_1.default(this.GAME_CANVAS);
Input_1.default.initialize(this.viewport, this.gameOptions.inputs);
this.recorder = new Recorder_1.default();
this.resourceManager = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
this.sceneManager = new SceneManager_1.default(this.viewport, this.renderingManager);
this.audioManager = AudioManager_1.default.getInstance();
* Set up the game window that holds the canvases
initializeGameWindow() {
const gameWindow = document.getElementById("game-window");
// Set the height of the game window = this.WIDTH + "px"; = this.HEIGHT + "px";
* Retreives the SceneManager from the Game
* @returns The SceneManager
getSceneManager() {
return this.sceneManager;
* Starts the game
start(InitialScene, options) {
// Set the update function of the loop
this.loop.doUpdate = (deltaT) => this.update(deltaT);
// Set the render function of the loop
this.loop.doRender = () => this.render();
// Preload registry items
// Load the items with the resource manager
this.resourceManager.loadResourcesFromQueue(() => {
// When we're done loading, start the loop
console.log("Finished Preload - loading first scene");
this.sceneManager.changeToScene(InitialScene, {}, options);
* Updates all necessary subsystems of the game. Defers scene updates to the sceneManager
* @param deltaT The time sine the last update
update(deltaT) {
try {
// Handle all events that happened since the start of the last loop
// Update the input data structures so game objects can see the input
// Update the recording of the game
// Update all scenes
// Update all sounds
// Load or unload any resources if needed
catch (e) {
console.warn("Uncaught Error in Update - Crashing gracefully");
* Clears the canvas and defers scene rendering to the sceneManager. Renders the debug canvas
render() {
try {
// Clear the canvases
// Hacky debug mode
if (Input_1.default.isKeyJustPressed("g")) {
this.showDebug = !this.showDebug;
// Debug render
if (this.showDebug) {
if (this.showStats) {
catch (e) {
console.warn("Uncaught Error in Render - Crashing gracefully");
exports.default = Game;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const NullFunc_1 = require("../DataTypes/Functions/NullFunc");
* The main game loop of the game. Keeps track of fps and handles scheduling of updates and rendering.
* This class is left abstract, so that a subclass can handle exactly how the loop is scheduled.
* For an example of different types of game loop scheduling, check out @link(Game Programming Patterns)(
class GameLoop {
constructor() {
/** The function to call when an update occurs */
this._doUpdate = NullFunc_1.default;
/** The function to call when a render occurs */
this._doRender = NullFunc_1.default;
set doUpdate(update) {
this._doUpdate = update;
set doRender(render) {
this._doRender = render;
exports.default = GameLoop;
"use strict";
// @ignorePage
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
/** The options for initializing the @reference[GameLoop] */
class GameOptions {
* Parses the data in the raw options object
* @param options The game options as a Record
* @returns A version of the options converted to a GameOptions object
static parse(options) {
let gOpt = new GameOptions();
gOpt.canvasSize = options.canvasSize ? options.canvasSize : { x: 800, y: 600 };
gOpt.zoomLevel = options.zoomLevel ? options.zoomLevel : 1;
gOpt.clearColor = options.clearColor ? options.clearColor : { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 };
gOpt.inputs = options.inputs ? options.inputs : [];
gOpt.showDebug = !!options.showDebug;
gOpt.showStats = !!options.showStats;
gOpt.useWebGL = !!options.useWebGL;
return gOpt;
exports.default = GameOptions;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const GameNode_1 = require("./GameNode");
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const AABB_1 = require("../DataTypes/Shapes/AABB");
const Debug_1 = require("../Debug/Debug");
const Color_1 = require("../Utils/Color");
* The representation of an object in the game world that can be drawn to the screen
class CanvasNode extends GameNode_1.default {
constructor() {
/** A flag for whether or not the CanvasNode is visible */
this.visible = true;
this._size = new Vec2_1.default(0, 0);
this._size.setOnChange(() => this.sizeChanged());
this._scale = new Vec2_1.default(1, 1);
this._scale.setOnChange(() => this.scaleChanged());
this._boundary = new AABB_1.default();
this._hasCustomShader = false;
get alpha() {
return this._alpha;
set alpha(a) {
this._alpha = a;
get size() {
return this._size;
set size(size) {
this._size = size;
// Enter as a lambda to bind "this"
this._size.setOnChange(() => this.sizeChanged());
get scale() {
return this._scale;
set scale(scale) {
this._scale = scale;
// Enter as a lambda to bind "this"
this._scale.setOnChange(() => this.scaleChanged());
set scaleX(value) {
this.scale.x = value;
set scaleY(value) {
this.scale.y = value;
get hasCustomShader() {
return this._hasCustomShader;
get customShaderKey() {
return this._customShaderKey;
// @override
positionChanged() {
/** Called if the size vector is changed or replaced. */
sizeChanged() {
/** Called if the scale vector is changed or replaced */
scaleChanged() {
// @docIgnore
/** Called if the position, size, or scale of the CanvasNode is changed. Updates the boundary. */
updateBoundary() {, this.position.y);
this._boundary.halfSize.set(this.size.x * this.scale.x / 2, this.size.y * this.scale.y / 2);
get boundary() {
return this._boundary;
get sizeWithZoom() {
let zoom = this.scene.getViewScale();
return this.boundary.halfSize.clone().scaled(zoom, zoom);
* Adds a custom shader to this CanvasNode
* @param key The registry key of the ShaderType
useCustomShader(key) {
this._hasCustomShader = true;
this._customShaderKey = key;
* Returns true if the point (x, y) is inside of this canvas object
* @param x The x position of the point
* @param y The y position of the point
* @returns A flag representing whether or not this node contains the point.
contains(x, y) {
return this._boundary.containsPoint(new Vec2_1.default(x, y));
// @implemented
debugRender() {
Debug_1.default.drawBox(this.relativePosition, this.sizeWithZoom, false, Color_1.default.BLUE);
exports.default = CanvasNode;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.TweenableProperties = void 0;
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const Receiver_1 = require("../Events/Receiver");
const Emitter_1 = require("../Events/Emitter");
const Region_1 = require("../DataTypes/Interfaces/Region");
const AABB_1 = require("../DataTypes/Shapes/AABB");
const TweenController_1 = require("../Rendering/Animations/TweenController");
const Debug_1 = require("../Debug/Debug");
const Color_1 = require("../Utils/Color");
const Circle_1 = require("../DataTypes/Shapes/Circle");
* The representation of an object in the game world.
* To construct GameNodes, see the @reference[Scene] documentation.
class GameNode {
// Constructor docs are ignored, as the user should NOT create new GameNodes with a raw constructor
constructor() {
/*---------- PHYSICAL ----------*/
this.hasPhysics = false;
this.moving = false;
this.frozen = false;
this.onGround = false;
this.onWall = false;
this.onCeiling = false; = false;
this.isColliding = false;
this.pathfinding = false;
this._position = new Vec2_1.default(0, 0);
this._position.setOnChange(() => this.positionChanged());
this.receiver = new Receiver_1.default();
this.emitter = new Emitter_1.default();
this.tweens = new TweenController_1.default(this);
this.rotation = 0;
destroy() {
if (this.hasPhysics) {
if (this._ai) {
delete this._ai;
/*---------- POSITIONED ----------*/
get position() {
return this._position;
set position(pos) {
this._position = pos;
this._position.setOnChange(() => this.positionChanged());
get relativePosition() {
return this.inRelativeCoordinates(this.position);
* Converts a point to coordinates relative to the zoom and origin of this node
* @param point The point to conver
* @returns A new Vec2 representing the point in relative coordinates
inRelativeCoordinates(point) {
let origin = this.scene.getViewTranslation(this);
let zoom = this.scene.getViewScale();
return point.clone().sub(origin).scale(zoom);
/*---------- UNIQUE ----------*/
get id() {
return this._id;
set id(id) {
// id can only be set once
if (this._id === undefined) {
this._id = id;
else {
throw "Attempted to assign id to object that already has id.";
/*---------- PHYSICAL ----------*/
// @implemented
* @param velocity The velocity with which to move the object.
move(velocity) {
if (this.frozen)
this.moving = true;
this._velocity = velocity;
moveOnPath(speed, path) {
if (this.frozen)
this.path = path;
let dir = path.getMoveDirection(this);
this.moving = true;
this.pathfinding = true;
this._velocity = dir.scale(speed);
// @implemented
* @param velocity The velocity with which the object will move.
finishMove() {
this.moving = false;
if (this.pathfinding) {
this.path = null;
this.pathfinding = false;
// @implemented
* @param collisionShape The collider for this object. If this has a region (implements Region),
* it will be used when no collision shape is specified (or if collision shape is null).
* @param isCollidable Whether this is collidable or not. True by default.
* @param isStatic Whether this is static or not. False by default
addPhysics(collisionShape, colliderOffset, isCollidable = true, isStatic = false) {
// Initialize the physics variables
this.hasPhysics = true;
this.moving = false;
this.onGround = false;
this.onWall = false;
this.onCeiling = false; = true;
this.isCollidable = isCollidable;
this.isStatic = isStatic;
this.isTrigger = false;
this.triggerMask = 0;
this.triggerEnters = new Array(32);
this.triggerExits = new Array(32);
this._velocity = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
this.sweptRect = new AABB_1.default();
this.collidedWithTilemap = false; = -1; // The default group, collides with everything
// Set the collision shape if provided, or simply use the the region if there is one.
if (collisionShape) {
this.collisionShape = collisionShape; = this.position;
else if (Region_1.isRegion(this)) {
// If the gamenode has a region and no other is specified, use that
this.collisionShape = this.boundary.clone();
else {
throw "No collision shape specified for physics object.";
// If we were provided with a collider offset, set it. Otherwise there is no offset, so use the zero vector
if (colliderOffset) {
this.colliderOffset = colliderOffset;
else {
this.colliderOffset = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
// Initialize the swept rect
this.sweptRect = this.collisionShape.getBoundingRect();
// Register the object with physics
/** Removes this object from the physics system */
removePhysics() {
// Remove this from the physics manager
// Nullify all physics fields
this.hasPhysics = false;
this.moving = false;
this.onGround = false;
this.onWall = false;
this.onCeiling = false; = false;
this.isCollidable = false;
this.isStatic = false;
this.isTrigger = false;
this.triggerMask = 0;
this.triggerEnters = null;
this.triggerExits = null;
this._velocity = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
this.sweptRect = null;
this.collidedWithTilemap = false; = -1;
this.collisionShape = null;
this.colliderOffset = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
this.sweptRect = null;
/** Disables physics movement for this node */
freeze() {
this.frozen = true;
/** Reenables physics movement for this node */
unfreeze() {
this.frozen = false;
/** Prevents this object from participating in all collisions and triggers. It can still move. */
disablePhysics() { = false;
/** Enables this object to participate in collisions and triggers. This is only necessary if disablePhysics was called */
enablePhysics() { = true;
* Sets the collider for this GameNode
* @param collider The new collider to use
setCollisionShape(collider) {
this.collisionShape = collider;;
// @implemented
* Sets this object to be a trigger for a specific group
* @param group The name of the group that activates the trigger
* @param onEnter The name of the event to send when this trigger is activated
* @param onExit The name of the event to send when this trigger stops being activated
setTrigger(group, onEnter, onExit) {
// Make this object a trigger
this.isTrigger = true;
// Get the number of the physics layer
let layerNumber = this.scene.getPhysicsManager().getGroupNumber(group);
if (layerNumber === 0) {
console.warn(`Trigger for GameNode ${} not set - group "${group}" was not recognized by the physics manager.`);
// Add this to the trigger mask
this.triggerMask |= layerNumber;
// Layer numbers are bits, so get which bit it is
let index = Math.log2(layerNumber);
// Set the event names
this.triggerEnters[index] = onEnter;
this.triggerExits[index] = onExit;
// @implemented
* @param group The physics group this node should belong to
setGroup(group) {
this.scene.getPhysicsManager().setGroup(this, group);
// @implemened
getLastVelocity() {
return this._velocity;
/*---------- ACTOR ----------*/
get ai() {
return this._ai;
set ai(ai) {
if (!this._ai) {
// If we haven't been previously had an ai, register us with the ai manager
this._ai = ai;
this.aiActive = true;
// @implemented
addAI(ai, options, type) {
if (!this._ai) {
if (typeof ai === "string") {
this._ai = this.scene.getAIManager().generateAI(ai);
else {
this._ai = new ai();
// Question, how much do we want different type of AI to be handled the same, i.e. should GoapAI and AI similar methods and signatures for the sake of unity
this._ai.initializeAI(this, options);
this.aiActive = true;
// @implemented
setAIActive(active, options) {
this.aiActive = active;
if (this.aiActive) {;
/*---------- TWEENABLE PROPERTIES ----------*/
set positionX(value) {
this.position.x = value;
set positionY(value) {
this.position.y = value;
/*---------- GAME NODE ----------*/
* Sets the scene for this object.
* @param scene The scene this object belongs to.
setScene(scene) {
this.scene = scene;
* Gets the scene this object is in.
* @returns The scene this object belongs to
getScene() {
return this.scene;
* Sets the layer of this object.
* @param layer The layer this object will be on.
setLayer(layer) {
this.layer = layer;
* Returns the layer this object is on.
* @returns This layer this object is on.
getLayer() {
return this.layer;
/** Called if the position vector is modified or replaced */
positionChanged() {
if (this.collisionShape) {
if (this.colliderOffset) { = this.position.clone().add(this.colliderOffset);
else { = this.position.clone();
* Updates this GameNode
* @param deltaT The timestep of the update.
update(deltaT) {
// Defer event handling to AI.
while (this.receiver.hasNextEvent()) {
// @implemented
debugRender() {
// Draw the position of this GameNode
Debug_1.default.drawPoint(this.relativePosition, Color_1.default.BLUE);
// If velocity is not zero, draw a vector for it
if (this._velocity && !this._velocity.isZero()) {
Debug_1.default.drawRay(this.relativePosition, this._velocity.clone().scaleTo(20).add(this.relativePosition), Color_1.default.BLUE);
// If this has a collider, draw it
if (this.collisionShape) {
let color = this.isColliding ? Color_1.default.RED : Color_1.default.GREEN;
if (this.isTrigger) {
color = Color_1.default.MAGENTA;
color.a = 0.2;
if (this.collisionShape instanceof AABB_1.default) {
Debug_1.default.drawBox(this.inRelativeCoordinates(, this.collisionShape.halfSize.scaled(this.scene.getViewScale()), true, color);
else if (this.collisionShape instanceof Circle_1.default) {
Debug_1.default.drawCircle(this.inRelativeCoordinates(, this.collisionShape.hw * this.scene.getViewScale(), true, color);
exports.default = GameNode;
var TweenableProperties;
(function (TweenableProperties) {
TweenableProperties["posX"] = "positionX";
TweenableProperties["posY"] = "positionY";
TweenableProperties["scaleX"] = "scaleX";
TweenableProperties["scaleY"] = "scaleY";
TweenableProperties["rotation"] = "rotation";
TweenableProperties["alpha"] = "alpha";
})(TweenableProperties = exports.TweenableProperties || (exports.TweenableProperties = {}));
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const CanvasNode_1 = require("./CanvasNode");
const Color_1 = require("../Utils/Color");
* The representation of a game object that doesn't rely on any resources to render - it is drawn to the screen by the canvas
class Graphic extends CanvasNode_1.default {
constructor() {
this.color = Color_1.default.RED;
get alpha() {
return this.color.a;
set alpha(a) {
this.color.a = a;
// @deprecated
* Sets the color of the Graphic. DEPRECATED
* @param color The new color of the Graphic.
setColor(color) {
this.color = color;
set colorR(r) {
this.color.r = r;
get colorR() {
return this.color.r;
set colorG(g) {
this.color.g = g;
get colorG() {
return this.color.g;
set colorB(b) {
this.color.b = b;
get colorB() {
return this.color.b;
exports.default = Graphic;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.GraphicType = void 0;
var GraphicType;
(function (GraphicType) {
GraphicType["POINT"] = "POINT";
GraphicType["RECT"] = "RECT";
GraphicType["LINE"] = "LINE";
GraphicType["PARTICLE"] = "PARTICLE";
})(GraphicType = exports.GraphicType || (exports.GraphicType = {}));
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Graphic_1 = require("../Graphic");
class Line extends Graphic_1.default {
constructor(start, end) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.thickness = 2;
// Does this really have a meaning for lines?
this.size.set(5, 5);
set start(pos) {
this.position = pos;
get start() {
return this.position;
set end(pos) {
this._end = pos;
get end() {
return this._end;
exports.default = Line;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Point_1 = require("./Point");
* - Position X
- Velocity (speed and direction) X
- Color X
- Lifetime
- Age can be handled as lifetime
- Shape X
- Size X
- Transparency X
class Particle extends Point_1.default {
constructor(position, size, mass) {
// Are we making this a circle?
this.inUse = false;
this.mass = mass;
setParticleActive(lifetime, position) {
this.age = lifetime;
this.inUse = true;
this.visible = true;
this.position = position;
decrementAge(decay) {
this.age -= decay;
setParticleInactive() {
this.inUse = false;
this.visible = false;
set velY(y) {
this.vel.y = y;
get velY() {
return this.vel.y;
exports.default = Particle;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Graphic_1 = require("../Graphic");
/** A basic point to be drawn on the screen. */
class Point extends Graphic_1.default {
constructor(position) {
// Are we making this a circle?
this.position = position;
this.size.set(5, 5);
exports.default = Point;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Graphic_1 = require("../Graphic");
const Color_1 = require("../../Utils/Color");
/** A basic rectangle to be drawn on the screen. */
class Rect extends Graphic_1.default {
constructor(position, size) {
this.position = position;
this.size = size;
this.borderColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
this.borderWidth = 0;
* Sets the border color of this rectangle
* @param color The border color
setBorderColor(color) {
this.borderColor = color;
// @deprecated
getBorderColor() {
return this.borderColor;
* Sets the border width of this rectangle
* @param width The width of the rectangle in pixels
setBorderWidth(width) {
this.borderWidth = width;
getBorderWidth() {
return this.borderWidth;
exports.default = Rect;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Sprite_1 = require("./Sprite");
const AnimationManager_1 = require("../../Rendering/Animations/AnimationManager");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Vec2");
/** An sprite with specified animation frames. */
class AnimatedSprite extends Sprite_1.default {
constructor(spritesheet) {
this.numCols = spritesheet.columns;
this.numRows = spritesheet.rows;
// Set the size of the sprite to the sprite size specified by the spritesheet
this.size.set(spritesheet.spriteWidth, spritesheet.spriteHeight);
this.animation = new AnimationManager_1.default(this);
// Add the animations to the animated sprite
for (let animation of spritesheet.animations) {
this.animation.add(, animation);
get cols() {
return this.numCols;
get rows() {
return this.numRows;
* Gets the image offset for the current index of animation
* @param index The index we're at in the animation
* @returns A Vec2 containing the image offset
getAnimationOffset(index) {
return new Vec2_1.default((index % this.numCols) * this.size.x, Math.floor(index / this.numCols) * this.size.y);
exports.default = AnimatedSprite;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const CanvasNode_1 = require("../CanvasNode");
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Vec2");
* The representation of a sprite - an in-game image
class Sprite extends CanvasNode_1.default {
constructor(imageId) {
this.imageId = imageId;
let image = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance().getImage(this.imageId);
this.size = new Vec2_1.default(image.width, image.height);
this.imageOffset = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
this.invertX = false;
this.invertY = false;
* Sets the offset of the sprite from (0, 0) in the image's coordinates
* @param offset The offset of the sprite from (0, 0) in image coordinates
setImageOffset(offset) {
this.imageOffset = offset;
exports.default = Sprite;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const CanvasNode_1 = require("./CanvasNode");
* The representation of a tilemap - this can consist of a combination of tilesets in one layer
class Tilemap extends CanvasNode_1.default {
// TODO: Make this no longer be specific to Tiled
constructor(tilemapData, layer, tilesets, scale) {
this.tilesets = tilesets;
this.tileSize = new Vec2_1.default(0, 0); =;
let tilecount = 0;
for (let tileset of tilesets) {
tilecount += tileset.getTileCount() + 1;
this.collisionMap = new Array(tilecount);
for (let i = 0; i < this.collisionMap.length; i++) {
this.collisionMap[i] = false;
// Defer parsing of the data to child classes - this allows for isometric vs. orthographic tilemaps and handling of Tiled data or other data
this.parseTilemapData(tilemapData, layer);
this.scale.set(scale.x, scale.y);
* Returns an array of the tilesets associated with this tilemap
* @returns An array of all of the tilesets assocaited with this tilemap.
getTilesets() {
return this.tilesets;
* Returns the size of tiles in this tilemap as they appear in the game world after scaling
* @returns A vector containing the size of tiles in this tilemap as they appear in the game world after scaling.
getTileSize() {
return this.tileSize.scaled(this.scale.x, this.scale.y);
* Gets the tile size taking zoom into account
* @returns The tile size with zoom
getTileSizeWithZoom() {
let zoom = this.scene.getViewScale();
return this.getTileSize().scale(zoom);
* Adds this tilemap to the physics system
addPhysics() {
this.hasPhysics = true; = true; = -1;
exports.default = Tilemap;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Tilemap_1 = require("../Tilemap");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Vec2");
const Debug_1 = require("../../Debug/Debug");
const Color_1 = require("../../Utils/Color");
* The representation of an orthogonal tilemap - i.e. a top down or platformer tilemap
class OrthogonalTilemap extends Tilemap_1.default {
// @override
parseTilemapData(tilemapData, layer) {
// The size of the tilemap in local space
this.numCols = tilemapData.width;
this.numRows = tilemapData.height;
// The size of tiles
this.tileSize.set(tilemapData.tilewidth, tilemapData.tileheight);
// The size of the tilemap on the canvas
this.size.set(this.numCols * this.tileSize.x, this.numRows * this.tileSize.y);
this.position.copy(this.size.scaled(0.5)); =;
this.visible = layer.visible;
// Whether the tilemap is collidable or not
this.isCollidable = false;
if ( {
for (let item of {
if ( === "Collidable") {
this.isCollidable = item.value;
// Set all tiles besides "empty: 0" to be collidable
for (let i = 1; i < this.collisionMap.length; i++) {
this.collisionMap[i] = true;
* Gets the dimensions of the tilemap
* @returns A Vec2 containing the number of columns and the number of rows in the tilemap.
getDimensions() {
return new Vec2_1.default(this.numCols, this.numRows);
* Gets the data value of the tile at the specified world position
* @param worldCoords The coordinates in world space
* @returns The data value of the tile
getTileAtWorldPosition(worldCoords) {
let localCoords = this.getColRowAt(worldCoords);
return this.getTileAtRowCol(localCoords);
* Get the tile at the specified row and column
* @param rowCol The coordinates in tilemap space
* @returns The data value of the tile
getTileAtRowCol(rowCol) {
if (rowCol.x < 0 || rowCol.x >= this.numCols || rowCol.y < 0 || rowCol.y >= this.numRows) {
return -1;
return[rowCol.y * this.numCols + rowCol.x];
* Gets the world position of the tile at the specified index
* @param index The index of the tile
* @returns A Vec2 containing the world position of the tile
getTileWorldPosition(index) {
// Get the local position
let col = index % this.numCols;
let row = Math.floor(index / this.numCols);
// Get the world position
let x = col * this.tileSize.x * this.scale.x;
let y = row * this.tileSize.y * this.scale.y;
return new Vec2_1.default(x, y);
* Gets the data value of the tile at the specified index
* @param index The index of the tile
* @returns The data value of the tile
getTile(index) {
// @override
setTile(index, type) {[index] = type;
* Sets the tile at the specified row and column
* @param rowCol The position of the tile in tilemap space
* @param type The new data value of the tile
setTileAtRowCol(rowCol, type) {
let index = rowCol.y * this.numCols + rowCol.x;
this.setTile(index, type);
* Returns true if the tile at the specified row and column of the tilemap is collidable
* @param indexOrCol The index of the tile or the column it is in
* @param row The row the tile is in
* @returns A flag representing whether or not the tile is collidable.
isTileCollidable(indexOrCol, row) {
// The value of the tile
let tile = 0;
if (row) {
// We have a column and a row
tile = this.getTileAtRowCol(new Vec2_1.default(indexOrCol, row));
if (tile < 0) {
return false;
else {
if (indexOrCol < 0 || indexOrCol >= {
// Tiles that don't exist aren't collidable
return false;
// We have an index
tile = this.getTile(indexOrCol);
return this.collisionMap[tile];
* Takes in world coordinates and returns the row and column of the tile at that position
* @param worldCoords The coordinates of the potential tile in world space
* @returns A Vec2 containing the coordinates of the potential tile in tilemap space
getColRowAt(worldCoords) {
let col = Math.floor(worldCoords.x / this.tileSize.x / this.scale.x);
let row = Math.floor(worldCoords.y / this.tileSize.y / this.scale.y);
return new Vec2_1.default(col, row);
// @override
update(deltaT) { }
// @override
debugRender() {
// Half of the tile size
let zoomedHalfTileSize = this.getTileSizeWithZoom().scaled(0.5);
let halfTileSize = this.getTileSize().scaled(0.5);
// The center of the top left tile
let topLeft = this.position.clone().sub(this.size.scaled(0.5));
// A vec to store the center
let center = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
for (let col = 0; col < this.numCols; col++) {
// Calculate the x-position
center.x = topLeft.x + col * 2 * halfTileSize.x + halfTileSize.x;
for (let row = 0; row < this.numRows; row++) {
if (this.isCollidable && this.isTileCollidable(col, row)) {
// Calculate the y-position
center.y = topLeft.y + row * 2 * halfTileSize.y + halfTileSize.y;
// Draw a box for this tile
Debug_1.default.drawBox(this.inRelativeCoordinates(center), zoomedHalfTileSize, false, Color_1.default.BLUE);
exports.default = OrthogonalTilemap;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const CanvasNode_1 = require("./CanvasNode");
const Color_1 = require("../Utils/Color");
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const Input_1 = require("../Input/Input");
* The representation of a UIElement - the parent class of things like buttons
class UIElement extends CanvasNode_1.default {
constructor(position) {
this.position = position;
this.backgroundColor = new Color_1.default(0, 0, 0, 0);
this.borderColor = new Color_1.default(0, 0, 0, 0);
this.borderRadius = 5;
this.borderWidth = 1;
this.padding = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
this.onClick = null;
this.onClickEventId = null;
this.onRelease = null;
this.onReleaseEventId = null;
this.onEnter = null;
this.onEnterEventId = null;
this.onLeave = null;
this.onLeaveEventId = null;
this.isClicked = false;
this.isEntered = false;
// @deprecated
setBackgroundColor(color) {
this.backgroundColor = color;
// @deprecated
setPadding(padding) {
update(deltaT) {
// See of this object was just clicked
if (Input_1.default.isMouseJustPressed()) {
let clickPos = Input_1.default.getMousePressPosition();
if (this.contains(clickPos.x, clickPos.y) && this.visible && !this.layer.isHidden()) {
this.isClicked = true;
if (this.onClick !== null) {
if (this.onClickEventId !== null) {
let data = {};
this.emitter.fireEvent(this.onClickEventId, data);
// If the mouse wasn't just pressed, then we definitely weren't clicked
if (!Input_1.default.isMousePressed()) {
if (this.isClicked) {
this.isClicked = false;
// Check if the mouse is hovering over this element
let mousePos = Input_1.default.getMousePosition();
if (mousePos && this.contains(mousePos.x, mousePos.y)) {
this.isEntered = true;
if (this.onEnter !== null) {
if (this.onEnterEventId !== null) {
let data = {};
this.emitter.fireEvent(this.onEnterEventId, data);
else if (this.isEntered) {
this.isEntered = false;
if (this.onLeave !== null) {
if (this.onLeaveEventId !== null) {
let data = {};
this.emitter.fireEvent(this.onLeaveEventId, data);
else if (this.isClicked) {
// If mouse is dragged off of element while down, it is not clicked anymore
this.isClicked = false;
* Overridable method for calculating background color - useful for elements that want to be colored on different after certain events
* @returns The background color of the UIElement
calculateBackgroundColor() {
return this.backgroundColor;
* Overridable method for calculating border color - useful for elements that want to be colored on different after certain events
* @returns The border color of the UIElement
calculateBorderColor() {
return this.borderColor;
exports.default = UIElement;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Label_1 = require("./Label");
const Color_1 = require("../../Utils/Color");
/** A clickable button UIElement */
class Button extends Label_1.default {
constructor(position, text) {
super(position, text);
this.backgroundColor = new Color_1.default(150, 75, 203);
this.borderColor = new Color_1.default(41, 46, 30);
this.textColor = new Color_1.default(255, 255, 255);
// @override
calculateBackgroundColor() {
// Change the background color if clicked or hovered
if (this.isEntered && !this.isClicked) {
return this.backgroundColor.lighten();
else if (this.isClicked) {
return this.backgroundColor.darken();
else {
return this.backgroundColor;
exports.default = Button;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.HAlign = exports.VAlign = void 0;
const Vec2_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Vec2");
const Color_1 = require("../../Utils/Color");
const UIElement_1 = require("../UIElement");
/** A basic text-containing label */
class Label extends UIElement_1.default {
constructor(position, text) {
this.text = text;
this.textColor = new Color_1.default(0, 0, 0, 1);
this.font = "Arial";
this.fontSize = 30;
this.hAlign = "center";
this.vAlign = "center";
this.sizeAssigned = false;
// @deprecated
setText(text) {
this.text = text;
// @deprecated
setTextColor(color) {
this.textColor = color;
* Gets a string containg the font details for rendering
* @returns A string containing the font details
getFontString() {
return this.fontSize + "px " + this.font;
* Overridable method for calculating text color - useful for elements that want to be colored on different after certain events
* @returns a string containg the text color
calculateTextColor() {
return this.textColor.toStringRGBA();
* Uses the canvas to calculate the width of the text
* @param ctx The rendering context
* @returns A number representing the rendered text width
calculateTextWidth(ctx) {
ctx.font = this.fontSize + "px " + this.font;
return ctx.measureText(this.text).width;
setHAlign(align) {
this.hAlign = align;
setVAlign(align) {
this.vAlign = align;
* Calculate the offset of the text - this is used for rendering text with different alignments
* @param ctx The rendering context
* @returns The offset of the text in a Vec2
calculateTextOffset(ctx) {
let textWidth = this.calculateTextWidth(ctx);
let offset = new Vec2_1.default(0, 0);
let hDiff = this.size.x - textWidth;
if (this.hAlign === HAlign.CENTER) {
offset.x = hDiff / 2;
else if (this.hAlign === HAlign.RIGHT) {
offset.x = hDiff;
if (this.vAlign === VAlign.TOP) {
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
offset.y = 0;
else if (this.vAlign === VAlign.BOTTOM) {
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
offset.y = this.size.y;
else {
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
offset.y = this.size.y / 2;
return offset;
sizeChanged() {
this.sizeAssigned = true;
* Automatically sizes the element to the text within it
* @param ctx The rendering context
autoSize(ctx) {
let width = this.calculateTextWidth(ctx);
let height = this.fontSize;
this.size.set(width + this.padding.x * 2, height + this.padding.y * 2);
this.sizeAssigned = true;
* Initially assigns a size to the UIElement if none is provided
* @param ctx The rendering context
handleInitialSizing(ctx) {
if (!this.sizeAssigned) {
/** On the next render, size this element to it's current text using its current font size */
sizeToText() {
this.sizeAssigned = false;
exports.default = Label;
var VAlign;
(function (VAlign) {
VAlign["TOP"] = "top";
VAlign["CENTER"] = "center";
VAlign["BOTTOM"] = "bottom";
})(VAlign = exports.VAlign || (exports.VAlign = {}));
var HAlign;
(function (HAlign) {
HAlign["LEFT"] = "left";
HAlign["CENTER"] = "center";
HAlign["RIGHT"] = "right";
})(HAlign = exports.HAlign || (exports.HAlign = {}));
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Vec2");
const Input_1 = require("../../Input/Input");
const Color_1 = require("../../Utils/Color");
const MathUtils_1 = require("../../Utils/MathUtils");
const UIElement_1 = require("../UIElement");
/** A slider UIElement */
class Slider extends UIElement_1.default {
constructor(position, initValue) {
this.value = initValue;
this.nibColor = Color_1.default.RED;
this.sliderColor = Color_1.default.BLACK;
this.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
this.borderColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
this.nibSize = new Vec2_1.default(10, 20);
// Set a default size
this.size.set(200, 20);
* Retrieves the value of the slider
* @returns The value of the slider
getValue() {
return this.value;
/** A method called in response to the value changing */
valueChanged() {
if (this.onValueChange) {
if (this.onValueChangeEventId) {
this.emitter.fireEvent(this.onValueChangeEventId, { target: this, value: this.value });
update(deltaT) {
if (this.isClicked) {
let val = MathUtils_1.default.invLerp(this.position.x - this.size.x / 2, this.position.x + this.size.x / 2, Input_1.default.getMousePosition().x);
this.value = MathUtils_1.default.clamp01(val);
exports.default = Slider;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Color_1 = require("../../Utils/Color");
const Label_1 = require("./Label");
const Input_1 = require("../../Input/Input");
/** A text input UIElement */
class TextInput extends Label_1.default {
constructor(position) {
super(position, "");
this.focused = false;
this.cursorCounter = 0;
// Give a default size to the x only
this.size.set(200, this.fontSize);
this.hAlign = "left";
this.borderColor = Color_1.default.BLACK;
this.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
update(deltaT) {
if (Input_1.default.isMouseJustPressed()) {
let clickPos = Input_1.default.getMousePressPosition();
if (this.contains(clickPos.x, clickPos.y)) {
this.focused = true;
this.cursorCounter = 30;
else {
this.focused = false;
if (this.focused) {
let keys = Input_1.default.getKeysJustPressed();
let nums = "1234567890";
let specialChars = "`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]}\\|;:'\",<.>/?";
let letters = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm";
let mask = nums + specialChars + letters;
keys = keys.filter(key => mask.includes(key));
let shiftPressed = Input_1.default.isKeyPressed("shift");
let backspacePressed = Input_1.default.isKeyJustPressed("backspace");
let spacePressed = Input_1.default.isKeyJustPressed("space");
if (backspacePressed) {
this.text = this.text.substring(0, this.text.length - 1);
else if (spacePressed) {
this.text += " ";
else if (keys.length > 0) {
if (shiftPressed) {
this.text += keys[0].toUpperCase();
else {
this.text += keys[0];
exports.default = TextInput;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.UIElementType = void 0;
var UIElementType;
(function (UIElementType) {
UIElementType["BUTTON"] = "BUTTON";
UIElementType["LABEL"] = "LABEL";
UIElementType["SLIDER"] = "SLIDER";
})(UIElementType = exports.UIElementType || (exports.UIElementType = {}));
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Map_1 = require("../DataTypes/Map");
* The manager class for navigation.
* Handles all navigable entities, such and allows them to be accessed by outside systems by requesting a path
* from one position to another.
class NavigationManager {
constructor() {
this.navigableEntities = new Map_1.default();
* Adds a navigable entity to the NavigationManager
* @param navName The name of the navigable entitry
* @param nav The actual Navigable instance
addNavigableEntity(navName, nav) {
this.navigableEntities.add(navName, nav);
* Gets a path frome one point to another using a specified Navigable object
* @param navName The name of the registered Navigable object
* @param fromPosition The starting position of navigation
* @param toPosition The ending position of Navigation
* @param direct If true, go direct from fromPosition to toPosition, don't use NavMesh
* @returns A NavigationPath containing the route to take over the Navigable entity to get between the provided positions.
getPath(navName, fromPosition, toPosition, direct) {
let nav = this.navigableEntities.get(navName);
return nav.getNavigationPath(fromPosition.clone(), toPosition.clone(), direct);
exports.default = NavigationManager;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
* A path that AIs can follow. Uses finishMove() in Physical to determine progress on the route
class NavigationPath {
* Constructs a new NavigationPath
* @param path The path of nodes to take
constructor(path) {
this.path = path;
this.currentMoveDirection = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
this.distanceThreshold = 4;
* Returns the status of navigation along this NavigationPath
* @returns True if the node has reached the end of the path, false otherwise
isDone() {
return this.path.isEmpty();
* Gets the movement direction in the current position along the path
* @param node The node to move along the path
* @returns The movement direction as a Vec2
getMoveDirection(node) {
// Return direction to next point in the nav
return node.position.dirTo(this.path.peek());
* Updates this NavigationPath to the current state of the GameNode
* @param node The node moving along the path
handlePathProgress(node) {
if (node.position.distanceSqTo(this.path.peek()) < this.distanceThreshold * this.distanceThreshold) {
// We've reached our node, move on to the next destination
toString() {
return this.path.toString();
exports.default = NavigationPath;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Stack_1 = require("../DataTypes/Stack");
const GraphUtils_1 = require("../Utils/GraphUtils");
const NavigationPath_1 = require("./NavigationPath");
* An implementation of a Navmesh. Navmeshes are graphs in the game world along which nodes can move.
class Navmesh {
* Creates a new Navmesh from the points in the speecified graph
* @param graph The graph to construct a navmesh from
constructor(graph) {
this.graph = graph;
// @implemented
getNavigationPath(fromPosition, toPosition, direct) {
let start = this.getClosestNode(fromPosition);
let end = this.getClosestNode(toPosition);
let pathStack = new Stack_1.default(this.graph.numVertices);
// Push the final position and the final position in the graph
if (direct) {
return new NavigationPath_1.default(pathStack);
let parent = GraphUtils_1.default.djikstra(this.graph, start);
// Add all parents along the path
let i = end;
while (parent[i] !== -1) {
i = parent[i];
return new NavigationPath_1.default(pathStack);
* Gets the closest node in this Navmesh to the specified position
* @param position The position to query
* @returns The index of the closest node in the Navmesh to the position
getClosestNode(position) {
let n = this.graph.numVertices;
let i = 1;
let index = 0;
let dist = position.distanceSqTo(this.graph.positions[0]);
while (i < n) {
let d = position.distanceSqTo(this.graph.positions[i]);
if (d < dist) {
dist = d;
index = i;
return index;
exports.default = Navmesh;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const PhysicsManager_1 = require("./PhysicsManager");
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const AABB_1 = require("../DataTypes/Shapes/AABB");
const OrthogonalTilemap_1 = require("../Nodes/Tilemaps/OrthogonalTilemap");
const AreaCollision_1 = require("../DataTypes/Physics/AreaCollision");
* In an effort to keep things simple and working effectively, each dynamic node will resolve its
* collisions considering the rest of the world as static.
* Collision detecting will happen first. This can be considered a broad phase, but it is not especially
* efficient, as it does not need to be for this game engine. Every dynamic node is checked against every
* other node for collision area. If collision area is non-zero (meaning the current node sweeps into another),
* it is added to a list of hits.
* - Physics constants are reset
* - Swept shapes are recalculated. If a node isn't moving, it is skipped.
* - For a node, collision area will be calculated using the swept AABB of the node against every other AABB in a static state
* - These collisions will be sorted by area in descending order
* - For each hit, time of collision is calculated using a swept line through the AABB of the static node expanded
* with minkowski sums (discretely, but the concept is there)
* - The collision is resolved based on the near time of the collision (from method of separated axes)
* - X is resolved by near x, Y by near y.
* - There is some fudging to allow for sliding along walls of separate colliders. Sorting by area also helps with this.
* - Corner to corner collisions are resolve to favor x-movement. This is in consideration of platformers, to give
* the player some help with jumps
* Pros:
* - Everything happens with a consistent time. There is a distinct before and after for each resolution.
* - No back-tracking needs to be done. Once we resolve a node, it is definitively resolved.
* Cons:
* - Nodes that are processed early have movement priority over other nodes. This can lead to some undesirable interactions.
class BasicPhysicsManager extends PhysicsManager_1.default {
constructor(options) {
this.staticNodes = new Array();
this.dynamicNodes = new Array();
this.tilemaps = new Array();
this.collisionMasks = new Array(32);
// Parse options
* Parses the options for constructing the physics manager
* @param options A record of options
parseOptions(options) {
if (options.groupNames !== undefined && options.collisions !== undefined) {
for (let i = 0; i < options.groupNames.length; i++) {
let group = options.groupNames[i];
// Register the group name and number
this.groupNames[i] = group;
this.groupMap.set(group, 1 << i);
let collisionMask = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < options.collisions[i].length; j++) {
if (options.collisions[i][j]) {
collisionMask |= 1 << j;
this.collisionMasks[i] = collisionMask;
// @override
registerObject(node) {
if (node.isStatic) {
// Static and not collidable
else {
// Dynamic and not collidable
// @override
deregisterObject(node) {
if (node.isStatic) {
// Remove the node from the static list
const index = this.staticNodes.indexOf(node);
this.staticNodes.splice(index, 1);
else {
// Remove the node from the dynamic list
const index = this.dynamicNodes.indexOf(node);
this.dynamicNodes.splice(index, 1);
// @override
registerTilemap(tilemap) {
// @override
deregisterTilemap(tilemap) {
const index = this.tilemaps.indexOf(tilemap);
this.tilemaps.splice(index, 1);
// @override
update(deltaT) {
for (let node of this.dynamicNodes) {
/*---------- INITIALIZATION PHASE ----------*/
// Clear frame dependent boolean values for each node
node.onGround = false;
node.onCeiling = false;
node.onWall = false;
node.collidedWithTilemap = false;
node.isColliding = false;
// If this node is not active, don't process it
if (! {
// Update the swept shapes of each node
if (node.moving) {
// If moving, reflect that in the swept shape
node.sweptRect.sweep(node._velocity,, node.collisionShape.halfSize);
else {
// If our node isn't moving, don't bother to check it (other nodes will detect if they run into it);
/*---------- DETECTION PHASE ----------*/
// Gather a set of overlaps
let overlaps = new Array();
let groupIndex = === -1 ? -1 : Math.log2(;
// First, check this node against every static node (order doesn't actually matter here, since we sort anyways)
for (let other of this.staticNodes) {
// Ignore inactive nodes
if (!
let collider = other.collisionShape.getBoundingRect();
let area = node.sweptRect.overlapArea(collider);
if (area > 0) {
// We had a collision
overlaps.push(new AreaCollision_1.default(area, collider, other, "GameNode", null));
// Then, check it against every dynamic node
for (let other of this.dynamicNodes) {
// Ignore ourselves
if (node === other)
// Ignore inactive nodes
if (!
let collider = other.collisionShape.getBoundingRect();
let area = node.sweptRect.overlapArea(collider);
if (area > 0) {
// We had a collision
overlaps.push(new AreaCollision_1.default(area, collider, other, "GameNode", null));
// Lastly, gather a set of AABBs from the tilemap.
// This step involves the most extra work, so it is abstracted into a method
for (let tilemap of this.tilemaps) {
// Ignore inactive tilemaps
if (!
if (tilemap instanceof OrthogonalTilemap_1.default) {
this.collideWithOrthogonalTilemap(node, tilemap, overlaps);
// Sort the overlaps by area
overlaps = overlaps.sort((a, b) => b.area - a.area);
// Keep track of hits to use later
let hits = [];
/*---------- RESOLUTION PHASE ----------*/
// For every overlap, determine if we need to collide with it and when
for (let overlap of overlaps) {
// Ignore nodes we don't interact with
if (groupIndex !== -1 && !== -1 && ((this.collisionMasks[groupIndex] & === 0))
// Do a swept line test on the static AABB with this AABB size as padding (this is basically using a minkowski sum!)
// Start the sweep at the position of this node with a delta of _velocity
const point =;
const delta = node._velocity;
const padding = node.collisionShape.halfSize;
const otherAABB = overlap.collider;
const hit = otherAABB.intersectSegment(, node._velocity, node.collisionShape.halfSize);
overlap.hit = hit;
if (hit !== null) {
// We got a hit, resolve with the time inside of the hit
let tnearx = hit.nearTimes.x;
let tneary = hit.nearTimes.y;
// Allow edge clipping (edge overlaps don't count, only area overlaps)
// Importantly don't allow both cases to be true. Then we clip through corners. Favor x to help players land jumps
if (tnearx < 1.0 && (point.y === - padding.y || point.y === otherAABB.bottom + padding.y) && delta.x !== 0) {
tnearx = 1.0;
else if (tneary < 1.0 && (point.x === otherAABB.left - padding.x || point.x === otherAABB.right + padding.x) && delta.y !== 0) {
tneary = 1.0;
if (hit.nearTimes.x >= 0 && hit.nearTimes.x < 1) {
// Any tilemap objects that made it here are collidable
if (overlap.type === "Tilemap" || overlap.other.isCollidable) {
node._velocity.x = node._velocity.x * tnearx;
node.isColliding = true;
if (hit.nearTimes.y >= 0 && hit.nearTimes.y < 1) {
// Any tilemap objects that made it here are collidable
if (overlap.type === "Tilemap" || overlap.other.isCollidable) {
node._velocity.y = node._velocity.y * tneary;
node.isColliding = true;
/*---------- INFORMATION/TRIGGER PHASE ----------*/
// Check if we ended up on the ground, ceiling or wall
// Also check for triggers
for (let overlap of overlaps) {
// Check for a trigger. If we care about the trigger, react
if (overlap.other.isTrigger && (overlap.other.triggerMask & && != -1) {
// Get the bit that this group is represented by
let index = Math.floor(Math.log2(;
// Extract the triggerEnter event name
this.emitter.fireEvent(overlap.other.triggerEnters[index], {
// Ignore collision sides for nodes we don't interact with
if (groupIndex !== -1 && !== -1 && ((this.collisionMasks[groupIndex] & === 0))
// Only check for direction if the overlap was collidable
if (overlap.type === "Tilemap" || overlap.other.isCollidable) {
let collisionSide = overlap.collider.touchesAABBWithoutCorners(node.collisionShape.getBoundingRect());
if (collisionSide !== null) {
// If we touch, not including corner cases, check the collision normal
if (overlap.hit !== null) {
// If we hit a tilemap, keep track of it
if (overlap.type == "Tilemap") {
node.collidedWithTilemap = true;
if (collisionSide.y === -1) {
// Node is on top of overlap, so onGround
node.onGround = true;
else if (collisionSide.y === 1) {
// Node is on bottom of overlap, so onCeiling
node.onCeiling = true;
else {
// Node wasn't touching on y, so it is touching on x
node.onWall = true;
// Resolve the collision with the node, and move it
* Handles a collision between this node and an orthogonal tilemap
* @param node The node
* @param tilemap The tilemap the node may be colliding with
* @param overlaps The list of overlaps
collideWithOrthogonalTilemap(node, tilemap, overlaps) {
// Get the min and max x and y coordinates of the moving node
let min = new Vec2_1.default(node.sweptRect.left,;
let max = new Vec2_1.default(node.sweptRect.right, node.sweptRect.bottom);
// Convert the min/max x/y to the min and max row/col in the tilemap array
let minIndex = tilemap.getColRowAt(min);
let maxIndex = tilemap.getColRowAt(max);
let tileSize = tilemap.getTileSize();
// Loop over all possible tiles (which isn't many in the scope of the velocity per frame)
for (let col = minIndex.x; col <= maxIndex.x; col++) {
for (let row = minIndex.y; row <= maxIndex.y; row++) {
if (tilemap.isTileCollidable(col, row)) {
// Get the position of this tile
let tilePos = new Vec2_1.default(col * tileSize.x + tileSize.x / 2, row * tileSize.y + tileSize.y / 2);
// Create a new collider for this tile
let collider = new AABB_1.default(tilePos, tileSize.scaled(1 / 2));
// Calculate collision area between the node and the tile
let area = node.sweptRect.overlapArea(collider);
if (area > 0) {
// We had a collision
overlaps.push(new AreaCollision_1.default(area, collider, tilemap, "Tilemap", new Vec2_1.default(col, row)));
exports.default = BasicPhysicsManager;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Receiver_1 = require("../Events/Receiver");
const Emitter_1 = require("../Events/Emitter");
const Map_1 = require("../DataTypes/Map");
* An abstract physics manager.
* This class exposes functions for subclasses to implement that should allow for a working physics system to be created.
class PhysicsManager {
constructor() {
this.receiver = new Receiver_1.default();
this.emitter = new Emitter_1.default();
// The creation and implementation of layers is deferred to the subclass
this.groupMap = new Map_1.default();
this.groupNames = new Array();
destroy() {
* Sets the physics layer of the GameNode
* @param node The GameNode
* @param group The group that the GameNode should be on
setGroup(node, group) { = this.groupMap.get(group);
* Retrieves the layer number associated with the provided name
* @param layer The name of the layer
* @returns The layer number, or 0 if there is not a layer with that name registered
getGroupNumber(group) {
if (this.groupMap.has(group)) {
return this.groupMap.get(group);
else {
return 0;
* Gets all group names associated with the number provided
* @param groups A mask of groups
* @returns All groups contained in the mask
getGroupNames(groups) {
if (groups === -1) {
return [PhysicsManager.DEFAULT_GROUP];
else {
let g = 1;
let names = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (g & groups) {
// This group is in the groups number
// Shift the bit over
g = g << 1;
exports.default = PhysicsManager;
/** The default group name */
PhysicsManager.DEFAULT_GROUP = "Default";
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Queue_1 = require("../DataTypes/Queue");
const Receiver_1 = require("../Events/Receiver");
const EventQueue_1 = require("../Events/EventQueue");
const GameEventType_1 = require("../Events/GameEventType");
// @ignorePage
class Recorder {
constructor() {
this.receiver = new Receiver_1.default();
this.log = new Queue_1.default(1000);
this.recording = false;
this.playing = false;
this.frame = 0;
this.eventQueue = EventQueue_1.default.getInstance();
this.eventQueue.subscribe(this.receiver, "all");
update(deltaT) {
if (this.recording) {
this.frame += 1;
if (this.playing) {
// If playing, ignore events, just feed the record to the event queue
While there is a next item, and while it should occur in this frame,
send the event. i.e., while current_frame * current_delta_t is greater
than recorded_frame * recorded_delta_t
while (this.log.hasItems()
&& this.log.peekNext().frame * this.log.peekNext().delta < this.frame * deltaT) {
let event = this.log.dequeue().event;
if (!this.log.hasItems()) {
this.playing = false;
this.frame += 1;
else {
// If not playing, handle events
while (this.receiver.hasNextEvent()) {
let event = this.receiver.getNextEvent();
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.STOP_RECORDING) {
this.recording = false;
if (this.recording) {
this.log.enqueue(new LogItem(this.frame, deltaT, event));
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.START_RECORDING) {
this.recording = true;
this.frame = 0;
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.PLAY_RECORDING) {
this.frame = 0;
this.recording = false;
this.playing = true;
exports.default = Recorder;
class LogItem {
constructor(frame, deltaT, event) {
this.frame = frame; = deltaT;
this.event = event;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Map_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Map");
/** */
class Registry extends Map_1.default {
exports.default = Registry;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const LabelShaderType_1 = require("../../Rendering/WebGLRendering/ShaderTypes/LabelShaderType");
const PointShaderType_1 = require("../../Rendering/WebGLRendering/ShaderTypes/PointShaderType");
const RectShaderType_1 = require("../../Rendering/WebGLRendering/ShaderTypes/RectShaderType");
const SpriteShaderType_1 = require("../../Rendering/WebGLRendering/ShaderTypes/SpriteShaderType");
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const Registry_1 = require("./Registry");
* A registry that handles shaders
class ShaderRegistry extends Registry_1.default {
constructor() {
this.registryItems = new Array();
* Preloads all built-in shaders
preload() {
// Get the resourceManager and queue all built-in shaders for preloading
const rm = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
// Queue a load for the point shader
this.registerAndPreloadItem(ShaderRegistry.POINT_SHADER, PointShaderType_1.default, "builtin/shaders/point.vshader", "builtin/shaders/point.fshader");
// Queue a load for the rect shader
this.registerAndPreloadItem(ShaderRegistry.RECT_SHADER, RectShaderType_1.default, "builtin/shaders/rect.vshader", "builtin/shaders/rect.fshader");
// Queue a load for the sprite shader
this.registerAndPreloadItem(ShaderRegistry.SPRITE_SHADER, SpriteShaderType_1.default, "builtin/shaders/sprite.vshader", "builtin/shaders/sprite.fshader");
// Queue a load for the label shader
this.registerAndPreloadItem(ShaderRegistry.LABEL_SHADER, LabelShaderType_1.default, "builtin/shaders/label.vshader", "builtin/shaders/label.fshader");
// Queue a load for any preloaded items
for (let item of this.registryItems) {
const shader = new item.constr(item.key);
this.add(item.key, shader);
// Load if desired
if (item.preload !== undefined) {
rm.shader(item.key, item.preload.vshaderLocation, item.preload.fshaderLocation);
* Registers a shader in the registry and loads it before the game begins
* @param key The key you wish to assign to the shader
* @param constr The constructor of the ShaderType
* @param vshaderLocation The location of the vertex shader
* @param fshaderLocation the location of the fragment shader
registerAndPreloadItem(key, constr, vshaderLocation, fshaderLocation) {
let shaderPreload = new ShaderPreload();
shaderPreload.vshaderLocation = vshaderLocation;
shaderPreload.fshaderLocation = fshaderLocation;
let registryItem = new ShaderRegistryItem();
registryItem.key = key;
registryItem.constr = constr;
registryItem.preload = shaderPreload;
* Registers a shader in the registry. NOTE: If you use this, you MUST load the shader before use.
* If you wish to preload the shader, use registerAndPreloadItem()
* @param key The key you wish to assign to the shader
* @param constr The constructor of the ShaderType
registerItem(key, constr) {
let registryItem = new ShaderRegistryItem();
registryItem.key = key;
registryItem.constr = constr;
exports.default = ShaderRegistry;
// Shader names
ShaderRegistry.POINT_SHADER = "point";
ShaderRegistry.RECT_SHADER = "rect";
ShaderRegistry.SPRITE_SHADER = "sprite";
ShaderRegistry.LABEL_SHADER = "label";
class ShaderRegistryItem {
class ShaderPreload {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Map_1 = require("../DataTypes/Map");
const ShaderRegistry_1 = require("./Registries/ShaderRegistry");
* The Registry is the system's way of converting classes and types into string
* representations for use elsewhere in the application.
* It allows classes to be accessed without explicitly using constructors in code,
* and for resources to be loaded at Game creation time.
class RegistryManager {
static preload() {
this.registries.forEach((key) => this.registries.get(key).preload());
static addCustomRegistry(name, registry) {
this.registries.add(name, registry);
static getRegistry(key) {
return this.registries.get(key);
exports.default = RegistryManager;
RegistryManager.shaders = new ShaderRegistry_1.default();
/** Additional custom registries to add to the registry manager */
RegistryManager.registries = new Map_1.default();
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Map_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Map");
const Emitter_1 = require("../../Events/Emitter");
const AnimationTypes_1 = require("./AnimationTypes");
* An animation manager class for an animated CanvasNode.
* This class keeps track of the possible animations, as well as the current animation state,
* and abstracts all interactions with playing, pausing, and stopping animations as well as
* creating new animations from the CanvasNode.
class AnimationManager {
* Creates a new AnimationManager
* @param owner The owner of the AnimationManager
constructor(owner) {
this.owner = owner;
this.animationState = AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.STOPPED;
this.currentAnimation = "";
this.currentFrame = 0;
this.frameProgress = 0;
this.loop = false;
this.animations = new Map_1.default();
this.onEndEvent = null;
this.emitter = new Emitter_1.default();
* Add an animation to this sprite
* @param key The unique key of the animation
* @param animation The animation data
add(key, animation) {
this.animations.add(key, animation);
* Gets the index specified by the current animation and current frame
* @returns The index in the current animation
getIndex() {
if (this.animations.has(this.currentAnimation)) {
return this.animations.get(this.currentAnimation).frames[this.currentFrame].index;
else {
// No current animation, warn the user
console.warn(`Animation index was requested, but the current animation: ${this.currentAnimation} was invalid`);
return 0;
* Determines whether the specified animation is currently playing
* @param key The key of the animation to check
* @returns true if the specified animation is playing, false otherwise
isPlaying(key) {
return this.currentAnimation === key && this.animationState === AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.PLAYING;
* Retrieves the current animation index and advances the animation frame
* @returns The index of the animation frame
getIndexAndAdvanceAnimation() {
// If we aren't playing, we won't be advancing the animation
if (!(this.animationState === AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.PLAYING)) {
return this.getIndex();
if (this.animations.has(this.currentAnimation)) {
let currentAnimation = this.animations.get(this.currentAnimation);
let index = currentAnimation.frames[this.currentFrame].index;
// Advance the animation
this.frameProgress += 1;
if (this.frameProgress >= currentAnimation.frames[this.currentFrame].duration) {
// We have been on this frame for its whole duration, go to the next one
this.frameProgress = 0;
this.currentFrame += 1;
if (this.currentFrame >= currentAnimation.frames.length) {
// We have reached the end of this animation
if (this.loop) {
this.currentFrame = 0;
this.frameProgress = 0;
else {
// Return the current index
return index;
else {
// No current animation, can't advance. Warn the user
console.warn(`Animation index and advance was requested, but the current animation (${this.currentAnimation}) in node with id: ${} was invalid`);
return 0;
/** Ends the current animation and fires any necessary events, as well as starting any new animations */
endCurrentAnimation() {
this.currentFrame = 0;
this.animationState = AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.STOPPED;
if (this.onEndEvent !== null) {
this.emitter.fireEvent(this.onEndEvent, { owner:, animation: this.currentAnimation });
// If there is a pending animation, play it
if (this.pendingAnimation !== null) {, this.pendingLoop, this.pendingOnEnd);
* Plays the specified animation. Does not restart it if it is already playing
* @param animation The name of the animation to play
* @param loop Whether or not to loop the animation. False by default
* @param onEnd The name of an event to send when this animation naturally stops playing. This only matters if loop is false.
playIfNotAlready(animation, loop, onEnd) {
if (this.currentAnimation !== animation) {, loop, onEnd);
* Plays the specified animation
* @param animation The name of the animation to play
* @param loop Whether or not to loop the animation. False by default
* @param onEnd The name of an event to send when this animation naturally stops playing. This only matters if loop is false.
play(animation, loop, onEnd) {
this.currentAnimation = animation;
this.currentFrame = 0;
this.frameProgress = 0;
this.animationState = AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.PLAYING;
// If loop arg was provided, use that
if (loop !== undefined) {
this.loop = loop;
else {
// Otherwise, use what the json file specified
this.loop = this.animations.get(animation).repeat;
if (onEnd !== undefined) {
this.onEndEvent = onEnd;
else {
this.onEndEvent = null;
// Reset pending animation
this.pendingAnimation = null;
* Queues a single animation to be played after the current one. Does NOT stack.
* Queueing additional animations past 1 will just replace the queued animation
* @param animation The animation to queue
* @param loop Whether or not the loop the queued animation
* @param onEnd The event to fire when the queued animation ends
queue(animation, loop = false, onEnd) {
this.pendingAnimation = animation;
this.pendingLoop = loop;
if (onEnd !== undefined) {
this.pendingOnEnd = onEnd;
else {
this.pendingOnEnd = null;
/** Pauses the current animation */
pause() {
this.animationState = AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.PAUSED;
/** Resumes the current animation if possible */
resume() {
if (this.animationState === AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.PAUSED) {
this.animationState = AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.PLAYING;
/** Stops the current animation. The animation cannot be resumed after this. */
stop() {
this.animationState = AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.STOPPED;
exports.default = AnimationManager;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.TweenData = exports.TweenEffect = exports.AnimationData = exports.AnimationState = void 0;
// @ignorePage
var AnimationState;
(function (AnimationState) {
AnimationState[AnimationState["STOPPED"] = 0] = "STOPPED";
AnimationState[AnimationState["PAUSED"] = 1] = "PAUSED";
AnimationState[AnimationState["PLAYING"] = 2] = "PLAYING";
})(AnimationState = exports.AnimationState || (exports.AnimationState = {}));
class AnimationData {
constructor() {
this.repeat = false;
exports.AnimationData = AnimationData;
class TweenEffect {
exports.TweenEffect = TweenEffect;
class TweenData {
exports.TweenData = TweenData;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class ParticleSystemManager {
constructor() {
this.particleSystems = new Array();
static getInstance() {
if (ParticleSystemManager.instance === null) {
ParticleSystemManager.instance = new ParticleSystemManager();
return ParticleSystemManager.instance;
registerParticleSystem(system) {
deregisterParticleSystem(system) {
let index = this.particleSystems.indexOf(system);
this.particleSystems.splice(index, 1);
clearParticleSystems() {
this.particleSystems = new Array();
update(deltaT) {
for (let particleSystem of this.particleSystems) {
exports.default = ParticleSystemManager;
ParticleSystemManager.instance = null;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Map_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Map");
const AnimationTypes_1 = require("./AnimationTypes");
const EaseFunctions_1 = require("../../Utils/EaseFunctions");
const MathUtils_1 = require("../../Utils/MathUtils");
const TweenManager_1 = require("./TweenManager");
const Emitter_1 = require("../../Events/Emitter");
* A manager for the tweens of a GameNode.
* Tweens are short animations played by interpolating between two properties using an easing function.
* For a good visual representation of easing functions, check out @link(
* Multiple tween can be played at the same time, as long as they don't change the same property.
* This allows for some interesting polishes or animations that may be very difficult to do with sprite work alone
* - especially pixel art (such as rotations or scaling).
class TweenController {
* Creates a new TweenController
* @param owner The owner of the TweenController
constructor(owner) {
this.owner = owner;
this.tweens = new Map_1.default();
this.emitter = new Emitter_1.default();
// Give ourselves to the TweenManager
* Destroys this TweenController
destroy() {
// Only the gamenode and the tween manager should have a reference to this
delete this.owner.tweens;
* Add a tween to this game node
* @param key The name of the tween
* @param tween The data of the tween
add(key, tween) {
let typedTween = tween;
// Initialize members that we need (and the user didn't provide)
typedTween.progress = 0;
typedTween.elapsedTime = 0;
typedTween.animationState = AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.STOPPED;
this.tweens.add(key, typedTween);
* Play a tween with a certain name
* @param key The name of the tween to play
* @param loop Whether or not the tween should loop
play(key, loop) {
if (this.tweens.has(key)) {
let tween = this.tweens.get(key);
// Set loop if needed
if (loop !== undefined) {
tween.loop = loop;
// Set the initial values
for (let effect of tween.effects) {
if (effect.resetOnComplete) {
effect.initialValue = this.owner[];
// Start the tween running
tween.animationState = AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.PLAYING;
tween.elapsedTime = 0;
tween.progress = 0;
tween.reversing = false;
else {
console.warn(`Tried to play tween "${key}" on node with id ${}, but no such tween exists`);
* Pauses a playing tween. Does not affect tweens that are stopped.
* @param key The name of the tween to pause.
pause(key) {
if (this.tweens.has(key)) {
this.tweens.get(key).animationState = AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.PAUSED;
* Resumes a paused tween.
* @param key The name of the tween to resume
resume(key) {
if (this.tweens.has(key)) {
let tween = this.tweens.get(key);
if (tween.animationState === AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.PAUSED)
tween.animationState = AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.PLAYING;
* Stops a currently playing tween
* @param key The key of the tween
stop(key) {
if (this.tweens.has(key)) {
let tween = this.tweens.get(key);
tween.animationState = AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.STOPPED;
// Return to the initial values
for (let effect of tween.effects) {
if (effect.resetOnComplete) {
this.owner[] = effect.initialValue;
* The natural stop of a currently playing tween
* @param key The key of the tween
end(key) {
if (this.tweens.has(key)) {
// Get the tween
let tween = this.tweens.get(key);
// If it has an onEnd, send an event
if (tween.onEnd) {
let data = { key: key, node: };
// If it has onEnd event data, add each entry, as long as the key is not named 'key' or 'node'
if (tween.onEndData) {
Object.keys(tween.onEndData).forEach(key => {
if (key !== "key" && key !== "node") {
data[key] = tween.onEndData[key];
this.emitter.fireEvent(tween.onEnd, data);
* Stops all currently playing tweens
stopAll() {
this.tweens.forEach(key => this.stop(key));
update(deltaT) {
this.tweens.forEach(key => {
let tween = this.tweens.get(key);
if (tween.animationState === AnimationTypes_1.AnimationState.PLAYING) {
// Update the progress of the tween
tween.elapsedTime += deltaT * 1000;
// If we're past the startDelay, do the tween
if (tween.elapsedTime >= tween.startDelay) {
if (!tween.reversing && tween.elapsedTime >= tween.startDelay + tween.duration) {
// If we're over time, stop the tween, loop, or reverse
if (tween.reverseOnComplete) {
// If we're over time and can reverse, do so
tween.reversing = true;
else if (tween.loop) {
// If we can't reverse and can loop, do so
tween.elapsedTime -= tween.duration;
else {
// We aren't looping and can't reverse, so stop
// Check for the end of reversing
if (tween.reversing && tween.elapsedTime >= tween.startDelay + 2 * tween.duration) {
if (tween.loop) {
tween.reversing = false;
tween.elapsedTime -= 2 * tween.duration;
else {
// Update the progress, make sure it is between 0 and 1. Errors from this should never be large
if (tween.reversing) {
tween.progress = MathUtils_1.default.clamp01((2 * tween.duration - (tween.elapsedTime - tween.startDelay)) / tween.duration);
else {
tween.progress = MathUtils_1.default.clamp01((tween.elapsedTime - tween.startDelay) / tween.duration);
for (let effect of tween.effects) {
// Get the value from the ease function that corresponds to our progress
let ease = EaseFunctions_1.default[effect.ease](tween.progress);
// Use the value to lerp the property
let value = MathUtils_1.default.lerp(effect.start, effect.end, ease);
// Assign the value of the property
this.owner[] = value;
exports.default = TweenController;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class TweenManager {
constructor() {
this.tweenControllers = new Array();
static getInstance() {
if (TweenManager.instance === null) {
TweenManager.instance = new TweenManager();
return TweenManager.instance;
registerTweenController(controller) {
deregisterTweenController(controller) {
let index = this.tweenControllers.indexOf(controller);
this.tweenControllers.splice(index, 1);
clearTweenControllers() {
this.tweenControllers = new Array();
update(deltaT) {
for (let tweenController of this.tweenControllers) {
exports.default = TweenManager;
TweenManager.instance = null;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Graphic_1 = require("../Nodes/Graphic");
const Point_1 = require("../Nodes/Graphics/Point");
const Rect_1 = require("../Nodes/Graphics/Rect");
const Sprite_1 = require("../Nodes/Sprites/Sprite");
const OrthogonalTilemap_1 = require("../Nodes/Tilemaps/OrthogonalTilemap");
const UIElement_1 = require("../Nodes/UIElement");
const GraphicRenderer_1 = require("./CanvasRendering/GraphicRenderer");
const RenderingManager_1 = require("./RenderingManager");
const TilemapRenderer_1 = require("./CanvasRendering/TilemapRenderer");
const UIElementRenderer_1 = require("./CanvasRendering/UIElementRenderer");
const Label_1 = require("../Nodes/UIElements/Label");
const Button_1 = require("../Nodes/UIElements/Button");
const Slider_1 = require("../Nodes/UIElements/Slider");
const TextInput_1 = require("../Nodes/UIElements/TextInput");
const AnimatedSprite_1 = require("../Nodes/Sprites/AnimatedSprite");
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const Line_1 = require("../Nodes/Graphics/Line");
const Debug_1 = require("../Debug/Debug");
* An implementation of the RenderingManager class using CanvasRenderingContext2D.
class CanvasRenderer extends RenderingManager_1.default {
constructor() {
// @override
setScene(scene) {
this.scene = scene;
// @override
initializeCanvas(canvas, width, height) {
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
this.worldSize = new Vec2_1.default(width, height);
this.ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
this.graphicRenderer = new GraphicRenderer_1.default(this.ctx);
this.tilemapRenderer = new TilemapRenderer_1.default(this.ctx);
this.uiElementRenderer = new UIElementRenderer_1.default(this.ctx);
// For crisp pixel art
this.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
return this.ctx;
// @override
render(visibleSet, tilemaps, uiLayers) {
// Sort by depth, then by visible set by y-value
visibleSet.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.getLayer().getDepth() === b.getLayer().getDepth()) {
return (a.boundary.bottom) - (b.boundary.bottom);
else {
return a.getLayer().getDepth() - b.getLayer().getDepth();
let tilemapIndex = 0;
let tilemapLength = tilemaps.length;
let visibleSetIndex = 0;
let visibleSetLength = visibleSet.length;
while (tilemapIndex < tilemapLength || visibleSetIndex < visibleSetLength) {
// Check conditions where we've already reached the edge of one list
if (tilemapIndex >= tilemapLength) {
// Only render the remaining visible set
let node = visibleSet[visibleSetIndex++];
if (node.visible) {
if (visibleSetIndex >= visibleSetLength) {
// Only render tilemaps
// Render whichever is further down
if (tilemaps[tilemapIndex].getLayer().getDepth() <= visibleSet[visibleSetIndex].getLayer().getDepth()) {
else {
let node = visibleSet[visibleSetIndex++];
if (node.visible) {
// Render the uiLayers on top of everything else
let sortedUILayers = new Array();
uiLayers.forEach(key => sortedUILayers.push(uiLayers.get(key)));
sortedUILayers = sortedUILayers.sort((ui1, ui2) => ui1.getDepth() - ui2.getDepth());
sortedUILayers.forEach(uiLayer => {
if (!uiLayer.isHidden())
uiLayer.getItems().forEach(node => {
if (node.visible) {
* Renders a specified CanvasNode
* @param node The CanvasNode to render
renderNode(node) {
// Calculate the origin of the viewport according to this sprite
this.origin = this.scene.getViewTranslation(node);
// Get the zoom level of the scene
this.zoom = this.scene.getViewScale();
// Move the canvas to the position of the node and rotate
let xScale = 1;
let yScale = 1;
if (node instanceof Sprite_1.default) {
xScale = node.invertX ? -1 : 1;
yScale = node.invertY ? -1 : 1;
this.ctx.setTransform(xScale, 0, 0, yScale, (node.position.x - this.origin.x) * this.zoom, (node.position.y - this.origin.y) * this.zoom);
let globalAlpha = this.ctx.globalAlpha;
if (node instanceof Rect_1.default) {
Debug_1.default.log("node" +, "Node" + + " Alpha: " + node.alpha);
this.ctx.globalAlpha = node.alpha;
if (node instanceof AnimatedSprite_1.default) {
else if (node instanceof Sprite_1.default) {
else if (node instanceof Graphic_1.default) {
else if (node instanceof UIElement_1.default) {
this.ctx.globalAlpha = globalAlpha;
this.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
// @override
renderSprite(sprite) {
// Get the image from the resource manager
let image = this.resourceManager.getImage(sprite.imageId);
Coordinates in the space of the image:
image crop start -> x, y
image crop size -> w, h
Coordinates in the space of the world
image draw start -> x, y
image draw size -> w, h
this.ctx.drawImage(image, sprite.imageOffset.x, sprite.imageOffset.y, sprite.size.x, sprite.size.y, (-sprite.size.x * sprite.scale.x / 2) * this.zoom, (-sprite.size.y * sprite.scale.y / 2) * this.zoom, sprite.size.x * sprite.scale.x * this.zoom, sprite.size.y * sprite.scale.y * this.zoom);
// @override
renderAnimatedSprite(sprite) {
// Get the image from the resource manager
let image = this.resourceManager.getImage(sprite.imageId);
let animationIndex = sprite.animation.getIndexAndAdvanceAnimation();
let animationOffset = sprite.getAnimationOffset(animationIndex);
Coordinates in the space of the image:
image crop start -> x, y
image crop size -> w, h
Coordinates in the space of the world (given we moved)
image draw start -> -w/2, -h/2
image draw size -> w, h
this.ctx.drawImage(image, sprite.imageOffset.x + animationOffset.x, sprite.imageOffset.y + animationOffset.y, sprite.size.x, sprite.size.y, (-sprite.size.x * sprite.scale.x / 2) * this.zoom, (-sprite.size.y * sprite.scale.y / 2) * this.zoom, sprite.size.x * sprite.scale.x * this.zoom, sprite.size.y * sprite.scale.y * this.zoom);
// @override
renderGraphic(graphic) {
if (graphic instanceof Point_1.default) {
this.graphicRenderer.renderPoint(graphic, this.zoom);
else if (graphic instanceof Line_1.default) {
this.graphicRenderer.renderLine(graphic, this.origin, this.zoom);
else if (graphic instanceof Rect_1.default) {
this.graphicRenderer.renderRect(graphic, this.zoom);
// @override
renderTilemap(tilemap) {
if (tilemap instanceof OrthogonalTilemap_1.default) {
// @override
renderUIElement(uiElement) {
if (uiElement instanceof Label_1.default) {
else if (uiElement instanceof Button_1.default) {
else if (uiElement instanceof Slider_1.default) {
else if (uiElement instanceof TextInput_1.default) {
clear(clearColor) {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.worldSize.x, this.worldSize.y);
this.ctx.fillStyle = clearColor.toString();
this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.worldSize.x, this.worldSize.y);
exports.default = CanvasRenderer;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
* A utility class to help the @reference[CanvasRenderer] render @reference[Graphic]s
class GraphicRenderer {
constructor(ctx) {
this.resourceManager = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
this.ctx = ctx;
* Sets the scene of this GraphicRenderer
* @param scene The current scene
setScene(scene) {
this.scene = scene;
* Renders a point
* @param point The point to render
* @param zoom The zoom level
renderPoint(point, zoom) {
this.ctx.fillStyle = point.color.toStringRGBA();
this.ctx.fillRect((-point.size.x / 2) * zoom, (-point.size.y / 2) * zoom, point.size.x * zoom, point.size.y * zoom);
renderLine(line, origin, zoom) {
this.ctx.strokeStyle = line.color.toStringRGBA();
this.ctx.lineWidth = line.thickness;
this.ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
this.ctx.lineTo((line.end.x - line.start.x) * zoom, (line.end.y - line.start.y) * zoom);
* Renders a rect
* @param rect The rect to render
* @param zoom The zoom level
renderRect(rect, zoom) {
// Draw the interior of the rect
if (rect.color.a !== 0) {
this.ctx.fillStyle = rect.color.toStringRGB();
this.ctx.fillRect((-rect.size.x / 2) * zoom, (-rect.size.y / 2) * zoom, rect.size.x * zoom, rect.size.y * zoom);
// Draw the border of the rect if it isn't transparent
if (rect.borderColor.a !== 0) {
this.ctx.strokeStyle = rect.getBorderColor().toStringRGB();
this.ctx.lineWidth = rect.getBorderWidth();
this.ctx.strokeRect((-rect.size.x / 2) * zoom, (-rect.size.y / 2) * zoom, rect.size.x * zoom, rect.size.y * zoom);
exports.default = GraphicRenderer;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Vec2");
* A utility class for the @reference[CanvasRenderer] to render @reference[Tilemap]s
class TilemapRenderer {
constructor(ctx) {
this.resourceManager = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
this.ctx = ctx;
* Sets the scene of this TilemapRenderer
* @param scene The current scene
setScene(scene) {
this.scene = scene;
* Renders an orthogonal tilemap
* @param tilemap The tilemap to render
renderOrthogonalTilemap(tilemap) {
let previousAlpha = this.ctx.globalAlpha;
this.ctx.globalAlpha = tilemap.getLayer().getAlpha();
let origin = this.scene.getViewTranslation(tilemap);
let size = this.scene.getViewport().getHalfSize();
let zoom = this.scene.getViewScale();
let bottomRight = origin.clone().add(size.scaled(2 * zoom));
if (tilemap.visible) {
let minColRow = tilemap.getColRowAt(origin);
let maxColRow = tilemap.getColRowAt(bottomRight);
for (let x = minColRow.x; x <= maxColRow.x; x++) {
for (let y = minColRow.y; y <= maxColRow.y; y++) {
// Get the tile at this position
let tile = tilemap.getTileAtRowCol(new Vec2_1.default(x, y));
// Extract the rot/flip parameters if there are any
const mask = (0xE << 28);
const rotFlip = ((mask & tile) >> 28) & 0xF;
tile = tile & ~mask;
// Find the tileset that owns this tile index and render
for (let tileset of tilemap.getTilesets()) {
if (tileset.hasTile(tile)) {
this.renderTile(tileset, tile, x, y, origin, tilemap.scale, zoom, rotFlip);
this.ctx.globalAlpha = previousAlpha;
* Renders a tile
* @param tileset The tileset this tile belongs to
* @param tileIndex The index of the tile
* @param tilemapRow The row of the tile in the tilemap
* @param tilemapCol The column of the tile in the tilemap
* @param origin The origin of the viewport
* @param scale The scale of the tilemap
* @param zoom The zoom level of the viewport
renderTile(tileset, tileIndex, tilemapRow, tilemapCol, origin, scale, zoom, rotFlip) {
let image = this.resourceManager.getImage(tileset.getImageKey());
// Get the true index
let index = tileIndex - tileset.getStartIndex();
// Get the row and col of the tile in image space
let row = Math.floor(index / tileset.getNumCols());
let col = index % tileset.getNumCols();
let width = tileset.getTileSize().x;
let height = tileset.getTileSize().y;
// Calculate the position to start a crop in the tileset image
let left = col * width;
let top = row * height;
// Calculate the position in the world to render the tile
let x = Math.floor(tilemapRow * width * scale.x);
let y = Math.floor(tilemapCol * height * scale.y);
let worldX = Math.floor((x - origin.x) * zoom);
let worldY = Math.floor((y - origin.y) * zoom);
let worldWidth = Math.ceil(width * scale.x * zoom);
let worldHeight = Math.ceil(height * scale.y * zoom);
if (rotFlip !== 0) {
let scaleX = 1;
let scaleY = 1;
let shearX = 0;
let shearY = 0;
// Flip on the x-axis
if (rotFlip & 8) {
scaleX = -1;
// Flip on the y-axis
if (rotFlip & 4) {
scaleY = -1;
// Flip over the line y=x
if (rotFlip & 2) {
shearX = scaleY;
shearY = scaleX;
scaleX = 0;
scaleY = 0;
this.ctx.setTransform(scaleX, shearX, shearY, scaleY, worldX + worldWidth / 2, worldY + worldHeight / 2);
// Render the tile
this.ctx.drawImage(image, left, top, width, height, -worldWidth / 2, -worldHeight / 2, worldWidth, worldHeight);
if (rotFlip !== 0) {
this.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
else {
// No rotations, don't do the calculations, just render the tile
// Render the tile
this.ctx.drawImage(image, left, top, width, height, worldX, worldY, worldWidth, worldHeight);
exports.default = TilemapRenderer;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Vec2");
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const MathUtils_1 = require("../../Utils/MathUtils");
* A utility class to help the @reference[CanvasRenderer] render @reference[UIElement]s
class UIElementRenderer {
constructor(ctx) {
this.resourceManager = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
this.ctx = ctx;
* Sets the scene of this UIElementRenderer
* @param scene The current scene
setScene(scene) {
this.scene = scene;
* Renders a label
* @param label The label to render
renderLabel(label) {
// // If the size is unassigned (by the user or automatically) assign it
// label.handleInitialSizing(this.ctx);
// // Grab the global alpha so we can adjust it for this render
// let previousAlpha = this.ctx.globalAlpha;
// // Get the font and text position in label
// this.ctx.font = label.getFontString();
// let offset = label.calculateTextOffset(this.ctx);
// // Stroke and fill a rounded rect and give it text
// this.ctx.globalAlpha = label.backgroundColor.a;
// this.ctx.fillStyle = label.calculateBackgroundColor().toStringRGBA();
// this.ctx.fillRoundedRect(-label.size.x/2, -label.size.y/2,
// label.size.x, label.size.y, label.borderRadius);
// this.ctx.strokeStyle = label.calculateBorderColor().toStringRGBA();
// this.ctx.globalAlpha = label.borderColor.a;
// this.ctx.lineWidth = label.borderWidth;
// this.ctx.strokeRoundedRect(-label.size.x/2, -label.size.y/2,
// label.size.x, label.size.y, label.borderRadius);
// this.ctx.fillStyle = label.calculateTextColor();
// this.ctx.globalAlpha = label.textColor.a;
// this.ctx.fillText(label.text, offset.x - label.size.x/2, offset.y - label.size.y/2);
// this.ctx.globalAlpha = previousAlpha;
// If the size is unassigned (by the user or automatically) assign it
let lines = label.text.split('\n');
let tempText = label.text;
if (lines.length > 1) {
let max = 0;
let maxLengthIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].length > max) {
max = lines[i].length;
maxLengthIndex = i;
label.text = lines[maxLengthIndex];
// Grab the global alpha so we can adjust it for this render
let previousAlpha = this.ctx.globalAlpha;
// Get the font and text position in label
this.ctx.font = label.getFontString();
let offset = label.calculateTextOffset(this.ctx);
// Stroke and fill a rounded rect and give it text
this.ctx.globalAlpha = label.backgroundColor.a;
this.ctx.fillStyle = label.calculateBackgroundColor().toStringRGBA();
this.ctx.fillRoundedRect(-label.size.x / 2, -label.size.y / 2, label.size.x, label.size.y, label.borderRadius);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = label.calculateBorderColor().toStringRGBA();
this.ctx.globalAlpha = label.borderColor.a;
this.ctx.lineWidth = label.borderWidth;
this.ctx.strokeRoundedRect(-label.size.x / 2, -label.size.y / 2, label.size.x, label.size.y + ((lines.length - 1) * label.fontSize), label.borderRadius);
this.ctx.fillStyle = label.calculateTextColor();
this.ctx.globalAlpha = label.textColor.a;
if (lines.length === 1) {
this.ctx.fillText(label.text, offset.x - label.size.x / 2, (offset.y - label.size.y / 2));
else {
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
let additionalY = i * (label.size.y / 2 + (label.fontSize === 40 ? 20 : 10));
label.text = lines[i];
offset = label.calculateTextOffset(this.ctx);
this.ctx.fillText(lines[i], (offset.x - label.size.x / 2), (offset.y - label.size.y / 2 + additionalY));
this.ctx.globalAlpha = previousAlpha;
label.text = tempText;
* Renders a button
* @param button The button to render
renderButton(button) {
* Renders a slider
* @param slider The slider to render
renderSlider(slider) {
// Grab the global alpha so we can adjust it for this render
let previousAlpha = this.ctx.globalAlpha;
this.ctx.globalAlpha = slider.getLayer().getAlpha();
// Calcualate the slider size
let sliderSize = new Vec2_1.default(slider.size.x, 2);
// Draw the slider
this.ctx.fillStyle = slider.sliderColor.toString();
this.ctx.fillRoundedRect(-sliderSize.x / 2, -sliderSize.y / 2, sliderSize.x, sliderSize.y, slider.borderRadius);
// Calculate the nib size and position
let x = MathUtils_1.default.lerp(-slider.size.x / 2, slider.size.x / 2, slider.getValue());
// Draw the nib
this.ctx.fillStyle = slider.nibColor.toString();
this.ctx.fillRoundedRect(x - slider.nibSize.x / 2, -slider.nibSize.y / 2, slider.nibSize.x, slider.nibSize.y, slider.borderRadius);
// Reset the alpha
this.ctx.globalAlpha = previousAlpha;
* Renders a textInput
* @param textInput The textInput to render
renderTextInput(textInput) {
// Show a cursor sometimes
if (textInput.focused && textInput.cursorCounter % 60 > 30) {
textInput.text += "|";
if (textInput.focused) {
if (textInput.cursorCounter % 60 > 30) {
textInput.text = textInput.text.substring(0, textInput.text.length - 1);
textInput.cursorCounter += 1;
if (textInput.cursorCounter >= 60) {
textInput.cursorCounter = 0;
exports.default = UIElementRenderer;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
* An abstract framework to put all rendering in once place in the application
class RenderingManager {
constructor() {
this.resourceManager = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
* Sets the scene currently being rendered
* @param scene The current Scene
setScene(scene) {
this.scene = scene;
exports.default = RenderingManager;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const Graphic_1 = require("../Nodes/Graphic");
const Point_1 = require("../Nodes/Graphics/Point");
const Rect_1 = require("../Nodes/Graphics/Rect");
const AnimatedSprite_1 = require("../Nodes/Sprites/AnimatedSprite");
const Sprite_1 = require("../Nodes/Sprites/Sprite");
const UIElement_1 = require("../Nodes/UIElement");
const Label_1 = require("../Nodes/UIElements/Label");
const ShaderRegistry_1 = require("../Registry/Registries/ShaderRegistry");
const RegistryManager_1 = require("../Registry/RegistryManager");
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const ParallaxLayer_1 = require("../Scene/Layers/ParallaxLayer");
const RenderingManager_1 = require("./RenderingManager");
class WebGLRenderer extends RenderingManager_1.default {
initializeCanvas(canvas, width, height) {
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
this.worldSize = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
this.worldSize.x = width;
this.worldSize.y = height;
// Get the WebGL context = canvas.getContext("webgl");, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);;;,;;
// Tell the resource manager we're using WebGL
// Show the text canvas and get its context
let textCanvas = document.getElementById("text-canvas");
textCanvas.hidden = false;
this.textCtx = textCanvas.getContext("2d");
// Size the text canvas to be the same as the game canvas
textCanvas.height = height;
textCanvas.width = width;
render(visibleSet, tilemaps, uiLayers) {
for (let node of visibleSet) {
uiLayers.forEach(key => {
if (!uiLayers.get(key).isHidden())
uiLayers.get(key).getItems().forEach(node => this.renderNode(node));
clear(color) {, color.g, color.b, color.a); |;
this.textCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.worldSize.x, this.worldSize.y);
renderNode(node) {
// Calculate the origin of the viewport according to this sprite
this.origin = this.scene.getViewTranslation(node);
// Get the zoom level of the scene
this.zoom = this.scene.getViewScale();
if (node.hasCustomShader) {
// If the node has a custom shader, render using that
else if (node instanceof Graphic_1.default) {
else if (node instanceof Sprite_1.default) {
if (node instanceof AnimatedSprite_1.default) {
else {
else if (node instanceof UIElement_1.default) {
renderSprite(sprite) {
let shader = RegistryManager_1.default.shaders.get(ShaderRegistry_1.default.SPRITE_SHADER);
let options = this.addOptions(shader.getOptions(sprite), sprite);
shader.render(, options);
renderAnimatedSprite(sprite) {
let shader = RegistryManager_1.default.shaders.get(ShaderRegistry_1.default.SPRITE_SHADER);
let options = this.addOptions(shader.getOptions(sprite), sprite);
shader.render(, options);
renderGraphic(graphic) {
if (graphic instanceof Point_1.default) {
let shader = RegistryManager_1.default.shaders.get(ShaderRegistry_1.default.POINT_SHADER);
let options = this.addOptions(shader.getOptions(graphic), graphic);
shader.render(, options);
else if (graphic instanceof Rect_1.default) {
let shader = RegistryManager_1.default.shaders.get(ShaderRegistry_1.default.RECT_SHADER);
let options = this.addOptions(shader.getOptions(graphic), graphic);
shader.render(, options);
renderTilemap(tilemap) {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
renderUIElement(uiElement) {
if (uiElement instanceof Label_1.default) {
let shader = RegistryManager_1.default.shaders.get(ShaderRegistry_1.default.LABEL_SHADER);
let options = this.addOptions(shader.getOptions(uiElement), uiElement);
shader.render(, options);
this.textCtx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, (uiElement.position.x - this.origin.x) * this.zoom, (uiElement.position.y - this.origin.y) * this.zoom);
let globalAlpha = this.textCtx.globalAlpha;
this.textCtx.globalAlpha = uiElement.alpha;
// Render text
this.textCtx.font = uiElement.getFontString();
let offset = uiElement.calculateTextOffset(this.textCtx);
this.textCtx.fillStyle = uiElement.calculateTextColor();
this.textCtx.globalAlpha = uiElement.textColor.a;
this.textCtx.fillText(uiElement.text, offset.x - uiElement.size.x / 2, offset.y - uiElement.size.y / 2);
this.textCtx.globalAlpha = globalAlpha;
this.textCtx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
renderCustom(node) {
let shader = RegistryManager_1.default.shaders.get(node.customShaderKey);
let options = this.addOptions(shader.getOptions(node), node);
shader.render(, options);
addOptions(options, node) {
// Give the shader access to the world size
options.worldSize = this.worldSize;
// Adjust the origin position to the parallax
let layer = node.getLayer();
let parallax = new Vec2_1.default(1, 1);
if (layer instanceof ParallaxLayer_1.default) {
parallax = layer.parallax;
options.origin = this.origin.clone().mult(parallax);
return options;
exports.default = WebGLRenderer;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
* A wrapper class for WebGL shaders.
* This class is a singleton, and there is only one for each shader type.
* All objects that use this shader type will refer to and modify this same type.
class ShaderType {
constructor(programKey) {
this.programKey = programKey;
this.resourceManager = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
* Extracts the options from the CanvasNode and gives them to the render function
* @param node The node to get options from
* @returns An object containing the options that should be passed to the render function
getOptions(node) { return {}; }
exports.default = ShaderType;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Mat4x4_1 = require("../../../DataTypes/Mat4x4");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../../DataTypes/Vec2");
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const QuadShaderType_1 = require("./QuadShaderType");
/** */
class LabelShaderType extends QuadShaderType_1.default {
constructor(programKey) {
this.resourceManager = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
initBufferObject() {
this.bufferObjectKey = "label";
render(gl, options) {
const backgroundColor = options.backgroundColor.toWebGL();
const borderColor = options.borderColor.toWebGL();
const program = this.resourceManager.getShaderProgram(this.programKey);
const buffer = this.resourceManager.getBuffer(this.bufferObjectKey);
const vertexData = this.getVertices(options.size.x, options.size.y);
const FSIZE = vertexData.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// Bind the buffer
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexData, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
// Attributes
const a_Position = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "a_Position");
gl.vertexAttribPointer(a_Position, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 2 * FSIZE, 0 * FSIZE);
// Uniforms
const u_BackgroundColor = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_BackgroundColor");
gl.uniform4fv(u_BackgroundColor, backgroundColor);
const u_BorderColor = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_BorderColor");
gl.uniform4fv(u_BorderColor, borderColor);
const u_MaxSize = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_MaxSize");
gl.uniform2f(u_MaxSize, -vertexData[0], vertexData[1]);
// Get transformation matrix
// We want a square for our rendering space, so get the maximum dimension of our quad
let maxDimension = Math.max(options.size.x, options.size.y);
const u_BorderWidth = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_BorderWidth");
gl.uniform1f(u_BorderWidth, options.borderWidth / maxDimension);
const u_BorderRadius = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_BorderRadius");
gl.uniform1f(u_BorderRadius, options.borderRadius / maxDimension);
// The size of the rendering space will be a square with this maximum dimension
let size = new Vec2_1.default(maxDimension, maxDimension).scale(2 / options.worldSize.x, 2 / options.worldSize.y);
// Center our translations around (0, 0)
const translateX = (options.position.x - options.origin.x - options.worldSize.x / 2) / maxDimension;
const translateY = -(options.position.y - options.origin.y - options.worldSize.y / 2) / maxDimension;
// Create our transformation matrix
this.translation.translate(new Float32Array([translateX, translateY]));
let transformation = Mat4x4_1.default.MULT(this.translation, this.scale, this.rotation);
// Pass the translation matrix to our shader
const u_Transform = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_Transform");
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(u_Transform, false, transformation.toArray());
// Draw the quad
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
* The rendering space always has to be a square, so make sure its square w.r.t to the largest dimension
* @param w The width of the quad in pixels
* @param h The height of the quad in pixels
* @returns An array of the vertices of the quad
getVertices(w, h) {
let x, y;
if (h > w) {
y = 0.5;
x = w / (2 * h);
else {
x = 0.5;
y = h / (2 * w);
return new Float32Array([
-x, y,
-x, -y,
x, y,
x, -y
getOptions(rect) {
let options = {
position: rect.position,
backgroundColor: rect.calculateBackgroundColor(),
borderColor: rect.calculateBorderColor(),
borderWidth: rect.borderWidth,
borderRadius: rect.borderRadius,
size: rect.size,
rotation: rect.rotation
return options;
exports.default = LabelShaderType;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const RenderingUtils_1 = require("../../../Utils/RenderingUtils");
const ShaderType_1 = require("../ShaderType");
class PointShaderType extends ShaderType_1.default {
constructor(programKey) {
initBufferObject() {
this.bufferObjectKey = "point";
render(gl, options) {
let position = RenderingUtils_1.default.toWebGLCoords(options.position, options.origin, options.worldSize);
let color = RenderingUtils_1.default.toWebGLColor(options.color);
const program = this.resourceManager.getShaderProgram(this.programKey);
const buffer = this.resourceManager.getBuffer(this.bufferObjectKey);
const vertexData = position;
const FSIZE = vertexData.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// Bind the buffer
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexData, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
// Attributes
const a_Position = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "a_Position");
gl.vertexAttribPointer(a_Position, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 2 * FSIZE, 0 * FSIZE);
// Uniforms
const u_Color = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_Color");
gl.uniform4fv(u_Color, color);
const u_PointSize = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_PointSize");
gl.uniform1f(u_PointSize, options.pointSize);
gl.drawArrays(gl.POINTS, 0, 1);
getOptions(point) {
let options = {
position: point.position,
color: point.color,
pointSize: point.size,
return options;
exports.default = PointShaderType;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Mat4x4_1 = require("../../../DataTypes/Mat4x4");
const ShaderType_1 = require("../ShaderType");
/** Represents any WebGL objects that have a quad mesh (i.e. a rectangular game object composed of only two triangles) */
class QuadShaderType extends ShaderType_1.default {
constructor(programKey) {
this.scale = Mat4x4_1.default.IDENTITY;
this.rotation = Mat4x4_1.default.IDENTITY;
this.translation = Mat4x4_1.default.IDENTITY;
exports.default = QuadShaderType;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Mat4x4_1 = require("../../../DataTypes/Mat4x4");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../../DataTypes/Vec2");
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const QuadShaderType_1 = require("./QuadShaderType");
/** */
class RectShaderType extends QuadShaderType_1.default {
constructor(programKey) {
this.resourceManager = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
initBufferObject() {
this.bufferObjectKey = "rect";
render(gl, options) {
const color = options.color.toWebGL();
const program = this.resourceManager.getShaderProgram(this.programKey);
const buffer = this.resourceManager.getBuffer(this.bufferObjectKey);
const vertexData = this.getVertices(options.size.x, options.size.y);
const FSIZE = vertexData.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// Bind the buffer
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexData, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
// Attributes
const a_Position = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "a_Position");
gl.vertexAttribPointer(a_Position, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 2 * FSIZE, 0 * FSIZE);
// Uniforms
const u_Color = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_Color");
gl.uniform4fv(u_Color, color);
// Get transformation matrix
// We want a square for our rendering space, so get the maximum dimension of our quad
let maxDimension = Math.max(options.size.x, options.size.y);
// The size of the rendering space will be a square with this maximum dimension
let size = new Vec2_1.default(maxDimension, maxDimension).scale(2 / options.worldSize.x, 2 / options.worldSize.y);
// Center our translations around (0, 0)
const translateX = (options.position.x - options.origin.x - options.worldSize.x / 2) / maxDimension;
const translateY = -(options.position.y - options.origin.y - options.worldSize.y / 2) / maxDimension;
// Create our transformation matrix
this.translation.translate(new Float32Array([translateX, translateY]));
let transformation = Mat4x4_1.default.MULT(this.translation, this.scale, this.rotation);
// Pass the translation matrix to our shader
const u_Transform = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_Transform");
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(u_Transform, false, transformation.toArray());
// Draw the quad
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
So as it turns out, WebGL has an issue with non-square quads.
It doesn't like when you don't have a 1-1 scale, and rotations are entirely messed up if this is not the case.
To solve this, I used the scale of the LARGEST dimension of the quad to make a square, then adjusted the vertex coordinates inside of that.
A diagram of the solution follows.
There is a bounding square for the quad with dimensions hxh (in this case, since height is the largest dimension).
The offset in the vertical direction is therefore 0.5, as it is normally.
However, the offset in the horizontal direction is not so straightforward, but isn't conceptually hard.
All we really have to do is a range change from [0, height/2] to [0, 0.5], where our value is t = width/2, and 0 <= t <= height/2.
So now we have our rect, in a space scaled with respect to the largest dimension.
Rotations work as you would expect, even for long rectangles.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
| |88888888888| |
| |88888888888| |
| |88888888888| |
-0.5|_ _|88888888888|_ _|0.5
| |88888888888| |
| |88888888888| |
| |88888888888| |
The getVertices function below does as described, and converts the range
* The rendering space always has to be a square, so make sure its square w.r.t to the largest dimension
* @param w The width of the quad in pixels
* @param h The height of the quad in pixels
* @returns An array of the vertices of the quad
getVertices(w, h) {
let x, y;
if (h > w) {
y = 0.5;
x = w / (2 * h);
else {
x = 0.5;
y = h / (2 * w);
return new Float32Array([
-x, y,
-x, -y,
x, y,
x, -y
getOptions(rect) {
let options = {
position: rect.position,
color: rect.color,
size: rect.size,
rotation: rect.rotation
return options;
exports.default = RectShaderType;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Mat4x4_1 = require("../../../DataTypes/Mat4x4");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../../DataTypes/Vec2");
const AnimatedSprite_1 = require("../../../Nodes/Sprites/AnimatedSprite");
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const QuadShaderType_1 = require("./QuadShaderType");
/** A shader for sprites and animated sprites */
class SpriteShaderType extends QuadShaderType_1.default {
constructor(programKey) {
this.resourceManager = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
initBufferObject() {
this.bufferObjectKey = "sprite";
render(gl, options) {
const program = this.resourceManager.getShaderProgram(this.programKey);
const buffer = this.resourceManager.getBuffer(this.bufferObjectKey);
const texture = this.resourceManager.getTexture(options.imageKey);
const vertexData = this.getVertices(options.size.x, options.size.y, options.scale);
const FSIZE = vertexData.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// Bind the buffer
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexData, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
// Attributes
const a_Position = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "a_Position");
gl.vertexAttribPointer(a_Position, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 4 * FSIZE, 0 * FSIZE);
const a_TexCoord = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "a_TexCoord");
gl.vertexAttribPointer(a_TexCoord, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 4 * FSIZE, 2 * FSIZE);
// Uniforms
// Get transformation matrix
// We want a square for our rendering space, so get the maximum dimension of our quad
let maxDimension = Math.max(options.size.x, options.size.y);
// The size of the rendering space will be a square with this maximum dimension
let size = new Vec2_1.default(maxDimension, maxDimension).scale(2 / options.worldSize.x, 2 / options.worldSize.y);
// Center our translations around (0, 0)
const translateX = (options.position.x - options.origin.x - options.worldSize.x / 2) / maxDimension;
const translateY = -(options.position.y - options.origin.y - options.worldSize.y / 2) / maxDimension;
// Create our transformation matrix
this.translation.translate(new Float32Array([translateX, translateY]));
let transformation = Mat4x4_1.default.MULT(this.translation, this.scale, this.rotation);
// Pass the translation matrix to our shader
const u_Transform = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_Transform");
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(u_Transform, false, transformation.toArray());
// Set up our sampler with our assigned texture unit
const u_Sampler = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_Sampler");
gl.uniform1i(u_Sampler, texture);
// Pass in texShift
const u_texShift = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_texShift");
gl.uniform2fv(u_texShift, options.texShift);
// Pass in texScale
const u_texScale = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_texScale");
gl.uniform2fv(u_texScale, options.texScale);
// Draw the quad
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
* The rendering space always has to be a square, so make sure its square w.r.t to the largest dimension
* @param w The width of the quad in pixels
* @param h The height of the quad in pixels
* @returns An array of the vertices of the quad
getVertices(w, h, scale) {
let x, y;
if (h > w) {
y = 0.5;
x = w / (2 * h);
else {
x = 0.5;
y = h / (2 * w);
// Scale the rendering space if needed
x *= scale[0];
y *= scale[1];
return new Float32Array([
-x, y, 0.0, 0.0,
-x, -y, 0.0, 1.0,
x, y, 1.0, 0.0,
x, -y, 1.0, 1.0
getOptions(sprite) {
let texShift;
let texScale;
if (sprite instanceof AnimatedSprite_1.default) {
let animationIndex = sprite.animation.getIndexAndAdvanceAnimation();
let offset = sprite.getAnimationOffset(animationIndex);
texShift = new Float32Array([offset.x / (sprite.cols * sprite.size.x), offset.y / (sprite.rows * sprite.size.y)]);
texScale = new Float32Array([1 / (sprite.cols), 1 / (sprite.rows)]);
else {
texShift = new Float32Array([0, 0]);
texScale = new Float32Array([1, 1]);
let options = {
position: sprite.position,
rotation: sprite.rotation,
size: sprite.size,
scale: sprite.scale.toArray(),
imageKey: sprite.imageId,
return options;
exports.default = SpriteShaderType;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Map_1 = require("../DataTypes/Map");
const Queue_1 = require("../DataTypes/Queue");
const StringUtils_1 = require("../Utils/StringUtils");
const AudioManager_1 = require("../Sound/AudioManager");
const WebGLProgramType_1 = require("../DataTypes/Rendering/WebGLProgramType");
* The resource manager for the game engine.
* The resource manager interfaces with the loadable assets of a game such as images, data files,
* and sounds, which are all found in the dist folder.
* This class controls loading and updates the @reference[Scene] with the loading progress, so that the scene does
* not start before all necessary assets are loaded.
class ResourceManager {
constructor() {
this.loading = false;
this.justLoaded = false;
this.loadonly_imagesLoaded = 0;
this.loadonly_imagesToLoad = 0;
this.loadonly_imageLoadingQueue = new Queue_1.default();
this.images = new Map_1.default();
this.loadonly_spritesheetsLoaded = 0;
this.loadonly_spritesheetsToLoad = 0;
this.loadonly_spritesheetLoadingQueue = new Queue_1.default();
this.spritesheets = new Map_1.default();
this.loadonly_tilemapsLoaded = 0;
this.loadonly_tilemapsToLoad = 0;
this.loadonly_tilemapLoadingQueue = new Queue_1.default();
this.tilemaps = new Map_1.default();
this.loadonly_audioLoaded = 0;
this.loadonly_audioToLoad = 0;
this.loadonly_audioLoadingQueue = new Queue_1.default();
this.audioBuffers = new Map_1.default();
this.loadonly_jsonLoaded = 0;
this.loadonly_jsonToLoad = 0;
this.loadonly_jsonLoadingQueue = new Queue_1.default();
this.jsonObjects = new Map_1.default();
this.loadonly_gl_ShaderProgramsLoaded = 0;
this.loadonly_gl_ShaderProgramsToLoad = 0;
this.loadonly_gl_ShaderLoadingQueue = new Queue_1.default();
this.gl_ShaderPrograms = new Map_1.default();
this.gl_Textures = new Map_1.default();
this.gl_NextTextureID = 0;
this.gl_Buffers = new Map_1.default();
this.resourcesToUnload = new Array();
this.resourcesToKeep = new Array();
this.loadonly_tilemapObjectToLoad = 0;
this.loadonly_tilemapObjectToLoad = 0;
this.loadonly_tilemapObjectLoadingQueue = new Queue_1.default();
/* ######################################## SINGLETON ########################################*/
* Returns the current instance of this class or a new instance if none exist
* @returns The resource manager
static getInstance() {
if (!this.instance) {
this.instance = new ResourceManager();
return this.instance;
/* ######################################## PUBLIC FUNCTION ########################################*/
* Activates or deactivates the use of WebGL
* @param flag True if WebGL should be used, false otherwise
* @param gl The instance of the graphics context, if applicable
useWebGL(flag, gl) {
this.gl_WebGLActive = flag;
if (this.gl_WebGLActive) { = gl;
* Loads an image from file
* @param key The key to associate the loaded image with
* @param path The path to the image to load
image(key, path) {
this.loadonly_imageLoadingQueue.enqueue({ key: key, path: path });
* Tells the resource manager to keep this resource
* @param key The key of the resource
keepImage(key) {
this.keepResource(key, ResourceType.IMAGE);
* Retrieves a loaded image
* @param key The key of the loaded image
* @returns The image element associated with this key
getImage(key) {
let image = this.images.get(key);
// if (image === undefined) {
// throw `There is no image associated with key "${key}"`
// }
return image;
* Loads a spritesheet from file
* @param key The key to associate the loaded spritesheet with
* @param path The path to the spritesheet to load
spritesheet(key, path) {
this.loadonly_spritesheetLoadingQueue.enqueue({ key: key, path: path });
* Tells the resource manager to keep this resource
* @param key The key of the resource
keepSpritesheet(key) {
this.keepResource(key, ResourceType.SPRITESHEET);
* Retrieves a loaded spritesheet
* @param key The key of the spritesheet to load
* @returns The loaded Spritesheet
getSpritesheet(key) {
return this.spritesheets.get(key);
* Loads an audio file
* @param key The key to associate with the loaded audio file
* @param path The path to the audio file to load
audio(key, path) {
this.loadonly_audioLoadingQueue.enqueue({ key: key, path: path });
* Tells the resource manager to keep this resource
* @param key The key of the resource
keepAudio(key) {
this.keepResource(key, ResourceType.AUDIO);
* Retrieves a loaded audio file
* @param key The key of the audio file to load
* @returns The AudioBuffer created from the loaded audio fle
getAudio(key) {
return this.audioBuffers.get(key);
* Load a tilemap from a json file. Automatically loads related images
* @param key The key to associate with the loaded tilemap
* @param path The path to the tilemap to load
tilemap(key, path) {
this.loadonly_tilemapLoadingQueue.enqueue({ key: key, path: path });
* Tells the resource manager to keep this resource
* @param key The key of the resource
keepTilemap(key) {
this.keepResource(key, ResourceType.TILEMAP);
* Retreives a loaded tilemap
* @param key The key of the loaded tilemap
* @returns The tilemap data associated with the key
getTilemap(key) {
return this.tilemaps.get(key);
* Loads an object from a json file.
* @param key The key to associate with the loaded object
* @param path The path to the json file to load
object(key, path) {
this.loadonly_jsonLoadingQueue.enqueue({ key: key, path: path });
* Tells the resource manager to keep this resource
* @param key The key of the resource
keepObject(key) {
this.keepResource(key, ResourceType.JSON);
* Retreives a loaded object
* @param key The key of the loaded object
* @returns The object data associated with the key
getObject(key) {
return this.jsonObjects.get(key);
/* ######################################## LOAD FUNCTION ########################################*/
* Loads all resources currently in the queue
* @param callback The function to cal when the resources are finished loading
loadResourcesFromQueue(callback) {
this.loadonly_typesToLoad = 5;
this.loading = true;
// Load everything in the queues. Tilemaps have to come before images because they will add new images to the queue
this.loadTilemapObjectFromQueue(() => {
console.log("Loaded TilemapObjects");
this.loadTilemapsFromQueue(() => {
console.log("Loaded Tilemaps");
this.loadSpritesheetsFromQueue(() => {
console.log("Loaded Spritesheets");
this.loadImagesFromQueue(() => {
console.log("Loaded Images");
this.loadAudioFromQueue(() => {
console.log("Loaded Audio");
this.loadObjectsFromQueue(() => {
console.log("Loaded Objects");
if (this.gl_WebGLActive) {
this.gl_LoadShadersFromQueue(() => {
console.log("Loaded Shaders");
else {
finishLoading(callback) {
// Done loading
this.loading = false;
this.justLoaded = true;
/* ######################################## UNLOAD FUNCTION ########################################*/
keepResource(key, type) {
console.log("Keep resource...");
for (let i = 0; i < this.resourcesToUnload.length; i++) {
let resource = this.resourcesToUnload[i];
if (resource.key === key && resource.resourceType === type) {
console.log("Found resource " + key + " of type " + type + ". Keeping.");
let resourceToMove = this.resourcesToUnload.splice(i, 1);
* Deletes references to all resources in the resource manager
unloadAllResources() {
this.loading = false;
this.justLoaded = false;
for (let resource of this.resourcesToUnload) {
// Unload the resource
unloadResource(resource) {
// Delete the resource itself
switch (resource.resourceType) {
case ResourceType.IMAGE:
if (this.gl_WebGLActive) {
case ResourceType.TILEMAP:
case ResourceType.SPRITESHEET:
case ResourceType.AUDIO:
case ResourceType.JSON:
/*case ResourceType.SHADER:
// Delete any dependencies
for (let dependency of resource.dependencies) {
/* ######################################## WORK FUNCTIONS ########################################*/
* Loads all tilemaps currently in the tilemap loading queue
* @param onFinishLoading The function to call when loading is complete
loadTilemapsFromQueue(onFinishLoading) {
this.loadonly_tilemapsToLoad = this.loadonly_tilemapLoadingQueue.getSize();
this.loadonly_tilemapsLoaded = 0;
// If no items to load, we're finished
if (this.loadonly_tilemapsToLoad === 0) {
while (this.loadonly_tilemapLoadingQueue.hasItems()) {
let tilemap = this.loadonly_tilemapLoadingQueue.dequeue();
this.loadTilemap(tilemap.key, tilemap.path, onFinishLoading);
* Loads a singular tilemap
* @param key The key of the tilemap
* @param pathToTilemapJSON The path to the tilemap JSON file
* @param callbackIfLast The function to call if this is the last tilemap to load
loadTilemap(key, pathToTilemapJSON, callbackIfLast) {
this.loadTextFile(pathToTilemapJSON, (fileText) => {
let tilemapObject = JSON.parse(fileText);
// We can parse the object later - it's much faster than loading
this.tilemaps.add(key, tilemapObject);
let resource = new ResourceReference(key, ResourceType.TILEMAP);
// Grab the tileset images we need to load and add them to the imageloading queue
for (let tileset of tilemapObject.tilesets) {
if (tileset.image) {
let key = tileset.image;
let path = StringUtils_1.default.getPathFromFilePath(pathToTilemapJSON) + key;
this.loadonly_imageLoadingQueue.enqueue({ key: key, path: path, isDependency: true });
// Add this image as a dependency to the tilemap
resource.addDependency(new ResourceReference(key, ResourceType.IMAGE));
else if (tileset.tiles) {
for (let tile of tileset.tiles) {
let key = tile.image;
let path = StringUtils_1.default.getPathFromFilePath(pathToTilemapJSON) + key;
this.loadonly_imageLoadingQueue.enqueue({ key: key, path: path, isDependency: true });
// Add this image as a dependency to the tilemap
resource.addDependency(new ResourceReference(key, ResourceType.IMAGE));
// Add the resource reference to the list of resource to unload
// Finish loading
* Finish loading a tilemap. Calls the callback function if this is the last tilemap being loaded
* @param callback The function to call if this is the last tilemap to load
finishLoadingTilemap(callback) {
this.loadonly_tilemapsLoaded += 1;
if (this.loadonly_tilemapsLoaded === this.loadonly_tilemapsToLoad) {
// We're done loading tilemaps
* Loads all spritesheets currently in the spritesheet loading queue
* @param onFinishLoading The function to call when the spritesheets are done loading
loadSpritesheetsFromQueue(onFinishLoading) {
this.loadonly_spritesheetsToLoad = this.loadonly_spritesheetLoadingQueue.getSize();
this.loadonly_spritesheetsLoaded = 0;
// If no items to load, we're finished
if (this.loadonly_spritesheetsToLoad === 0) {
while (this.loadonly_spritesheetLoadingQueue.hasItems()) {
let spritesheet = this.loadonly_spritesheetLoadingQueue.dequeue();
this.loadSpritesheet(spritesheet.key, spritesheet.path, onFinishLoading);
* Loads a singular spritesheet
* @param key The key of the spritesheet to load
* @param pathToSpritesheetJSON The path to the spritesheet JSON file
* @param callbackIfLast The function to call if this is the last spritesheet
loadSpritesheet(key, pathToSpritesheetJSON, callbackIfLast) {
this.loadTextFile(pathToSpritesheetJSON, (fileText) => {
let spritesheet = JSON.parse(fileText);
// We can parse the object later - it's much faster than loading
this.spritesheets.add(key, spritesheet);
let resource = new ResourceReference(key, ResourceType.SPRITESHEET);
// Grab the image we need to load and add it to the imageloading queue
let path = StringUtils_1.default.getPathFromFilePath(pathToSpritesheetJSON) + spritesheet.spriteSheetImage;
this.loadonly_imageLoadingQueue.enqueue({ key:, path: path, isDependency: true });
resource.addDependency(new ResourceReference(, ResourceType.IMAGE));
// Finish loading
* Finish loading a spritesheet. Calls the callback function if this is the last spritesheet being loaded
* @param callback The function to call if this is the last spritesheet to load
finishLoadingSpritesheet(callback) {
this.loadonly_spritesheetsLoaded += 1;
if (this.loadonly_spritesheetsLoaded === this.loadonly_spritesheetsToLoad) {
// We're done loading spritesheets
* Loads all images currently in the image loading queue
* @param onFinishLoading The function to call when there are no more images to load
loadImagesFromQueue(onFinishLoading) {
this.loadonly_imagesToLoad = this.loadonly_imageLoadingQueue.getSize();
this.loadonly_imagesLoaded = 0;
// If no items to load, we're finished
if (this.loadonly_imagesToLoad === 0) {
while (this.loadonly_imageLoadingQueue.hasItems()) {
let image = this.loadonly_imageLoadingQueue.dequeue();
this.loadImage(image.key, image.path, image.isDependency, onFinishLoading);
* Loads a singular image
* @param key The key of the image to load
* @param path The path to the image to load
* @param callbackIfLast The function to call if this is the last image
loadImage(key, path, isDependency, callbackIfLast) {
var image = new Image();
image.onload = () => {
// Add to loaded images
this.images.add(key, image);
// If not a dependency, push it to the unload list. Otherwise it's managed by something else
if (!isDependency) {
this.resourcesToUnload.push(new ResourceReference(key, ResourceType.IMAGE));
// If WebGL is active, create a texture
if (this.gl_WebGLActive) {
this.createWebGLTexture(key, image);
// Finish image load
image.src = path;
* Finish loading an image. If this is the last image, it calls the callback function
* @param callback The function to call if this is the last image
finishLoadingImage(callback) {
this.loadonly_imagesLoaded += 1;
if (this.loadonly_imagesLoaded === this.loadonly_imagesToLoad) {
// We're done loading images
* Loads all audio currently in the tilemap loading queue
* @param onFinishLoading The function to call when tilemaps are done loading
loadAudioFromQueue(onFinishLoading) {
this.loadonly_audioToLoad = this.loadonly_audioLoadingQueue.getSize();
this.loadonly_audioLoaded = 0;
// If no items to load, we're finished
if (this.loadonly_audioToLoad === 0) {
while (this.loadonly_audioLoadingQueue.hasItems()) {
let audio = this.loadonly_audioLoadingQueue.dequeue();
this.loadAudio(audio.key, audio.path, onFinishLoading);
* Load a singular audio file
* @param key The key to the audio file to load
* @param path The path to the audio file to load
* @param callbackIfLast The function to call if this is the last audio file to load
loadAudio(key, path, callbackIfLast) {
let audioCtx = AudioManager_1.default.getInstance().getAudioContext();
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', path, true);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
request.onload = () => {
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(request.response, (buffer) => {
// Add to list of audio buffers
this.audioBuffers.add(key, buffer);
this.resourcesToUnload.push(new ResourceReference(key, ResourceType.AUDIO));
// Finish loading sound
}, (error) => {
throw "Error loading sound";
* Finish loading an audio file. Calls the callback functon if this is the last audio sample being loaded.
* @param callback The function to call if this is the last audio file to load
finishLoadingAudio(callback) {
this.loadonly_audioLoaded += 1;
if (this.loadonly_audioLoaded === this.loadonly_audioToLoad) {
// We're done loading audio
* Loads all objects currently in the object loading queue
* @param onFinishLoading The function to call when there are no more objects to load
loadObjectsFromQueue(onFinishLoading) {
this.loadonly_jsonToLoad = this.loadonly_jsonLoadingQueue.getSize();
this.loadonly_jsonLoaded = 0;
// If no items to load, we're finished
if (this.loadonly_jsonToLoad === 0) {
while (this.loadonly_jsonLoadingQueue.hasItems()) {
let obj = this.loadonly_jsonLoadingQueue.dequeue();
this.loadObject(obj.key, obj.path, onFinishLoading);
* Loads a singular object
* @param key The key of the object to load
* @param path The path to the object to load
* @param callbackIfLast The function to call if this is the last object
loadObject(key, path, callbackIfLast) {
this.loadTextFile(path, (fileText) => {
let obj = JSON.parse(fileText);
this.jsonObjects.add(key, obj);
this.resourcesToUnload.push(new ResourceReference(key, ResourceType.JSON));
* Finish loading an object. If this is the last object, it calls the callback function
* @param callback The function to call if this is the last object
finishLoadingObject(callback) {
this.loadonly_jsonLoaded += 1;
if (this.loadonly_jsonLoaded === this.loadonly_jsonToLoad) {
// We're done loading objects
/* ########## WEBGL SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS ########## */
getTexture(key) {
return this.gl_Textures.get(key);
getShaderProgram(key) {
return this.gl_ShaderPrograms.get(key).program;
getBuffer(key) {
return this.gl_Buffers.get(key);
createWebGLTexture(imageKey, image) {
// Get the texture ID
const textureID = this.getTextureID(this.gl_NextTextureID);
// Create the texture
const texture =;
// Set up the texture
// Enable texture0;
// Bind our texture to texture 0, texture);
// Set the texture parameters,,;,,;,,;
// Set the texture image, 0,,,, image);
// Add the texture to our map with the same key as the image
this.gl_Textures.add(imageKey, this.gl_NextTextureID);
// Increment the key
this.gl_NextTextureID += 1;
getTextureID(id) {
// Start with 9 cases - this can be expanded if needed, but for the best performance,
// Textures should be stitched into an atlas
switch (id) {
case 0: return;
case 1: return;
case 2: return;
case 3: return;
case 4: return;
case 5: return;
case 6: return;
case 7: return;
case 8: return;
default: return;
createBuffer(key) {
if (this.gl_WebGLActive) {
let buffer =;
this.gl_Buffers.add(key, buffer);
* Enqueues loading of a new shader program
* @param key The key of the shader program
* @param vShaderFilepath
* @param fShaderFilepath
shader(key, vShaderFilepath, fShaderFilepath) {
let splitPath = vShaderFilepath.split(".");
let end = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
if (end !== "vshader") {
throw `${vShaderFilepath} is not a valid vertex shader - must end in ".vshader`;
splitPath = fShaderFilepath.split(".");
end = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
if (end !== "fshader") {
throw `${fShaderFilepath} is not a valid vertex shader - must end in ".fshader`;
let paths = new KeyPath_Shader();
paths.key = key;
paths.vpath = vShaderFilepath;
paths.fpath = fShaderFilepath;
* Tells the resource manager to keep this resource
* @param key The key of the resource
keepShader(key) {
this.keepResource(key, ResourceType.IMAGE);
gl_LoadShadersFromQueue(onFinishLoading) {
this.loadonly_gl_ShaderProgramsToLoad = this.loadonly_gl_ShaderLoadingQueue.getSize();
this.loadonly_gl_ShaderProgramsLoaded = 0;
// If webGL isn'active or there are no items to load, we're finished
if (!this.gl_WebGLActive || this.loadonly_gl_ShaderProgramsToLoad === 0) {
while (this.loadonly_gl_ShaderLoadingQueue.hasItems()) {
let shader = this.loadonly_gl_ShaderLoadingQueue.dequeue();
this.gl_LoadShader(shader.key, shader.vpath, shader.fpath, onFinishLoading);
gl_LoadShader(key, vpath, fpath, callbackIfLast) {
this.loadTextFile(vpath, (vFileText) => {
const vShader = vFileText;
this.loadTextFile(fpath, (fFileText) => {
const fShader = fFileText;
// Extract the program and shaders
const [shaderProgram, vertexShader, fragmentShader] = this.createShaderProgram(vShader, fShader);
// Create a wrapper type
const programWrapper = new WebGLProgramType_1.default();
programWrapper.program = shaderProgram;
programWrapper.vertexShader = vertexShader;
programWrapper.fragmentShader = fragmentShader;
// Add to our map
this.gl_ShaderPrograms.add(key, programWrapper);
this.resourcesToUnload.push(new ResourceReference(key, ResourceType.SHADER));
// Finish loading
gl_FinishLoadingShader(callback) {
this.loadonly_gl_ShaderProgramsLoaded += 1;
if (this.loadonly_gl_ShaderProgramsLoaded === this.loadonly_gl_ShaderProgramsToLoad) {
// We're done loading shaders
createShaderProgram(vShaderSource, fShaderSource) {
const vertexShader = this.loadVertexShader(vShaderSource);
const fragmentShader = this.loadFragmentShader(fShaderSource);
if (vertexShader === null || fragmentShader === null) {
// We had a problem intializing - error
return null;
// Create a shader program
const program =;
if (!program) {
// Error creating
console.warn("Failed to create program");
return null;
// Attach our vertex and fragment shader, vertexShader);, fragmentShader);
// Link;
if (!, {
// Error linking
const error =;
console.warn("Failed to link program: " + error);
// Clean up;;;
return null;
// We successfully create a program
return [program, vertexShader, fragmentShader];
loadVertexShader(shaderSource) {
// Create a new vertex shader
return this.loadShader(, shaderSource);
loadFragmentShader(shaderSource) {
// Create a new fragment shader
return this.loadShader(, shaderSource);
loadShader(type, shaderSource) {
const shader =;
// If we couldn't create the shader, error
if (shader === null) {
console.warn("Unable to create shader");
return null;
// Add the source to the shader and compile, shaderSource);;
// Make sure there were no errors during this process
if (!, {
// Not compiled - error
const error =;
console.warn("Failed to compile shader: " + error);
// Clean up;
return null;
// Sucess, so return the shader
return shader;
/* ########## GENERAL LOADING FUNCTIONS ########## */
loadTextFile(textFilePath, callback) {
let xobj = new XMLHttpRequest();
xobj.overrideMimeType("application/json");'GET', textFilePath, true);
xobj.onreadystatechange = function () {
if ((xobj.readyState == 4) && (xobj.status == 200)) {
/* ########## LOADING BAR INFO ########## */
getLoadPercent() {
return (this.loadonly_tilemapsLoaded / this.loadonly_tilemapsToLoad
+ this.loadonly_spritesheetsLoaded / this.loadonly_spritesheetsToLoad
+ this.loadonly_imagesLoaded / this.loadonly_imagesToLoad
+ this.loadonly_audioLoaded / this.loadonly_audioToLoad)
/ this.loadonly_typesToLoad;
// Customized funtions below
// These funtions are NOT well tested!!!
// Only used for shattered sword specific purpose!!!
// Use them carefully!!!
tilemapFromObject(key, tilemap) {
this.loadonly_tilemapObjectLoadingQueue.enqueue({ key: key, map: tilemap });
loadTilemapObjectFromQueue(onFinishLoading) {
this.loadonly_tilemapObjectToLoad = this.loadonly_tilemapObjectLoadingQueue.getSize();
this.loadonly_tilemapObjectLoaded = 0;
// If no items to load, we're finished
if (this.loadonly_tilemapObjectToLoad === 0) {
while (this.loadonly_tilemapObjectLoadingQueue.hasItems()) {
let map = this.loadonly_tilemapObjectLoadingQueue.dequeue();
this.loadTilemapFromObject(map.key,, onFinishLoading);
loadTilemapFromObject(key, tiledMap, callbackIfLast) {
// We can parse the object later - it's much faster than loading
this.tilemaps.add(key, tiledMap);
let resource = new ResourceReference(key, ResourceType.TILEMAP);
// Grab the tileset images we need to load and add them to the imageloading queue
for (let tileset of tiledMap.tilesets) {
if (tileset.image) {
let key = tileset.image;
let path = key;
this.loadonly_imageLoadingQueue.enqueue({ key: key, path: path, isDependency: true });
// Add this image as a dependency to the tilemap
resource.addDependency(new ResourceReference(key, ResourceType.IMAGE));
// Add the resource reference to the list of resource to unload
finishLoadingTilemapObject(callback) {
this.loadonly_tilemapObjectLoaded += 1;
if (this.loadonly_tilemapObjectLoaded === this.loadonly_tilemapObjectToLoad) {
// We're done loading tilemaps
singleImage(key, path, callbackIfLast) {
var image = new Image();
image.onload = () => {
// Add to loaded images
this.images.add(key, image);
this.resourcesToUnload.push(new ResourceReference(key, ResourceType.IMAGE));
// If WebGL is active, create a texture
if (this.gl_WebGLActive) {
this.createWebGLTexture(key, image);
// Finish image load
image.src = path;
singleAudio(key, path, callbackIfLast) {
let audioCtx = AudioManager_1.default.getInstance().getAudioContext();
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', path, true);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
request.onload = () => {
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(request.response, (buffer) => {
// Add to list of audio buffers
this.audioBuffers.add(key, buffer);
this.resourcesToUnload.push(new ResourceReference(key, ResourceType.AUDIO));
// Finish loading sound
}, (error) => {
throw "Error loading sound";
finishLoadingSingleObject(callback) {
update(deltaT) {
if (this.loading) {
if (this.onLoadProgress) {
else if (this.justLoaded) {
this.justLoaded = false;
if (this.onLoadComplete) {
exports.default = ResourceManager;
* A class representing a reference to a resource.
* This is used for the exemption list to assure assets and their dependencies don't get
* destroyed if they are still needed.
class ResourceReference {
constructor(key, resourceType) {
this.key = key;
this.resourceType = resourceType;
this.dependencies = new Array();
addDependency(resource) {
var ResourceType;
(function (ResourceType) {
ResourceType["IMAGE"] = "IMAGE";
ResourceType["TILEMAP"] = "TILEMAP";
ResourceType["AUDIO"] = "AUDIO";
ResourceType["JSON"] = "JSON";
ResourceType["SHADER"] = "SHADER";
})(ResourceType || (ResourceType = {}));
* A pair representing a key and the path of the resource to load
class KeyPathPair {
constructor() {
this.isDependency = false;
class KeyMapPair {
class KeyPath_Shader {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Sprite_1 = require("../../Nodes/Sprites/Sprite");
const AnimatedSprite_1 = require("../../Nodes/Sprites/AnimatedSprite");
const GraphicTypes_1 = require("../../Nodes/Graphics/GraphicTypes");
const UIElementTypes_1 = require("../../Nodes/UIElements/UIElementTypes");
const Point_1 = require("../../Nodes/Graphics/Point");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Vec2");
const Button_1 = require("../../Nodes/UIElements/Button");
const Label_1 = require("../../Nodes/UIElements/Label");
const Slider_1 = require("../../Nodes/UIElements/Slider");
const TextInput_1 = require("../../Nodes/UIElements/TextInput");
const Rect_1 = require("../../Nodes/Graphics/Rect");
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const Line_1 = require("../../Nodes/Graphics/Line");
const Particle_1 = require("../../Nodes/Graphics/Particle");
// @ignorePage
* A factory that abstracts adding @reference[CanvasNode]s to the @reference[Scene].
* Access methods in this factory through Scene.add.[methodName]().
class CanvasNodeFactory {
constructor() {
* Adds an instance of a UIElement to the current scene - i.e. any class that extends UIElement
* @param type The type of UIElement to add
* @param layerName The layer to add the UIElement to
* @param options Any additional arguments to feed to the constructor
* @returns A new UIElement
this.addUIElement = (type, layerName, options) => {
// Get the layer
let layer = this.scene.getLayer(layerName);
let instance;
switch (type) {
case UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON:
instance = this.buildButton(options);
case UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL:
instance = this.buildLabel(options);
case UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.SLIDER:
instance = this.buildSlider(options);
case UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.TEXT_INPUT:
instance = this.buildTextInput(options);
throw `UIElementType '${type}' does not exist, or is registered incorrectly.`;
instance.setScene(this.scene); = this.scene.generateId();
// Add instance to layer
return instance;
* Adds a sprite to the current scene
* @param key The key of the image the sprite will represent
* @param layerName The layer on which to add the sprite
* @returns A new Sprite
this.addSprite = (key, layerName) => {
let layer = this.scene.getLayer(layerName);
let instance = new Sprite_1.default(key);
// Add instance to scene
instance.setScene(this.scene); = this.scene.generateId();
if (!(this.scene.isParallaxLayer(layerName) || this.scene.isUILayer(layerName))) {
// Add instance to layer
return instance;
* Adds an AnimatedSprite to the current scene
* @param key The key of the image the sprite will represent
* @param layerName The layer on which to add the sprite
* @returns A new AnimatedSprite
this.addAnimatedSprite = (key, layerName) => {
let layer = this.scene.getLayer(layerName);
let spritesheet = this.resourceManager.getSpritesheet(key);
let instance = new AnimatedSprite_1.default(spritesheet);
// Add instance fo scene
instance.setScene(this.scene); = this.scene.generateId();
if (!(this.scene.isParallaxLayer(layerName) || this.scene.isUILayer(layerName))) {
// Add instance to layer
return instance;
* Adds a new graphic element to the current Scene
* @param type The type of graphic to add
* @param layerName The layer on which to add the graphic
* @param options Any additional arguments to send to the graphic constructor
* @returns A new Graphic
this.addGraphic = (type, layerName, options) => {
// Get the layer
let layer = this.scene.getLayer(layerName);
let instance;
switch (type) {
case GraphicTypes_1.GraphicType.POINT:
instance = this.buildPoint(options);
case GraphicTypes_1.GraphicType.LINE:
instance = this.buildLine(options);
case GraphicTypes_1.GraphicType.RECT:
instance = this.buildRect(options);
case GraphicTypes_1.GraphicType.PARTICLE:
instance = this.buildParticle(options);
throw `GraphicType '${type}' does not exist, or is registered incorrectly.`;
// Add instance to scene
instance.setScene(this.scene); = this.scene.generateId();
if (!(this.scene.isParallaxLayer(layerName) || this.scene.isUILayer(layerName))) {
// Add instance to layer
return instance;
init(scene) {
this.scene = scene;
this.resourceManager = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
/* ---------- BUILDERS ---------- */
buildButton(options) {
this.checkIfPropExists("Button", options, "position", Vec2_1.default, "Vec2");
this.checkIfPropExists("Button", options, "text", "string");
return new Button_1.default(options.position, options.text);
buildLabel(options) {
this.checkIfPropExists("Label", options, "position", Vec2_1.default, "Vec2");
this.checkIfPropExists("Label", options, "text", "string");
return new Label_1.default(options.position, options.text);
buildSlider(options) {
this.checkIfPropExists("Slider", options, "position", Vec2_1.default, "Vec2");
let initValue = 0;
if (options.value !== undefined) {
initValue = options.value;
return new Slider_1.default(options.position, initValue);
buildTextInput(options) {
this.checkIfPropExists("TextInput", options, "position", Vec2_1.default, "Vec2");
return new TextInput_1.default(options.position);
buildPoint(options) {
this.checkIfPropExists("Point", options, "position", Vec2_1.default, "Vec2");
return new Point_1.default(options.position);
buildParticle(options) {
this.checkIfPropExists("Particle", options, "position", Vec2_1.default, "Vec2");
this.checkIfPropExists("Particle", options, "size", Vec2_1.default, "Vec2");
this.checkIfPropExists("Particle", options, "mass", "number", "number");
//Changed for testing
return new Particle_1.default(options.position, options.size, options.mass);
buildLine(options) {
this.checkIfPropExists("Line", options, "start", Vec2_1.default, "Vec2");
this.checkIfPropExists("Line", options, "end", Vec2_1.default, "Vec2");
return new Line_1.default(options.start, options.end);
buildRect(options) {
this.checkIfPropExists("Rect", options, "position", Vec2_1.default, "Vec2");
this.checkIfPropExists("Rect", options, "size", Vec2_1.default, "Vec2");
return new Rect_1.default(options.position, options.size);
/* ---------- ERROR HANDLING ---------- */
checkIfPropExists(objectName, options, prop, type, typeName) {
if (!options || options[prop] === undefined) {
// Check that the options object has the property
throw `${objectName} object requires argument ${prop} of type ${typeName}, but none was provided.`;
else {
// Check that the property has the correct type
if ((typeof type) === "string") {
if (!(typeof options[prop] === type)) {
throw `${objectName} object requires argument ${prop} of type ${type}, but provided ${prop} was not of type ${type}.`;
else if (type instanceof Function) {
// If type is a constructor, check against that
if (!(options[prop] instanceof type)) {
throw `${objectName} object requires argument ${prop} of type ${typeName}, but provided ${prop} was not of type ${typeName}.`;
else {
throw `${objectName} object requires argument ${prop} of type ${typeName}, but provided ${prop} was not of type ${typeName}.`;
exports.default = CanvasNodeFactory;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const CanvasNodeFactory_1 = require("./CanvasNodeFactory");
const TilemapFactory_1 = require("./TilemapFactory");
* The manager of all factories used for adding @reference[GameNode]s to the @reference[Scene].
class FactoryManager {
constructor(scene, tilemaps) {
// Constructors are called here to allow assignment of their functions to functions in this class
this.canvasNodeFactory = new CanvasNodeFactory_1.default();
this.tilemapFactory = new TilemapFactory_1.default();
this.tilemapFactory.init(scene, tilemaps);
// Expose all of the factories through the factory manager
* Adds an instance of a UIElement to the current scene - i.e. any class that extends UIElement
* @param type The type of UIElement to add
* @param layerName The layer to add the UIElement to
* @param options Any additional arguments to feed to the constructor
* @returns A new UIElement
uiElement(type, layerName, options) {
return this.canvasNodeFactory.addUIElement(type, layerName, options);
* Adds a sprite to the current scene
* @param key The key of the image the sprite will represent
* @param layerName The layer on which to add the sprite
* @returns A new Sprite
sprite(key, layerName) {
return this.canvasNodeFactory.addSprite(key, layerName);
* Adds an AnimatedSprite to the current scene
* @param key The key of the image the sprite will represent
* @param layerName The layer on which to add the sprite
* @returns A new AnimatedSprite
animatedSprite(key, layerName) {
return this.canvasNodeFactory.addAnimatedSprite(key, layerName);
* Adds a new graphic element to the current Scene
* @param type The type of graphic to add
* @param layerName The layer on which to add the graphic
* @param options Any additional arguments to send to the graphic constructor
* @returns A new Graphic
graphic(type, layerName, options) {
return this.canvasNodeFactory.addGraphic(type, layerName, options);
* Adds a tilemap to the scene
* @param key The key of the loaded tilemap to load
* @param constr The constructor of the desired tilemap
* @param args Additional arguments to send to the tilemap constructor
* @returns An array of Layers, each of which contains a layer of the tilemap as its own Tilemap instance.
tilemap(key, scale) {
return this.tilemapFactory.add(key, scale);
exports.default = FactoryManager;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const OrthogonalTilemap_1 = require("../../Nodes/Tilemaps/OrthogonalTilemap");
const Tileset_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Tilesets/Tileset");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Vec2");
const PositionGraph_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Graphs/PositionGraph");
const Navmesh_1 = require("../../Pathfinding/Navmesh");
// @ignorePage
* A factory that abstracts adding @reference[Tilemap]s to the @reference[Scene].
* Access methods in this factory through Scene.add.[methodName]().
class TilemapFactory {
constructor() {
// TODO - This is specifically catered to Tiled tilemaps right now. In the future,
// it would be good to have a "parseTilemap" function that would convert the tilemap
// data into a standard format. This could allow for support from other programs
// or the development of an internal level builder tool
* Adds a tilemap to the scene
* @param key The key of the loaded tilemap to load
* @param constr The constructor of the desired tilemap
* @param args Additional arguments to send to the tilemap constructor
* @returns An array of Layers, each of which contains a layer of the tilemap as its own Tilemap instance.
this.add = (key, scale = new Vec2_1.default(1, 1)) => {
// Get Tilemap Data
let tilemapData = this.resourceManager.getTilemap(key);
// Set the constructor for this tilemap to either be orthographic or isometric
let constr;
if (tilemapData.orientation === "orthographic") {
constr = OrthogonalTilemap_1.default;
else {
// No isometric tilemap support right now, so Orthographic tilemap
constr = OrthogonalTilemap_1.default;
// Initialize the return value array
let sceneLayers = new Array();
// Create all of the tilesets for this tilemap
let tilesets = new Array();
let collectionTiles = new Array();
for (let tileset of tilemapData.tilesets) {
if (tileset.image) {
// If this is a standard tileset and not a collection, create a tileset for it.
// TODO - We are ignoring collection tilesets for now. This is likely not a great idea in practice,
// as theoretically someone could want to use one for a standard tilemap. We are assuming for now
// that we only want to use them for object layers
tilesets.push(new Tileset_1.default(tileset));
else {
tileset.tiles.forEach(tile => += tileset.firstgid);
// Loop over the layers of the tilemap and create tiledlayers or object layers
for (let layer of tilemapData.layers) {
let sceneLayer;
let isParallaxLayer = false;
let depth = 0;
if ( {
for (let prop of {
if ( === "Parallax") {
isParallaxLayer = prop.value;
else if ( === "Depth") {
depth = prop.value;
if (isParallaxLayer) {
sceneLayer = this.scene.addParallaxLayer(, new Vec2_1.default(1, 1), depth);
else {
sceneLayer = this.scene.addLayer(, depth);
if (layer.type === "tilelayer") {
// Create a new tilemap object for the layer
let tilemap = new constr(tilemapData, layer, tilesets, scale); = this.scene.generateId();
// Add tilemap to scene
// Register tilemap with physics if it's collidable
if (tilemap.isCollidable) {
if ( {
for (let item of {
if ( === "Group") {
else {
let isNavmeshPoints = false;
let navmeshName;
let edges;
if ( {
for (let prop of {
if ( === "NavmeshPoints") {
isNavmeshPoints = true;
else if ( === "name") {
navmeshName = prop.value;
else if ( === "edges") {
edges = prop.value;
if (isNavmeshPoints) {
let g = new PositionGraph_1.default();
for (let obj of layer.objects) {
g.addPositionedNode(new Vec2_1.default(obj.x, obj.y));
for (let edge of edges) {
this.scene.getNavigationManager().addNavigableEntity(navmeshName, new Navmesh_1.default(g));
// Layer is an object layer, so add each object as a sprite to a new layer
for (let obj of layer.objects) {
// Check if obj is collidable
let hasPhysics = false;
let isCollidable = false;
let isTrigger = false;
let onEnter = null;
let onExit = null;
let triggerGroup = null;
let group = "";
if ( {
for (let prop of {
if ( === "HasPhysics") {
hasPhysics = prop.value;
else if ( === "Collidable") {
isCollidable = prop.value;
else if ( === "Group") {
group = prop.value;
else if ( === "IsTrigger") {
isTrigger = prop.value;
else if ( === "TriggerGroup") {
triggerGroup = prop.value;
else if ( === "TriggerOnEnter") {
onEnter = prop.value;
else if ( === "TriggerOnExit") {
onExit = prop.value;
let sprite;
// Check if obj is a tile from a tileset
for (let tileset of tilesets) {
if (tileset.hasTile(obj.gid)) {
// The object is a tile from this set
let imageKey = tileset.getImageKey();
let offset = tileset.getImageOffsetForTile(obj.gid);
sprite = this.scene.add.sprite(imageKey,;
let size = tileset.getTileSize().clone();
sprite.position.set((obj.x + size.x / 2) * scale.x, (obj.y - size.y / 2) * scale.y);
sprite.scale.set(scale.x, scale.y);
// Not in a tileset, must correspond to a collection
if (!sprite) {
for (let tile of collectionTiles) {
if (obj.gid === {
let imageKey = tile.image;
sprite = this.scene.add.sprite(imageKey,;
sprite.position.set((obj.x + tile.imagewidth / 2) * scale.x, (obj.y - tile.imageheight / 2) * scale.y);
sprite.scale.set(scale.x, scale.y);
// Now we have sprite. Associate it with our physics object if there is one
if (hasPhysics) {
// Make the sprite a static physics object
sprite.addPhysics(sprite.boundary.clone(), Vec2_1.default.ZERO, isCollidable, true);
if (isTrigger && triggerGroup !== null) {
sprite.setTrigger(triggerGroup, onEnter, onExit);
// Update the return value
return sceneLayers;
init(scene, tilemaps) {
this.scene = scene;
this.tilemaps = tilemaps;
this.resourceManager = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
exports.default = TilemapFactory;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const MathUtils_1 = require("../Utils/MathUtils");
* A layer in the scene. Layers are used for sorting @reference[GameNode]s by depth.
class Layer {
* Creates a new layer. To do this in a game, use the addLayer() method in @refrence[Scene]
* @param scene The scene to add the layer to
* @param name The name of the layer
constructor(scene, name) {
this.scene = scene; = name;
this.paused = false;
this.hidden = false;
this.alpha = 1;
this.items = new Array();
this.ySort = false;
this.depth = 0;
* Retreives the name of the layer
* @returns The name of the layer
getName() {
* Pauses/Unpauses the layer. Affects all elements in this layer
* @param pauseValue True if the layer should be paused, false if not
setPaused(pauseValue) {
this.paused = pauseValue;
* Returns whether or not the layer is paused
isPaused() {
return this.paused;
* Sets the opacity of the layer
* @param alpha The new opacity value in the range [0, 1]
setAlpha(alpha) {
this.alpha = MathUtils_1.default.clamp(alpha, 0, 1);
* Gets the opacity of the layer
* @returns The opacity
getAlpha() {
return this.alpha;
* Sets the layer's hidden value. If hidden, a layer will not be rendered, but will still update
* @param hidden The hidden value of the layer
setHidden(hidden) {
this.hidden = hidden;
* Returns the hideen value of the lyaer
* @returns True if the scene is hidden, false otherwise
isHidden() {
return this.hidden;
/** Pauses this scene and hides it */
disable() {
this.paused = true;
this.hidden = true;
/** Unpauses this layer and makes it visible */
enable() {
this.paused = false;
this.hidden = false;
* Sets whether or not the scene will ySort automatically.
* ySorting means that CanvasNodes on this layer will have their depth sorted depending on their y-value.
* This means that if an object is "higher" in the scene, it will sort behind objects that are "lower".
* This is useful for 3/4 view games, or similar situations, where you sometimes want to be in front of objects,
* and other times want to be behind the same objects.
* @param ySort True if ySorting should be active, false if not
setYSort(ySort) {
this.ySort = ySort;
* Gets the ySort status of the scene
* @returns True if ySorting is occurring, false otherwise
getYSort() {
return this.ySort;
* Sets the depth of the layer compared to other layers. A larger number means the layer will be closer to the screen.
* @param depth The depth of the layer.
setDepth(depth) {
this.depth = depth;
* Retrieves the depth of the layer.
* @returns The depth
getDepth() {
return this.depth;
* Adds a node to this layer
* @param node The node to add to this layer.
addNode(node) {
* Removes a node from this layer
* @param node The node to remove
* @returns true if the node was removed, false otherwise
removeNode(node) {
// Find and remove the node
let index = this.items.indexOf(node);
if (index !== -1) {
this.items.splice(index, 1);
* Retreives all GameNodes from this layer
* @returns an Array that contains all of the GameNodes in this layer.
getItems() {
return this.items;
exports.default = Layer;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Layer_1 = require("../Layer");
* An extension of a Layer that has a parallax value.
class ParallaxLayer extends Layer_1.default {
* Creates a new ParallaxLayer.
* Use addParallaxLayer() in @reference[Scene] to add a layer of this type to your game.
* @param scene The Scene to add this ParallaxLayer to
* @param name The name of the ParallaxLayer
* @param parallax The parallax level
constructor(scene, name, parallax) {
super(scene, name);
this.parallax = parallax;
exports.default = ParallaxLayer;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../../DataTypes/Vec2");
const ParallaxLayer_1 = require("./ParallaxLayer");
* A Layer strictly to be used for managing UIElements.
* This is intended to be a Layer that always stays in the same place,
* and thus renders things like a HUD or an inventory without taking into consideration the \reference[Viewport] scroll.
class UILayer extends ParallaxLayer_1.default {
* Creates a new UILayer.
* Use addUILayer() in @reference[Scene] to add a layer of this type to your game.
* @param scene The Scene to add this UILayer to
* @param name The name of the UILayer
constructor(scene, name) {
super(scene, name, Vec2_1.default.ZERO);
exports.default = UILayer;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Layer_1 = require("./Layer");
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const BasicPhysicsManager_1 = require("../Physics/BasicPhysicsManager");
const SceneGraphArray_1 = require("../SceneGraph/SceneGraphArray");
const FactoryManager_1 = require("./Factories/FactoryManager");
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const Receiver_1 = require("../Events/Receiver");
const Emitter_1 = require("../Events/Emitter");
const NavigationManager_1 = require("../Pathfinding/NavigationManager");
const AIManager_1 = require("../AI/AIManager");
const Map_1 = require("../DataTypes/Map");
const ParallaxLayer_1 = require("./Layers/ParallaxLayer");
const UILayer_1 = require("./Layers/UILayer");
const CanvasNode_1 = require("../Nodes/CanvasNode");
const SceneOptions_1 = require("./SceneOptions");
const Debug_1 = require("../Debug/Debug");
const TimerManager_1 = require("../Timing/TimerManager");
const TweenManager_1 = require("../Rendering/Animations/TweenManager");
const ParticleSystemManager_1 = require("../Rendering/Animations/ParticleSystemManager");
* Scenes are the main container in the game engine.
* Your main scene is the current level or menu of the game, and will contain all of the GameNodes needed.
* Scenes provide an easy way to load assets, add assets to the game world, and unload assets,
* and have lifecycle methods exposed for these functions.
class Scene {
* Creates a new Scene. To add a new Scene in your game, use changeToScene() in @reference[SceneManager]
* @param viewport The viewport of the game
* @param sceneManager The SceneManager that owns this Scene
* @param renderingManager The RenderingManager that will handle this Scene's rendering
* @param game The instance of the Game
* @param options The options for Scene initialization
constructor(viewport, sceneManager, renderingManager, options) {
this.sceneOptions = SceneOptions_1.default.parse(options === undefined ? {} : options);
this.worldSize = new Vec2_1.default(500, 500);
this.viewport = viewport;
this.viewport.setBounds(0, 0, 2560, 1280);
this.running = false;
this.sceneManager = sceneManager;
this.receiver = new Receiver_1.default();
this.emitter = new Emitter_1.default();
this.tilemaps = new Array();
this.sceneGraph = new SceneGraphArray_1.default(this.viewport, this);
this.layers = new Map_1.default();
this.uiLayers = new Map_1.default();
this.parallaxLayers = new Map_1.default();
this.physicsManager = new BasicPhysicsManager_1.default(this.sceneOptions.physics);
this.navManager = new NavigationManager_1.default();
this.aiManager = new AIManager_1.default();
this.renderingManager = renderingManager;
this.add = new FactoryManager_1.default(this, this.tilemaps);
this.load = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
this.resourceManager = this.load;
// Get the timer manager and clear any existing timers
/** A lifecycle method that gets called immediately after a new scene is created, before anything else. */
initScene(init) { }
/** A lifecycle method that gets called when a new scene is created. Load all files you wish to access in the scene here. */
loadScene() { }
/** A lifecycle method called strictly after loadScene(). Create any game objects you wish to use in the scene here. */
startScene() { }
* A lifecycle method called every frame of the game. This is where you can dynamically do things like add in new enemies
* @param delta The time this frame represents
updateScene(deltaT) { }
/** A lifecycle method that gets called on scene destruction. Specify which files you no longer need for garbage collection. */
unloadScene() { }
update(deltaT) {
// Do time updates
// Do all AI updates
// Update all physics objects
// Update all canvas objects
// Update all tilemaps
this.tilemaps.forEach(tilemap => {
if (!tilemap.getLayer().isPaused()) {
// Update all tweens
// Update all particle systems
// Update viewport
* Collects renderable sets and coordinates with the RenderingManager to draw the Scene
render() {
// Get the visible set of nodes
let visibleSet = this.sceneGraph.getVisibleSet();
// Add parallax layer items to the visible set (we're rendering them all for now)
this.parallaxLayers.forEach(key => {
let pLayer = this.parallaxLayers.get(key);
for (let node of pLayer.getItems()) {
if (node instanceof CanvasNode_1.default) {
// Send the visible set, tilemaps, and uiLayers to the renderer
this.renderingManager.render(visibleSet, this.tilemaps, this.uiLayers);
let nodes = this.sceneGraph.getAllNodes();
this.tilemaps.forEach(tilemap => tilemap.visible ? nodes.push(tilemap) : 0);
* Sets the scene as running or not
* @param running True if the Scene should be running, false if not
setRunning(running) {
this.running = running;
* Returns whether or not the Scene is running
* @returns True if the scene is running, false otherwise
isRunning() {
return this.running;
* Removes a node from this Scene
* @param node The node to remove
remove(node) {
// Remove from the scene graph
if (node instanceof CanvasNode_1.default) {
/** Destroys this scene and all nodes in it */
destroy() {
for (let node of this.sceneGraph.getAllNodes()) {
for (let tilemap of this.tilemaps) {
delete this.sceneGraph;
delete this.physicsManager;
delete this.navManager;
delete this.aiManager;
delete this.receiver;
* Adds a new layer to the scene and returns it
* @param name The name of the new layer
* @param depth The depth of the layer
* @returns The newly created Layer
addLayer(name, depth) {
if (this.layers.has(name) || this.parallaxLayers.has(name) || this.uiLayers.has(name)) {
throw `Layer with name ${name} already exists`;
let layer = new Layer_1.default(this, name);
this.layers.add(name, layer);
if (depth) {
return layer;
* Adds a new parallax layer to this scene and returns it
* @param name The name of the parallax layer
* @param parallax The parallax level
* @param depth The depth of the layer
* @returns The newly created ParallaxLayer
addParallaxLayer(name, parallax, depth) {
if (this.layers.has(name) || this.parallaxLayers.has(name) || this.uiLayers.has(name)) {
throw `Layer with name ${name} already exists`;
let layer = new ParallaxLayer_1.default(this, name, parallax);
this.parallaxLayers.add(name, layer);
if (depth) {
return layer;
* Adds a new UILayer to the scene
* @param name The name of the new UIlayer
* @returns The newly created UILayer
addUILayer(name) {
if (this.layers.has(name) || this.parallaxLayers.has(name) || this.uiLayers.has(name)) {
throw `Layer with name ${name} already exists`;
let layer = new UILayer_1.default(this, name);
this.uiLayers.add(name, layer);
return layer;
* Gets a layer from the scene by name if it exists.
* This can be a Layer or any of its subclasses
* @param name The name of the layer
* @returns The Layer found with that name
getLayer(name) {
if (this.layers.has(name)) {
return this.layers.get(name);
else if (this.parallaxLayers.has(name)) {
return this.parallaxLayers.get(name);
else if (this.uiLayers.has(name)) {
return this.uiLayers.get(name);
else {
throw `Requested layer ${name} does not exist.`;
* Returns true if this layer is a ParallaxLayer
* @param name The name of the layer
* @returns True if this layer is a ParallaxLayer
isParallaxLayer(name) {
return this.parallaxLayers.has(name);
* Returns true if this layer is a UILayer
* @param name The name of the layer
* @returns True if this layer is ParallaxLayer
isUILayer(name) {
return this.uiLayers.has(name);
* Returns the translation of this node with respect to camera space (due to the viewport moving).
* This value is affected by the parallax level of the @reference[Layer] the node is on.
* @param node The node to check the viewport with respect to
* @returns A Vec2 containing the translation of viewport with respect to this node.
getViewTranslation(node) {
let layer = node.getLayer();
if (layer instanceof ParallaxLayer_1.default || layer instanceof UILayer_1.default) {
return this.viewport.getOrigin().mult(layer.parallax);
else {
return this.viewport.getOrigin();
* Returns the scale level of the view
* @returns The zoom level of the viewport
getViewScale() {
return this.viewport.getZoomLevel();
* Returns the Viewport associated with this scene
* @returns The current Viewport
getViewport() {
return this.viewport;
* Gets the world size of this Scene
* @returns The world size in a Vec2
getWorldSize() {
return this.worldSize;
* Gets the SceneGraph associated with this Scene
* @returns The SceneGraph
getSceneGraph() {
return this.sceneGraph;
* Gets the PhysicsManager associated with this Scene
* @returns The PhysicsManager
getPhysicsManager() {
return this.physicsManager;
* Gets the NavigationManager associated with this Scene
* @returns The NavigationManager
getNavigationManager() {
return this.navManager;
* Gets the AIManager associated with this Scene
* @returns The AIManager
getAIManager() {
return this.aiManager;
* Generates an ID for a GameNode
* @returns The new ID
generateId() {
return this.sceneManager.generateId();
* Retrieves a Tilemap in this Scene
* @param name The name of the Tilemap
* @returns The Tilemap, if one this name exists, otherwise null
getTilemap(name) {
for (let tilemap of this.tilemaps) {
if ( === name) {
return tilemap;
return null;
exports.default = Scene;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
* The SceneManager acts as an interface to create Scenes, and handles the lifecycle methods of Scenes.
* It gives Scenes access to information they need from the @reference[Game] class while keeping a layer of separation.
class SceneManager {
* Creates a new SceneManager
* @param viewport The Viewport of the game
* @param game The Game instance
* @param renderingManager The RenderingManager of the game
constructor(viewport, renderingManager) {
this.resourceManager = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
this.viewport = viewport;
this.renderingManager = renderingManager;
this.idCounter = 0;
this.pendingScene = null;
* Add a scene as the main scene.
* Use this method if you've created a subclass of Scene, and you want to add it as the main Scene.
* @param constr The constructor of the scene to add
* @param init An object to pass to the init function of the new scene
changeToScene(constr, init, options) {
console.log("Creating the new scene - change is pending until next update");
this.pendingScene = new constr(this.viewport, this, this.renderingManager, options);
this.pendingSceneInit = init;
doSceneChange() {
console.log("Performing scene change");
this.viewport.setCenter(this.viewport.getHalfSize().x, this.viewport.getHalfSize().y);
if (this.currentScene) {
console.log("Unloading old scene");
console.log("Destroying old scene");
console.log("Unloading old resources...");
// Make the pending scene the current one
this.currentScene = this.pendingScene;
// Make the pending scene null
this.pendingScene = null;
// Init the scene
// Enqueue all scene asset loads
// Load all assets
console.log("Starting Scene Load");
this.resourceManager.loadResourcesFromQueue(() => {
console.log("Starting Scene");
* Generates a unique ID
* @returns A new ID
generateId() {
return this.idCounter++;
* Renders the current Scene
render() {
if (this.currentScene) {
* Updates the current Scene
* @param deltaT The timestep of the Scene
update(deltaT) {
if (this.pendingScene !== null) {
if (this.currentScene && this.currentScene.isRunning()) {
exports.default = SceneManager;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
// @ignorePage
* The options to give a @reference[Scene] for initialization
class SceneOptions {
static parse(options) {
let sOpt = new SceneOptions();
if (options.physics === undefined) {
sOpt.physics = { groups: undefined, collisions: undefined };
else {
sOpt.physics = options.physics;
return sOpt;
exports.default = SceneOptions;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
* An abstract interface of a SceneGraph.
* Exposes methods for use by other code, but leaves the implementation up to the subclasses.
* The SceneGraph manages the positions of all GameNodes, and can easily prune a visible set for rendering.
class SceneGraph {
* Creates a new SceneGraph
* @param viewport The viewport
* @param scene The Scene this SceneGraph belongs to
constructor(viewport, scene) {
this.viewport = viewport;
this.scene = scene;
this.nodeMap = new Array();
this.idCounter = 0;
* Add a node to the SceneGraph
* @param node The CanvasNode to add to the SceneGraph
* @returns The SceneGraph ID of this newly added CanvasNode
addNode(node) {
this.nodeMap[] = node;
this.addNodeSpecific(node, this.idCounter);
this.idCounter += 1;
return this.idCounter - 1;
* Removes a node from the SceneGraph
* @param node The node to remove
removeNode(node) {
// Find and remove node in O(n)
this.nodeMap[] = undefined;
* Get a specific node using its id
* @param id The id of the CanvasNode to retrieve
* @returns The node with this ID
getNode(id) {
return this.nodeMap[id];
* Returns the nodes at specific coordinates
* @param vecOrX The x-coordinate of the position, or the coordinates in a Vec2
* @param y The y-coordinate of the position
* @returns An array of nodes found at the position provided
getNodesAt(vecOrX, y = null) {
if (vecOrX instanceof Vec2_1.default) {
return this.getNodesAtCoords(vecOrX.x, vecOrX.y);
else {
return this.getNodesAtCoords(vecOrX, y);
* Returns all nodes in the SceneGraph
* @returns An Array containing all nodes in the SceneGraph
getAllNodes() {
let arr = new Array();
for (let i = 0; i < this.nodeMap.length; i++) {
if (this.nodeMap[i] !== undefined) {
return arr;
exports.default = SceneGraph;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const SceneGraph_1 = require("./SceneGraph");
const Stats_1 = require("../Debug/Stats");
* An implementation of a SceneGraph that simply stored CanvasNodes in an array.
class SceneGraphArray extends SceneGraph_1.default {
* Creates a new SceneGraphArray
* @param viewport The Viewport
* @param scene The Scene this SceneGraph belongs to
constructor(viewport, scene) {
super(viewport, scene);
this.nodeList = new Array();
// @override
addNodeSpecific(node, id) {
// @override
removeNodeSpecific(node, id) {
let index = this.nodeList.indexOf(node);
if (index > -1) {
this.nodeList.splice(index, 1);
// @override
getNodesAtCoords(x, y) {
let results = [];
for (let node of this.nodeList) {
if (node.contains(x, y)) {
return results;
// @override
getNodesInRegion(boundary) {
let t0 =;
let results = [];
for (let node of this.nodeList) {
if (boundary.overlaps(node.boundary)) {
let t1 =;
Stats_1.default.log("sgquery", (t1 - t0));
return results;
update(deltaT) {
let t0 =;
for (let node of this.nodeList) {
if (!node.getLayer().isPaused()) {
let t1 =;
Stats_1.default.log("sgupdate", (t1 - t0));
render(ctx) { }
// @override
getVisibleSet() {
let visibleSet = new Array();
for (let node of this.nodeList) {
if (!node.getLayer().isHidden() && node.visible && this.viewport.includes(node)) {
return visibleSet;
exports.default = SceneGraphArray;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../DataTypes/Vec2");
const MathUtils_1 = require("../Utils/MathUtils");
const Queue_1 = require("../DataTypes/Queue");
const AABB_1 = require("../DataTypes/Shapes/AABB");
const Input_1 = require("../Input/Input");
const ParallaxLayer_1 = require("../Scene/Layers/ParallaxLayer");
const UILayer_1 = require("../Scene/Layers/UILayer");
* The viewport of the game. Corresponds to the visible window displayed in the browser.
* The viewport keeps track of its position in the game world, and can act as a camera to follow objects.
class Viewport {
constructor(canvasSize, zoomLevel) {
/** The amount that is zoomed in or out. */
this.ZOOM_FACTOR = 1.2;
this.view = new AABB_1.default(Vec2_1.default.ZERO, Vec2_1.default.ZERO);
this.boundary = new AABB_1.default(Vec2_1.default.ZERO, Vec2_1.default.ZERO);
this.lastPositions = new Queue_1.default();
this.smoothingFactor = 10;
this.scrollZoomEnabled = false;
this.canvasSize = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
this.focus = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
// Set the size of the canvas
// Set the size of the viewport
// Set the center (and make the viewport stay there)
/** Enables the viewport to zoom in and out */
enableZoom() {
this.scrollZoomEnabled = true;
* Returns the position of the viewport
* @returns The center of the viewport as a Vec2
getCenter() {
* Returns a new Vec2 with the origin of the viewport
* @returns The top left cornder of the Vieport as a Vec2
getOrigin() {
return new Vec2_1.default(this.view.left,;
* Returns the region visible to this viewport
* @returns The AABB containing the region visible to the viewport
getView() {
return this.view;
* Set the position of the viewport
* @param vecOrX The new position or the x-coordinate of the new position
* @param y The y-coordinate of the new position
setCenter(vecOrX, y = null) {
let pos;
if (vecOrX instanceof Vec2_1.default) {
pos = vecOrX;
else {
pos = new Vec2_1.default(vecOrX, y);
} = pos;
* Returns the size of the viewport as a Vec2
* @returns The half-size of the viewport as a Vec2
getHalfSize() {
return this.view.getHalfSize();
* Sets the size of the viewport
* @param vecOrX The new width of the viewport or the new size as a Vec2
* @param y The new height of the viewport
setSize(vecOrX, y = null) {
if (vecOrX instanceof Vec2_1.default) {
this.view.setHalfSize(vecOrX.scaled(1 / 2));
else {
this.view.setHalfSize(new Vec2_1.default(vecOrX / 2, y / 2));
* Sets the half-size of the viewport
* @param vecOrX The new half-width of the viewport or the new half-size as a Vec2
* @param y The new height of the viewport
setHalfSize(vecOrX, y = null) {
if (vecOrX instanceof Vec2_1.default) {
else {
this.view.setHalfSize(new Vec2_1.default(vecOrX, y));
* Updates the viewport with the size of the current Canvas
* @param vecOrX The width of the canvas, or the canvas size as a Vec2
* @param y The height of the canvas
setCanvasSize(vecOrX, y = null) {
if (vecOrX instanceof Vec2_1.default) {
this.canvasSize = vecOrX.clone();
else {
this.canvasSize = new Vec2_1.default(vecOrX, y);
* Sets the zoom level of the viewport
* @param zoom The zoom level
setZoomLevel(zoom) {
this.view.halfSize.copy(this.canvasSize.scaled(1 / zoom / 2));
* Gets the zoom level of the viewport
* @returns The zoom level
getZoomLevel() {
return this.canvasSize.x / this.view.hw / 2;
* Sets the smoothing factor for the viewport movement.
* @param smoothingFactor The smoothing factor for the viewport
setSmoothingFactor(smoothingFactor) {
if (smoothingFactor < 1)
smoothingFactor = 1;
this.smoothingFactor = smoothingFactor;
* Tells the viewport to focus on a point. Overidden by "following".
* @param focus The point the viewport should focus on
setFocus(focus) {
* Returns true if the CanvasNode is inside of the viewport
* @param node The node to check
* @returns True if the node is currently visible in the viewport, false if not
includes(node) {
let parallax = node.getLayer() instanceof ParallaxLayer_1.default || node.getLayer() instanceof UILayer_1.default ? node.getLayer().parallax : new Vec2_1.default(1, 1);
let center =;;
let overlaps = this.view.overlaps(node.boundary); = center;
return overlaps;
// TODO: Put some error handling on this for trying to make the bounds too small for the viewport
// TODO: This should probably be done automatically, or should consider the aspect ratio or something
* Sets the bounds of the viewport
* @param lowerX The left edge of the viewport
* @param lowerY The top edge of the viewport
* @param upperX The right edge of the viewport
* @param upperY The bottom edge of the viewport
setBounds(lowerX, lowerY, upperX, upperY) {
let hwidth = (upperX - lowerX) / 2;
let hheight = (upperY - lowerY) / 2;
let x = lowerX + hwidth;
let y = lowerY + hheight;, y);
this.boundary.halfSize.set(hwidth, hheight);
* Make the viewport follow the specified GameNode
* @param node The GameNode to follow
follow(node) {
this.following = node;
updateView() {
if (this.lastPositions.getSize() > this.smoothingFactor) {
// Get the average of the last 10 positions
let pos = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
this.lastPositions.forEach(position => pos.add(position));
pos.scale(1 / this.lastPositions.getSize());
// Set this position either to the object or to its bounds
pos.x = MathUtils_1.default.clamp(pos.x, this.boundary.left + this.view.hw, this.boundary.right - this.view.hw);
pos.y = MathUtils_1.default.clamp(pos.y, + this.view.hh, this.boundary.bottom - this.view.hh);
// Assure there are no lines in the tilemap
pos.x = Math.floor(pos.x);
pos.y = Math.floor(pos.y);;
update(deltaT) {
// If zoom is enabled
if (this.scrollZoomEnabled) {
if (Input_1.default.didJustScroll()) {
let currentSize = this.view.getHalfSize().clone();
if (Input_1.default.getScrollDirection() < 0) {
// Zoom in
currentSize.scale(1 / this.ZOOM_FACTOR);
else {
// Zoom out
if (currentSize.x > this.boundary.hw) {
let factor = this.boundary.hw / currentSize.x;
currentSize.x = this.boundary.hw;
currentSize.y *= factor;
if (currentSize.y > this.boundary.hh) {
let factor = this.boundary.hh / currentSize.y;
currentSize.y = this.boundary.hh;
currentSize.x *= factor;
// If viewport is following an object
if (this.following) {
// Update our list of previous positions
else {
exports.default = Viewport;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS = exports.AudioChannelType = void 0;
const Map_1 = require("../DataTypes/Map");
const Receiver_1 = require("../Events/Receiver");
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const GameEventType_1 = require("../Events/GameEventType");
* Manages any sounds or music needed for the game.
* Through the EventQueue, exposes interface to play sounds so GameNodes can activate sounds without
* needing direct references to the audio system
class AudioManager {
constructor() {
this.receiver = new Receiver_1.default();
this.currentSounds = new Map_1.default();
this.gainNodes = new Array(exports.MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS);
* Get the instance of the AudioManager class or create a new one if none exists
* @returns The AudioManager
static getInstance() {
if (!this.instance) {
this.instance = new AudioManager();
return this.instance;
* Initializes the webAudio context
initAudio() {
try {
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext; // || window.webkitAudioContext;
this.audioCtx = new AudioContext();
console.log('Web Audio API successfully loaded');
catch (e) {
console.warn('Web Audio API is not supported in this browser');
initGainNodes() {
for (let i = 0; i < exports.MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS; i++) {
this.gainNodes[i] = this.audioCtx.createGain();
* Returns the current audio context
* @returns The AudioContext
getAudioContext() {
return this.audioCtx;
According to the MDN, create a new sound for every call:
An AudioBufferSourceNode can only be played once; after each call to start(), you have to create a new node
if you want to play the same sound again. Fortunately, these nodes are very inexpensive to create, and the
actual AudioBuffers can be reused for multiple plays of the sound. Indeed, you can use these nodes in a
"fire and forget" manner: create the node, call start() to begin playing the sound, and don't even bother to
hold a reference to it. It will automatically be garbage-collected at an appropriate time, which won't be
until sometime after the sound has finished playing.
* Creates a new sound from the key of a loaded audio file
* @param key The key of the loaded audio file to create a new sound for
* @returns The newly created AudioBuffer
createSound(key, holdReference, channel, options) {
// Get audio buffer
let buffer = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance().getAudio(key);
// Create a sound source
var source = this.audioCtx.createBufferSource();
// Tell the source which sound to play
source.buffer = buffer;
// Add any additional nodes
const nodes = [source];
// Do any additional nodes here?
// Of course, there aren't any supported yet...
// Add the gain node for this channel
// Connect any nodes along the path
for (let i = 1; i < nodes.length; i++) {
nodes[i - 1].connect(nodes[i]);
// Connect the source to the context's destination
nodes[nodes.length - 1].connect(this.audioCtx.destination);
return source;
* Play the sound specified by the key
* @param key The key of the sound to play
* @param loop A boolean for whether or not to loop the sound
* @param holdReference A boolean for whether or not we want to hold on to a reference of the audio node. This is good for playing music on a loop that will eventually need to be stopped.
playSound(key, loop, holdReference, channel, options) {
let sound = this.createSound(key, holdReference, channel, options);
if (loop) {
sound.loop = true;
// Add a reference of the new sound to a map. This will allow us to stop a looping or long sound at a later time
if (holdReference) {
this.currentSounds.add(key, sound);
* Stop the sound specified by the key
stopSound(key) {
let sound = this.currentSounds.get(key);
if (sound) {
muteChannel(channel) {
this.gainNodes[channel].gain.setValueAtTime(0, this.audioCtx.currentTime);
unmuteChannel(channel) {
this.gainNodes[channel].gain.setValueAtTime(1, this.audioCtx.currentTime);
* Sets the volume of a channel using the GainNode for that channel. For more
* information on GainNodes, see
* @param channel The audio channel to set the volume for
* @param volume The volume of the channel. 0 is muted. Values below zero will be set to zero.
static setVolume(channel, volume) {
if (volume < 0) {
volume = 0;
const am = AudioManager.getInstance();
am.gainNodes[channel].gain.setValueAtTime(volume, am.audioCtx.currentTime);
* Returns the GainNode for this channel.
* Learn more about GainNodes here
* @param channel The channel
* @returns The GainNode for the specified channel
getChannelGainNode(channel) {
return this.gainNodes[channel];
update(deltaT) {
// Play each audio clip requested
// TODO - Add logic to merge sounds if there are multiple of the same key
while (this.receiver.hasNextEvent()) {
let event = this.receiver.getNextEvent();
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.PLAY_SOUND || event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.PLAY_MUSIC || event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.PLAY_SFX) {
let soundKey ="key");
let loop ="loop");
let holdReference ="holdReference");
let channel = AudioChannelType.DEFAULT;
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.PLAY_MUSIC) {
channel = AudioChannelType.MUSIC;
else if (GameEventType_1.GameEventType.PLAY_SFX) {
channel = AudioChannelType.SFX;
else if ("channel")) {
channel ="channel");
this.playSound(soundKey, loop, holdReference, channel,;
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.STOP_SOUND) {
let soundKey ="key");
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.MUTE_CHANNEL) {
if (event.type === GameEventType_1.GameEventType.UNMUTE_CHANNEL) {
exports.default = AudioManager;
var AudioChannelType;
(function (AudioChannelType) {
AudioChannelType[AudioChannelType["DEFAULT"] = 0] = "DEFAULT";
AudioChannelType[AudioChannelType["SFX"] = 1] = "SFX";
AudioChannelType[AudioChannelType["MUSIC"] = 2] = "MUSIC";
AudioChannelType[AudioChannelType["CUSTOM_1"] = 3] = "CUSTOM_1";
AudioChannelType[AudioChannelType["CUSTOM_2"] = 4] = "CUSTOM_2";
AudioChannelType[AudioChannelType["CUSTOM_3"] = 5] = "CUSTOM_3";
AudioChannelType[AudioChannelType["CUSTOM_4"] = 6] = "CUSTOM_4";
AudioChannelType[AudioChannelType["CUSTOM_5"] = 7] = "CUSTOM_5";
AudioChannelType[AudioChannelType["CUSTOM_6"] = 8] = "CUSTOM_6";
AudioChannelType[AudioChannelType["CUSTOM_7"] = 9] = "CUSTOM_7";
AudioChannelType[AudioChannelType["CUSTOM_8"] = 10] = "CUSTOM_8";
AudioChannelType[AudioChannelType["CUSTOM_9"] = 11] = "CUSTOM_9";
})(AudioChannelType = exports.AudioChannelType || (exports.AudioChannelType = {}));
exports.MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS = 12;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.TimerState = void 0;
const MathUtils_1 = require("../Utils/MathUtils");
const TimerManager_1 = require("./TimerManager");
/** */
class Timer {
constructor(time, onEnd, loop = false) {
// Register this timer
this.totalTime = time;
this.timeLeft = 0;
this.onEnd = onEnd;
this.loop = loop;
this.state = TimerState.STOPPED;
this.numRuns = 0;
isStopped() {
return this.state === TimerState.STOPPED;
isPaused() {
return this.state === TimerState.PAUSED;
* Returns whether or not this timer has been run before
* @returns true if it has been run at least once (after the latest reset), and false otherwise
hasRun() {
return this.numRuns > 0;
start(time) {
if (time !== undefined) {
this.totalTime = time;
this.state = TimerState.ACTIVE;
this.timeLeft = this.totalTime;
/** Resets this timer. Sets the progress back to zero, and sets the number of runs back to zero */
reset() {
this.timeLeft = this.totalTime;
this.numRuns = 0;
pause() {
this.state = TimerState.PAUSED;
update(deltaT) {
if (this.state === TimerState.ACTIVE) {
this.timeLeft -= deltaT * 1000;
if (this.timeLeft <= 0) {
this.timeLeft = MathUtils_1.default.clampLow0(this.timeLeft);
end() {
// Update the state
this.state = TimerState.STOPPED;
this.numRuns += 1;
// Call the end function if there is one
if (this.onEnd) {
// Loop if we want to
if (this.loop) {
this.state = TimerState.ACTIVE;
this.timeLeft = this.totalTime;
toString() {
return "Timer: " + this.state + " - Time Left: " + this.timeLeft + "ms of " + this.totalTime + "ms";
exports.default = Timer;
var TimerState;
(function (TimerState) {
TimerState["ACTIVE"] = "ACTIVE";
TimerState["PAUSED"] = "PAUSED";
TimerState["STOPPED"] = "STOPPED";
})(TimerState = exports.TimerState || (exports.TimerState = {}));
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class TimerManager {
constructor() {
this.timers = new Array();
static getInstance() {
if (!this.instance) {
this.instance = new TimerManager();
return this.instance;
addTimer(timer) {
clearTimers() {
this.timers = new Array();
update(deltaT) {
this.timers.forEach(timer => timer.update(deltaT));
exports.default = TimerManager;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const MathUtils_1 = require("./MathUtils");
// TODO: This should be moved to the datatypes folder
* A Color util class that keeps track of colors like a vector, but can be converted into a string format
class Color {
* Creates a new color
* @param r Red
* @param g Green
* @param b Blue
* @param a Alpha
constructor(r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1) {
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
this.a = a;
* Transparent color
* @returns rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
static get TRANSPARENT() {
return new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
* Red color
* @returns rgb(255, 0, 0)
static get RED() {
return new Color(255, 0, 0, 1);
* Green color
* @returns rgb(0, 255, 0)
static get GREEN() {
return new Color(0, 255, 0, 1);
* Blue color
* @returns rgb(0, 0, 255)
static get BLUE() {
return new Color(0, 0, 255, 1);
* Yellow color
* @returns rgb(255, 255, 0)
static get YELLOW() {
return new Color(255, 255, 0, 1);
* Magenta color
* @returns rgb(255, 0, 255)
static get MAGENTA() {
return new Color(255, 0, 255, 1);
* Cyan color
* @returns rgb(0, 255, 255)
static get CYAN() {
return new Color(0, 255, 255, 1);
* White color
* @returns rgb(255, 255, 255)
static get WHITE() {
return new Color(255, 255, 255, 1);
* Black color
* @returns rgb(0, 0, 0)
static get BLACK() {
return new Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
* Orange color
* @returns rgb(255, 100, 0)
static get ORANGE() {
return new Color(255, 100, 0, 1);
* Sets the color to the values provided
* @param r Red
* @param g Green
* @param b Blue
* @param a Alpha
set(r, g, b, a = 1) {
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
this.a = a;
* Returns a new color slightly lighter than the current color
* @returns A new lighter Color
lighten() {
return new Color(MathUtils_1.default.clamp(this.r + 40, 0, 255), MathUtils_1.default.clamp(this.g + 40, 0, 255), MathUtils_1.default.clamp(this.b + 40, 0, 255), MathUtils_1.default.clamp(this.a + 10, 0, 255));
* Returns a new color slightly darker than the current color
* @returns A new darker Color
darken() {
return new Color(MathUtils_1.default.clamp(this.r - 40, 0, 255), MathUtils_1.default.clamp(this.g - 40, 0, 255), MathUtils_1.default.clamp(this.b - 40, 0, 255), MathUtils_1.default.clamp(this.a + 10, 0, 255));
* Returns this color as an array
* @returns [r, g, b, a]
toArray() {
return [this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a];
* Returns the color as a string of the form #RRGGBB
* @returns #RRGGBB
toString() {
return "#" + MathUtils_1.default.toHex(this.r, 2) + MathUtils_1.default.toHex(this.g, 2) + MathUtils_1.default.toHex(this.b, 2);
* Returns the color as a string of the form rgb(r, g, b)
* @returns rgb(r, g, b)
toStringRGB() {
return "rgb(" + this.r.toString() + ", " + this.g.toString() + ", " + this.b.toString() + ")";
* Returns the color as a string of the form rgba(r, g, b, a)
* @returns rgba(r, g, b, a)
toStringRGBA() {
if (this.a === 0) {
return this.toStringRGB();
return "rgba(" + this.r.toString() + ", " + this.g.toString() + ", " + this.b.toString() + ", " + this.a.toString() + ")";
* Turns this color into a float32Array and changes color range to [0.0, 1.0]
* @returns a Float32Array containing the color
toWebGL() {
return new Float32Array([
this.r / 255,
this.g / 255,
this.b / 255,
static fromStringHex(str) {
let i = 0;
if (str.charAt(0) == "#")
i += 1;
let r = MathUtils_1.default.fromHex(str.substring(i, i + 2));
let g = MathUtils_1.default.fromHex(str.substring(i + 2, i + 4));
let b = MathUtils_1.default.fromHex(str.substring(i + 4, i + 6));
return new Color(r, g, b);
exports.default = Color;
"use strict";
// @ignorePage
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.EaseFunctionType = void 0;
class EaseFunctions {
static easeInOutSine(x) {
return -(Math.cos(Math.PI * x) - 1) / 2;
static easeOutInSine(x) {
return x < 0.5 ? -Math.cos(Math.PI * (x + 0.5)) / 2 : -Math.cos(Math.PI * (x - 0.5)) / 2 + 1;
static easeOutSine(x) {
return Math.sin((x * Math.PI) / 2);
static easeInSine(x) {
return 1 - Math.cos((x * Math.PI) / 2);
static easeInOutQuint(x) {
return x < 0.5 ? 16 * x * x * x * x * x : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 5) / 2;
static easeInOutQuad(x) {
return x < 0.5 ? 2 * x * x : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 2) / 2;
static easeOutInQuad(x) {
return x < 0.5 ? this.easeOutIn_OutPow(x, 2) : this.easeOutIn_InPow(x, 2);
static easeOutIn_OutPow(x, pow) {
return 0.5 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 1, pow) / 2;
static easeOutIn_InPow(x, pow) {
return 0.5 + Math.pow(2 * x - 1, pow) / 2;
exports.default = EaseFunctions;
var EaseFunctionType;
(function (EaseFunctionType) {
EaseFunctionType["IN_OUT_SINE"] = "easeInOutSine";
EaseFunctionType["OUT_IN_SINE"] = "easeOutInSine";
EaseFunctionType["IN_SINE"] = "easeInSine";
EaseFunctionType["OUT_SINE"] = "easeOutSine";
EaseFunctionType["IN_OUT_QUAD"] = "easeInOutQuad";
EaseFunctionType["OUT_IN_QUAD"] = "easeOutInQuad";
EaseFunctionType["IN_OUT_QUINT"] = "easeInOutQuint";
})(EaseFunctionType = exports.EaseFunctionType || (exports.EaseFunctionType = {}));
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
/** A class to provides some utility functions for graphs */
class GraphUtils {
* An implementation of Djikstra's shortest path algorithm based on the one described in The Algorithm Design Manual.
* @param g The graph
* @param start The number to start the shortest path from
* @returns An array containing the parent of each node of the Graph in the shortest path.
static djikstra(g, start) {
let i; // Counter
let p; // Pointer to edgenode
let inTree = new Array(g.numVertices);
let distance = new Array(g.numVertices);
let parent = new Array(g.numVertices);
let v; // Current vertex to process
let w; // Candidate for next vertex
let weight; // Edge weight
let dist; // Best current distance from start
for (i = 0; i < g.numVertices; i++) {
inTree[i] = false;
distance[i] = Infinity;
parent[i] = -1;
distance[start] = 0;
v = start;
while (!inTree[v]) {
inTree[v] = true;
p = g.edges[v];
while (p !== null) {
w = p.y;
weight = p.weight;
if (distance[w] > distance[v] + weight) {
distance[w] = distance[v] + weight;
parent[w] = v;
p =;
v = 0;
dist = Infinity;
for (i = 0; i <= g.numVertices; i++) {
if (!inTree[i] && dist > distance[i]) {
dist = distance;
v = i;
return parent;
exports.default = GraphUtils;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
/** A class containing some utility functions for math operations */
class MathUtils {
* Returns the sign of the value provided
* @param x The value to extract the sign from
* @returns -1 if the number is less than 0, 1 otherwise
static sign(x) {
return x < 0 ? -1 : 1;
* Returns whether or not x is between a and b
* @param a The min bound
* @param b The max bound
* @param x The value to check
* @param exclusive Whether or not a and b are exclusive bounds
* @returns True if x is between a and b, false otherwise
static between(a, b, x, exclusive) {
if (exclusive) {
return (a < x) && (x < b);
else {
return (a <= x) && (x <= b);
* Clamps the value x to the range [min, max], rounding up or down if needed
* @param x The value to be clamped
* @param min The min of the range
* @param max The max of the range
* @returns x, if it is between min and max, or min/max if it exceeds their bounds
static clamp(x, min, max) {
if (x < min)
return min;
if (x > max)
return max;
return x;
* Clamps the value x to the range between 0 and 1
* @param x The value to be clamped
* @returns x, if it is between 0 and 1, or 0/1 if it exceeds their bounds
static clamp01(x) {
return MathUtils.clamp(x, 0, 1);
* Clamps the lower end of the value of x to the range to min
* @param x The value to be clamped
* @param min The minimum allowed value of x
* @returns x, if it is greater than min, otherwise min
static clampLow(x, min) {
return x < min ? min : x;
* Clamps the lower end of the value of x to zero
* @param x The value to be clamped
* @returns x, if it is greater than 0, otherwise 0
static clampLow0(x) {
return MathUtils.clampLow(x, 0);
static clampMagnitude(v, m) {
if (v.magSq() > m * m) {
return v.scaleTo(m);
else {
return v;
static changeRange(x, min, max, newMin, newMax) {
return this.lerp(newMin, newMax, this.invLerp(min, max, x));
* Linear Interpolation
* @param a The first value for the interpolation bound
* @param b The second value for the interpolation bound
* @param t The time we are interpolating to
* @returns The value between a and b at time t
static lerp(a, b, t) {
return a + t * (b - a);
* Inverse Linear Interpolation. Finds the time at which a value between a and b would occur
* @param a The first value for the interpolation bound
* @param b The second value for the interpolation bound
* @param value The current value
* @returns The time at which the current value occurs between a and b
static invLerp(a, b, value) {
return (value - a) / (b - a);
* Cuts off decimal points of a number after a specified place
* @param num The number to floor
* @param place The last decimal place of the new number
* @returns The floored number
static floorToPlace(num, place) {
if (place === 0) {
return Math.floor(num);
let factor = 10;
while (place > 1) {
factor != 10;
return Math.floor(num * factor) / factor;
* Returns a number from a hex string
* @param str the string containing the hex number
* @returns the number in decimal represented by the hex string
static fromHex(str) {
return parseInt(str, 16);
* Returns the number as a hexadecimal
* @param num The number to convert to hex
* @param minLength The length of the returned hex string (adds zero padding if needed)
* @returns The hex representation of the number as a string
static toHex(num, minLength = null) {
let factor = 1;
while (factor * 16 < num) {
factor *= 16;
let hexStr = "";
while (factor >= 1) {
let digit = Math.floor(num / factor);
hexStr += MathUtils.toHexDigit(digit);
num -= digit * factor;
factor /= 16;
if (minLength !== null) {
while (hexStr.length < minLength) {
hexStr = "0" + hexStr;
return hexStr;
* Converts a digit to hexadecimal. In this case, a digit is between 0 and 15 inclusive
* @param num The digit to convert to hexadecimal
* @returns The hex representation of the digit as a string
static toHexDigit(num) {
if (num < 10) {
return "" + num;
else {
return String.fromCharCode(65 + num - 10);
exports.default = MathUtils;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const MathUtils_1 = require("./MathUtils");
class RenderingUtils {
static toWebGLCoords(point, origin, worldSize) {
return new Float32Array([
MathUtils_1.default.changeRange(point.x, origin.x, origin.x + worldSize.x, -1, 1),
MathUtils_1.default.changeRange(point.y, origin.y, origin.y + worldSize.y, 1, -1)
static toWebGLScale(size, worldSize) {
return new Float32Array([
2 * size.x / worldSize.x,
2 * size.y / worldSize.y,
static toWebGLColor(color) {
return new Float32Array([
MathUtils_1.default.changeRange(color.r, 0, 255, 0, 1),
MathUtils_1.default.changeRange(color.g, 0, 255, 0, 1),
MathUtils_1.default.changeRange(color.b, 0, 255, 0, 1),
exports.default = RenderingUtils;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
/** Some utility functions for dealing with strings */
class StringUtils {
* Extracts the path from a filepath that includes the file
* @param filePath the filepath to extract the path from
* @returns The path portion of the filepath provided
static getPathFromFilePath(filePath) {
let splitPath = filePath.split("/");
return splitPath.join("/");
exports.default = StringUtils;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Game_1 = require("./Wolfie2D/Loop/Game");
const MainMenu_1 = require("./shattered_sword/Scenes/MainMenu");
const RegistryManager_1 = require("./Wolfie2D/Registry/RegistryManager");
const WeaponRegistry_1 = require("./shattered_sword/Registry/WeaponRegistry");
const WeaponTypeRegistry_1 = require("./shattered_sword/Registry/WeaponTypeRegistry");
// The main function is your entrypoint into Wolfie2D. Specify your first scene and any options here.
(function main() {
// Run any tests
// Set up options for our game
let options = {
canvasSize: { x: window.innerWidth, y: window.innerHeight },
clearColor: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 },
inputs: [
{ name: "left", keys: ["a", "arrowleft"] },
{ name: "right", keys: ["d", "arrowright"] },
{ name: "up", keys: ["w"] },
{ name: "down", keys: ["s"] },
{ name: "jump", keys: ["x", "space"] },
{ name: "attack", keys: ["j", "z", "enter"] },
{ name: "dash", keys: ["k", "z"] },
{ name: "skill", keys: ["l", "v"] },
{ name: "inventory", keys: ["i", "b"] },
{ name: "pause", keys: ["escape"] },
{ name: "tab", keys: ["tab"] },
{ name: "spawn", keys: ["q"] } //debug feature to test enemy spawning, press q to spawn enemy at current location
useWebGL: false,
showDebug: true // Whether to show debug messages. You can change this to true if you want
// Set up custom registries
let weaponTemplateRegistry = new WeaponRegistry_1.default();
RegistryManager_1.default.addCustomRegistry("weaponTemplates", weaponTemplateRegistry);
let weaponTypeRegistry = new WeaponTypeRegistry_1.default();
RegistryManager_1.default.addCustomRegistry("weaponTypes", weaponTypeRegistry);
// Create a game with the options specified
const game = new Game_1.default(options);
// Start our game
game.start(MainMenu_1.default, {});
//TODO - change to splash screen once available
function runTests() { }
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.EnemyStates = void 0;
const GoapActionPlanner_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/AI/GoapActionPlanner");
const StateMachineGoapAI_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/AI/StateMachineGoapAI");
const Stack_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Stack");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2");
const Patrol_1 = require("./EnemyStates/Patrol");
const sword_enums_1 = require("../sword_enums");
class EnemyAI extends StateMachineGoapAI_1.default {
constructor() {
/** The default movement speed of this AI */
this.speed = 20;
this.velocity = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
initializeAI(owner, options) {
this.owner = owner;
//add states
// Patrol mode
this.addState(EnemyStates.DEFAULT, new Patrol_1.default(this, owner));
this.maxHealth =;
this.CURRENT_HP =;
this.weapon = options.weapon;
this.player = options.player;
this.inRange = options.inRange;
this.goal = options.goal;
this.currentStatus = options.status;
this.possibleActions = options.actions;
this.plan = new Stack_1.default();
this.planner = new GoapActionPlanner_1.default();
//TODO - get correct tilemap
//this.tilemap = this.owner.getScene().getTilemap(options.tilemap) as OrthogonalTilemap;
this.tilemap = this.owner.getScene().getLayer("Wall").getItems()[0];
//this.tilemap = <OrthogonalTilemap>this.owner.getScene().getTilemap("Main");
// Initialize to the default state
this.direction = 1; //default moving to the right
activate(options) { }
damage(damage) {
this.CURRENT_HP -= damage;
//TODO -"HURT");
console.log(damage + " damage taken, " + this.CURRENT_HP + " hp left");
// If we're low enough, add Low Health status to enemy
if (this.CURRENT_HP <= Math.floor(this.maxHealth / 2)) {
// If health goes below 0, disable AI and fire enemyDied event
if (this.CURRENT_HP <= 0) {
this.owner.setAIActive(false, {});
this.owner.isCollidable = false;
this.owner.visible = false;
this.emitter.fireEvent(sword_enums_1.Player_Events.ENEMY_KILLED, { owner:, ai: this });
if (Math.random() < 0.05) {
// give buff maybe
//this.emitter.fireEvent("giveBuff", { position: this.owner.position });
//TODO - need to modify for side view
isPlayerVisible(pos: Vec2): Vec2{
//Check if one player is visible, taking into account walls
// Get the new player location
let start = this.owner.position.clone();
let delta = pos.clone().sub(start);
// Iterate through the tilemap region until we find a collision
let minX = Math.min(start.x, pos.x);
let maxX = Math.max(start.x, pos.x);
let minY = Math.min(start.y, pos.y);
let maxY = Math.max(start.y, pos.y);
// Get the wall tilemap
let walls = <OrthogonalTilemap>this.owner.getScene().getLayer("Wall").getItems()[0];
let minIndex = walls.getColRowAt(new Vec2(minX, minY));
let maxIndex = walls.getColRowAt(new Vec2(maxX, maxY));
let tileSize = walls.getTileSize();
for (let col = minIndex.x; col <= maxIndex.x; col++) {
for (let row = minIndex.y; row <= maxIndex.y; row++) {
if (walls.isTileCollidable(col, row)) {
// Get the position of this tile
let tilePos = new Vec2(col * tileSize.x + tileSize.x / 2, row * tileSize.y + tileSize.y / 2);
// Create a collider for this tile
let collider = new AABB(tilePos, tileSize.scaled(1 / 2));
let hit = collider.intersectSegment(start, delta, Vec2.ZERO);
if (hit !== null && start.distanceSqTo(hit.pos) < start.distanceSqTo(pos)) {
// We hit a wall, we can't see the player
return null;
return pos;
update(deltaT) {
// This is the plan that is executed in the Active state, so whenever we don't have a plan, acquire a new one given the current statuses the enemy has
if (this.plan.isEmpty()) {
//get a new plan
this.plan = this.planner.plan(Statuses.REACHED_GOAL, this.possibleActions, this.currentStatus, null);
exports.default = EnemyAI;
var EnemyStates;
(function (EnemyStates) {
EnemyStates["DEFAULT"] = "default";
EnemyStates["ALERT"] = "alert";
EnemyStates["PREVIOUS"] = "previous";
})(EnemyStates = exports.EnemyStates || (exports.EnemyStates = {}));
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const State_1 = require("../../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/State/State");
class EnemyState extends State_1.default {
constructor(parent, owner) {
this.gravity = 1500; //TODO - can change later
this.owner = owner;
update(deltaT) {
// Do gravity
this.parent.velocity.y += this.gravity * deltaT;
exports.default = EnemyState;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const EnemyState_1 = require("./EnemyState");
const MathUtils_1 = require("../../../Wolfie2D/Utils/MathUtils");
class Patrol extends EnemyState_1.default {
constructor(parent, owner) {
super(parent, owner);
onEnter(options) {
//this.currentPath = this.getNextPath();"IDLE", true);
handleInput(event) { }
update(deltaT) {
//no goap rn, just adding some moving
let colrow = this.parent.tilemap.getColRowAt(this.owner.position.clone());
//check if next tile on walking path is collidable
if (this.parent.tilemap.isTileCollidable(colrow.x + this.parent.direction, colrow.y)) {
//turn around
this.parent.direction *= -1;
this.owner.invertX = MathUtils_1.default.sign(1) < 0;
//console.log("turn around cus wall in front");
//check if next ground tile is collidable
else if (this.parent.tilemap.isTileCollidable(colrow.x + this.parent.direction, colrow.y + 1)) {
//keep moving
//this.velocity.x = this.speed;
//console.log("there is floor ahead");
else {
//turn around
this.parent.direction *= -1;
this.owner.invertX = MathUtils_1.default.sign(1) < 0;
//console.log("turn around cus no floor in front");
this.parent.velocity.x = this.parent.direction * this.parent.speed;
//move this elsewhere later
//console.log("enemy moving");
onExit() {
return this.retObj;
exports.default = Patrol;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class BattleManager {
handleInteraction(attackerType, weapon) {
//may be unneeded since we are controlling the player -
//we determine enemy collision there
if (attackerType === "player") {
// Check for collisions with enemies
if (this.enemies.length != 0) {
for (let enemy of this.enemies) {
if (weapon.hits(enemy.owner)) {
enemy.damage(weapon.type.damage + weapon.EXTRA_DAMAGE);
//console.log("enemy took dmg");
else {
// Check for collision with player
for (let player of this.players) {
if (weapon.hits(player.owner)) {
setPlayers(player) {
this.players = player;
setEnemies(enemies) {
this.enemies = enemies;
addEnemy(enemy) {
removeEnemy(enemy) {
this.enemies = this.enemies.filter(item => item !== enemy);
if (this.enemies.length == 0) {
this.enemies = new Array();
return this.enemies;
exports.default = BattleManager;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2");
const GraphicTypes_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/Graphics/GraphicTypes");
const Color_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Utils/Color");
class InventoryManager {
constructor(scene, size, inventorySlot, position, padding, slotLayer, itemLayer) {
this.items = new Array(size);
this.inventorySlots = new Array(size);
this.padding = padding;
this.position = position;
this.currentSlot = 0;
// Add layers
this.slotLayer = slotLayer;
this.itemLayer = itemLayer;
// Create the inventory slots
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
this.inventorySlots[i] = scene.add.sprite(inventorySlot, this.slotLayer);
this.slotSize = this.inventorySlots[0].size.clone();
// Position the inventory slots
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
this.inventorySlots[i].position.set(position.x + i * (this.slotSize.x + this.padding), position.y);
// Add a rect for the selected slot
this.selectedSlot = scene.add.graphic(GraphicTypes_1.GraphicType.RECT, slotLayer, { position: this.position.clone(), size: this.slotSize.clone().inc(-2) });
this.selectedSlot.color = Color_1.default.WHITE;
this.selectedSlot.color.a = 0.2;
getItem() {
return this.items[this.currentSlot];
* Changes the currently selected slot
changeSlot(slot) {
this.currentSlot = slot;
* Gets the currently selected slot
getSlot() {
return this.currentSlot;
* Adds an item to the currently selected slot
addItem(item) {
if (!this.items[this.currentSlot]) {
// Add the item to the inventory
this.items[this.currentSlot] = item;
// Update the gui
item.moveSprite(new Vec2_1.default(this.position.x + this.currentSlot * (this.slotSize.x + this.padding), this.position.y), this.itemLayer);
return true;
// Failed to add item, something was already in the slot
return false;
* Removes and returns an item from the the currently selected slot, if possible
removeItem() {
let item = this.items[this.currentSlot];
this.items[this.currentSlot] = null;
if (item) {
return item;
else {
return null;
setActive(active) {
if (active) {
this.inventorySlots.forEach(slot => slot.alpha = 1.0);
else {
this.inventorySlots.forEach(slot => slot.alpha = 0.5);
exports.default = InventoryManager;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class Item {
constructor(sprite) {
this.sprite = sprite;
moveSprite(position, layer) {
// Change the layer if needed
if (layer) {
let currentLayer = this.sprite.getLayer();
let newLayer = this.sprite.getScene().getLayer(layer);
// Move the sprite
exports.default = Item;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
//TODO import Vec2 from "../../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2";
const Emitter_1 = require("../../../Wolfie2D/Events/Emitter");
const Timer_1 = require("../../../Wolfie2D/Timing/Timer");
const Item_1 = require("./Item");
class Weapon extends Item_1.default {
constructor(sprite, type, battleManager) {
// Set the weapon type
this.type = type.clone();
// Keep a reference to the sprite of this weapon
this.sprite = sprite;
// Create an event emitter
this.emitter = new Emitter_1.default();
// Save a reference to the battler manager
this.battleManager = battleManager;
// Create the cooldown timer
this.cooldownTimer = new Timer_1.default(type.cooldown);
this.EXTRA_DAMAGE = 0;
this.EXTRA_RANGE = 0;
// @override
* Uses this weapon in the specified direction.
* This only works if the cooldown timer has ended
use(user, userType, direction) {
// If the cooldown timer is still running, we can't use the weapon
if (!this.cooldownTimer.isStopped()) {
return false;
// Rely on the weapon type to create any necessary assets
this.assets = this.type.createRequiredAssets(this.sprite.getScene());
// Do a type specific weapon animation
this.type.doAnimation(user, direction, this.EXTRA_RANGE, ...this.assets);
// Apply damage
this.battleManager.handleInteraction(userType, this);
// Reset the cooldown timer
return true;
* A check for whether or not this weapon hit a node
hits(node) {
return this.type.hits(node, ...this.assets);
exports.default = Weapon;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../../../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2");
const WeaponType_1 = require("./WeaponType");
class Slice extends WeaponType_1.default {
initialize(options) {
this.damage = options.damage;
this.cooldown = options.cooldown;
this.displayName = options.displayName;
this.spriteKey = options.spriteKey;
this.useVolume = options.useVolume;
doAnimation(attacker, direction, extraRange, sliceSprite) {
//4 to scale up the default sprite - may be different later depending on atk anim
sliceSprite.scaleX = 2 * (1 + extraRange); //might have to add extra range to y as well
sliceSprite.scaleY = 2;
// Rotate this with the game node
// TODO - need to rotate the anim properly
sliceSprite.rotation = attacker.rotation;
sliceSprite.rotation = attacker.invertX ? .5 * Math.PI : 1.5 * Math.PI;
// Move the slice out from the player
//scale = num of pixels between center of sprite and atk anim
sliceSprite.position = attacker.position.clone().add(direction.scaled(32));
sliceSprite.position = sliceSprite.position.add(new Vec2_1.default(0, 16)); //make it go down a bit
// Play the slice animation w/o loop, but queue the normal animation"SLICE");
sliceSprite.animation.queue("NORMAL", true);
createRequiredAssets(scene) {
let slice = scene.add.animatedSprite("slice", "primary");"NORMAL", true);
return [slice];
hits(node, sliceSprite) {
return sliceSprite.boundary.overlaps(node.collisionShape);
clone() {
let newType = new Slice();
newType.initialize({ damage: this.damage, cooldown: this.cooldown, displayName: this.displayName, spriteKey: this.spriteKey, useVolume: this.useVolume });
return newType;
exports.default = Slice;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class WeaponType {
exports.default = WeaponType;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.BuffType = exports.PlayerStates = exports.PlayerType = void 0;
const StateMachineAI_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/AI/StateMachineAI");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2");
const Fall_1 = require("./PlayerStates/Fall");
const Idle_1 = require("./PlayerStates/Idle");
const InAir_1 = require("./PlayerStates/InAir");
const Jump_1 = require("./PlayerStates/Jump");
const Walk_1 = require("./PlayerStates/Walk");
const Debug_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Debug/Debug");
const Input_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Input/Input");
var PlayerType;
(function (PlayerType) {
PlayerType["PLATFORMER"] = "platformer";
PlayerType["TOPDOWN"] = "topdown";
})(PlayerType = exports.PlayerType || (exports.PlayerType = {}));
var PlayerStates;
(function (PlayerStates) {
PlayerStates["IDLE"] = "idle";
PlayerStates["WALK"] = "walk";
PlayerStates["JUMP"] = "jump";
PlayerStates["FALL"] = "fall";
PlayerStates["PREVIOUS"] = "previous";
})(PlayerStates = exports.PlayerStates || (exports.PlayerStates = {}));
var BuffType;
(function (BuffType) {
BuffType["ATK"] = "attack";
BuffType["DEF"] = "defence";
BuffType["HEALTH"] = "health";
BuffType["SPEED"] = "speed";
BuffType["RANGE"] = "range";
})(BuffType = exports.BuffType || (exports.BuffType = {}));
//TODO - discuss max stats during refinement, unused for now
class PlayerController extends StateMachineAI_1.default {
constructor() {
this.velocity = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
//will need to discuss redundant stats
this.speed = 200;
this.MIN_SPEED = 200;
this.MAX_SPEED = 300;
this.BASE_HP = 100;
this.MAX_HP = 100;
this.CURRENT_HP = 100;
this.BASE_ATK = 100;
this.MAX_ATK = 100;
this.CURRENT_ATK = 100;
this.BASE_DEF = 100;
this.MAX_DEF = 100;
this.CURRENT_DEF = 100;
// TODO -
damage(damage) {
this.CURRENT_HP -= damage;
* Returns three legal random generate buffs based on current state
* @returns Three buffs
static getBuffs() {
return undefined;
* Add given buff to the player
* @param buff Given buff
addBuff(buff) {
let item = this.inventory.getItem();
switch (buff.type) {
case BuffType.HEALTH:
this.CURRENT_BUFFS.hp += buff.value;
this.CURRENT_HP += buff.value;
case BuffType.ATK:
//TODO - decide what to do with atk stat
this.CURRENT_BUFFS.atk += buff.value;
if (item) {
item.EXTRA_DAMAGE += buff.value;
case BuffType.SPEED:
this.CURRENT_BUFFS.speed += buff.value;
case BuffType.DEF:
this.CURRENT_BUFFS.def += buff.value;
case BuffType.RANGE:
this.CURRENT_BUFFS.range += buff.value;
if (item) {
item.EXTRA_RANGE += buff.value;
//TODO - get the correct tilemap
initializeAI(owner, options) {
this.owner = owner;
this.tilemap = this.owner.getScene().getTilemap(options.tilemap);
this.inventory = options.inventory;
this.lookDirection = new Vec2_1.default();
this.CURRENT_BUFFS = { hp: 0, atk: 0, def: 0, speed: 0, range: 0 };
//to test the buffs
//this.addBuff( {type:BuffType.HEALTH, value:1, bonus:false} );
//this.addBuff( {type:BuffType.RANGE, value:1, bonus:false} );
initializePlatformer() {
this.speed = 400;
let idle = new Idle_1.default(this, this.owner);
this.addState(PlayerStates.IDLE, idle);
let walk = new Walk_1.default(this, this.owner);
this.addState(PlayerStates.WALK, walk);
let jump = new Jump_1.default(this, this.owner);
this.addState(PlayerStates.JUMP, jump);
let fall = new Fall_1.default(this, this.owner);
this.addState(PlayerStates.FALL, fall);
changeState(stateName) {
// If we jump or fall, push the state so we can go back to our current state later
// unless we're going from jump to fall or something
if ((stateName === PlayerStates.JUMP || stateName === PlayerStates.FALL) && !(this.stack.peek() instanceof InAir_1.default)) {
update(deltaT) {
if (this.currentState instanceof Jump_1.default) {
Debug_1.default.log("playerstate", "Player State: Jump");
else if (this.currentState instanceof Walk_1.default) {
Debug_1.default.log("playerstate", "Player State: Walk");
else if (this.currentState instanceof Idle_1.default) {
Debug_1.default.log("playerstate", "Player State: Idle");
else if (this.currentState instanceof Fall_1.default) {
Debug_1.default.log("playerstate", "Player State: Fall");
Debug_1.default.log("playerspeed", "x: " + this.velocity.x + ", y:" + this.velocity.y);
//testing the attacks here, may be moved to another place latera
if (Input_1.default.isJustPressed("attack")) {
let item = this.inventory.getItem();
this.owner.animation.playIfNotAlready("ATTACK", true);
//TODO - get proper look direction
this.lookDirection.x = this.owner.invertX ? -1 : 1;
// If there is an item in the current slot, use it
if (item) {
item.use(this.owner, "player", this.lookDirection);
exports.default = PlayerController;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const InAir_1 = require("./InAir");
class Fall extends InAir_1.default {
onEnter(options) {"FALL", true);
onExit() {
return {};
exports.default = Fall;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const PlayerController_1 = require("../PlayerController");
const OnGround_1 = require("./OnGround");
class Idle extends OnGround_1.default {
onEnter(options) {
this.parent.speed = this.parent.MIN_SPEED;
update(deltaT) {
this.owner.animation.playIfNotAlready("IDLE", true);
let dir = this.getInputDirection();
if (!dir.isZero() && dir.y === 0) {
this.parent.velocity.x = 0;
onExit() {
return {};
exports.default = Idle;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const MathUtils_1 = require("../../../Wolfie2D/Utils/MathUtils");
const PlayerController_1 = require("../PlayerController");
const PlayerState_1 = require("./PlayerState");
class InAir extends PlayerState_1.default {
update(deltaT) {
let dir = this.getInputDirection();
if (dir.x !== 0) {
this.owner.invertX = MathUtils_1.default.sign(dir.x) < 0;
this.parent.velocity.x += dir.x * this.parent.speed / 3.5 - 0.3 * this.parent.velocity.x;
if (this.owner.onGround) {
exports.default = InAir;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const GameEventType_1 = require("../../../Wolfie2D/Events/GameEventType");
const PlayerController_1 = require("../PlayerController");
const InAir_1 = require("./InAir");
class Jump extends InAir_1.default {
onEnter(options) {
this.emitter.fireEvent(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.PLAY_SOUND, { key: "jump", loop: false, holdReference: false });
update(deltaT) {
super.update(deltaT);"JUMP", true);
if (this.owner.onCeiling) {
this.parent.velocity.y = 0;
// If we're falling, go to the fall state
if (this.parent.velocity.y >= 0) {
onExit() {
return {};
exports.default = Jump;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Input_1 = require("../../../Wolfie2D/Input/Input");
const MathUtils_1 = require("../../../Wolfie2D/Utils/MathUtils");
const PlayerState_1 = require("./PlayerState");
class OnGround extends PlayerState_1.default {
onEnter(options) { }
update(deltaT) {
if (this.parent.velocity.y > 0) {
this.parent.velocity.y = 0;
let direction = this.getInputDirection();
if (direction.x !== 0) {
this.owner.invertX = MathUtils_1.default.sign(direction.x) < 0;
// If we jump, move to the Jump state, give a burst of upwards velocity
if (Input_1.default.isJustPressed("jump")) {
this.parent.velocity.y = -600; // basically jump height
else if (!this.owner.onGround) {
onExit() {
return {};
exports.default = OnGround;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const State_1 = require("../../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/State/State");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2");
const Input_1 = require("../../../Wolfie2D/Input/Input");
const Timer_1 = require("../../../Wolfie2D/Timing/Timer");
const sword_enums_1 = require("../../sword_enums");
class PlayerState extends State_1.default {
constructor(parent, owner) {
this.gravity = 1500; //TODO - can change later
this.owner = owner;
this.positionTimer = new Timer_1.default(250);
handleInput(event) {
* Get the inputs from the keyboard, or Vec2.Zero if nothing is being pressed
getInputDirection() {
let direction = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
direction.x = (Input_1.default.isPressed("left") ? -1 : 0) + (Input_1.default.isPressed("right") ? 1 : 0);
direction.y = (Input_1.default.isJustPressed("jump") ? -1 : 0);
return direction;
update(deltaT) {
// Do gravity
if (this.positionTimer.isStopped()) {
this.emitter.fireEvent(sword_enums_1.Player_Events.PLAYER_MOVE, { position: this.owner.position.clone() });
this.parent.velocity.y += this.gravity * deltaT;
exports.default = PlayerState;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const PlayerController_1 = require("../PlayerController");
const OnGround_1 = require("./OnGround");
class Walk extends OnGround_1.default {
onEnter(options) {
this.parent.speed = this.parent.MIN_SPEED;
update(deltaT) {
//console.log("walking anim");
this.owner.animation.playIfNotAlready("WALK", true);
let dir = this.getInputDirection();
if (dir.isZero()) {
this.parent.velocity.x = dir.x * this.parent.speed;
onExit() {
return {};
exports.default = Walk;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Registry_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Registry/Registries/Registry");
const ResourceManager_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/ResourceManager/ResourceManager");
const Slice_1 = require("../GameSystems/items/WeaponTypes/Slice");
class WeaponTemplateRegistry extends Registry_1.default {
preload() {
const rm = ResourceManager_1.default.getInstance();
//TODO -
// Load sprites for each weapon
2022-04-25 23:41:13 -04:00
//rm.image("something", "shattered_sword_assets2/sprites/something.png");
rm.image("knife", "shattered_sword_assets2/sprites/knife.png");
2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00
// Load spritesheets
2022-04-25 23:41:13 -04:00
//rm.spritesheet("weapon anim", "shattered_sword_assets2/spritesheets/weapon anim.json");
rm.spritesheet("slice", "shattered_sword_assets2/spritesheets/slice.json");
2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00
// Register default types
//this.registerItem("itemtype", itemTypefile);
this.registerItem("slice", Slice_1.default);
registerAndPreloadItem(key) { }
registerItem(key, constr) {
this.add(key, constr);
exports.default = WeaponTemplateRegistry;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Registry_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Registry/Registries/Registry");
class WeaponTypeRegistry extends Registry_1.default {
preload() { }
// We don't need this for this assignment
registerAndPreloadItem(key) { }
registerItem(key, type) {
this.add(key, type);
exports.default = WeaponTypeRegistry;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const AABB_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Shapes/AABB");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2");
const GameEventType_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Events/GameEventType");
const Input_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Input/Input");
const GameNode_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/GameNode");
const GraphicTypes_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/Graphics/GraphicTypes");
const UIElementTypes_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/UIElements/UIElementTypes");
const Scene_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Scene/Scene");
const Timer_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Timing/Timer");
const Color_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Utils/Color");
const EaseFunctions_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Utils/EaseFunctions");
const PlayerController_1 = require("../Player/PlayerController");
const MainMenu_1 = require("./MainMenu");
const sword_enums_1 = require("../sword_enums");
const RegistryManager_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Registry/RegistryManager");
const Weapon_1 = require("../GameSystems/items/Weapon");
const BattleManager_1 = require("../GameSystems/BattleManager");
const EnemyAI_1 = require("../AI/EnemyAI");
const InventoryManager_1 = require("../GameSystems/InventoryManager");
* Add in some level music.
* This can be done here in the base GameLevel class or individual level files
class GameLevel extends Scene_1.default {
loadScene() {
//can load player sprite here
//can load enemy sprite here
// Load the scene info
2022-04-25 23:41:13 -04:00
this.load.object("weaponData", "shattered_sword_assets2/data/weaponData.json");
2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00
// Load in the enemy info
2022-04-25 23:41:13 -04:00
//this.load.object("enemyData", "shattered_sword_assets2/data/enemy.json");
2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00
// Load in item info
2022-04-25 23:41:13 -04:00
//this.load.object("itemData", "shattered_sword_assets2/data/items.json");
this.load.image("knife", "shattered_sword_assets2/sprites/knife.png");
this.load.spritesheet("slice", "shattered_sword_assets2/spritesheets/slice.json");
this.load.image("inventorySlot", "shattered_sword_assets2/sprites/inventory.png");
this.load.spritesheet("test_dummy", "shattered_sword_assets2/spritesheets/test_dummy.json");
2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00
startScene() {
// Do the game level standard initializations
// Create the battle manager
this.battleManager = new BattleManager_1.default();
// Initialize the items array - this represents items that are in the game world
this.items = new Array();
// Create an enemies array
this.enemies = new Array();
// Send the player and enemies to the battle manager
// Initialize all enemies
this.battleManager.setEnemies( => enemy._ai));
// Subscribe to relevant events
// Initialize the timers
this.respawnTimer = new Timer_1.default(1000, () => {
if (GameLevel.livesCount === 0) {
else {
this.levelTransitionTimer = new Timer_1.default(500);
this.levelEndTimer = new Timer_1.default(3000, () => {
// After the level end timer ends, fade to black and then go to the next scene"fadeIn");
// Start the black screen fade out"fadeOut");
//TODO - uncomment when done testing
// Initially disable player movement
updateScene(deltaT) {
// Handle events and update the UI if needed
while (this.receiver.hasNextEvent()) {
let event = this.receiver.getNextEvent();
switch (event.type) {
case sword_enums_1.Player_Events.ENEMY_KILLED:
let node = this.sceneGraph.getNode("owner")); //get enemy id
//remove enemy from enemies
this.enemies = this.enemies.filter(item => item !=="ai"));
console.log("enemy destroyed");
//update health UI
let playerAI =;
this.healthLabel.text = "Player Health: " + playerAI.CURRENT_HP + '/' + (playerAI.MAX_HP + playerAI.CURRENT_BUFFS.hp);
//handle collisions - may be in battle manager instead
//move background
// Get the viewport center and padded size
const viewportCenter = this.viewport.getCenter().clone();
const baseViewportSize = this.viewport.getHalfSize().scaled(2);
//check position of player
this.playerFalloff(viewportCenter, baseViewportSize);
//TODO - this is for testing
if (Input_1.default.isJustPressed("spawn")) {
console.log("trying to spawn enemy");
this.addEnemy("test_dummy", this.player.position, { player: this.player,
health: 100,
tilemap: "Main",
goal: sword_enums_1.Statuses.REACHED_GOAL,
* Initialzes the layers
initLayers() {
// Add a layer for UI
// Add a layer for players and enemies
this.addLayer("primary", 1);
* Initializes the viewport
initViewport() {
* Handles all subscriptions to events
subscribeToEvents() {
// TODO -
* Adds in any necessary UI to the game
addUI() {
// In-game labels
this.healthLabel = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "UI", { position: new Vec2_1.default(120, 30), text: "Player Health: " + });
this.healthLabel.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
this.healthLabel.font = "PixelSimple";
//seed label
//this.seedLabel = <Label> this.add.uiElement(UIElementType.LABEL, "UI",{position: new Vec2(400, 30), text: "Seed: "+ this.randomSeed });
this.seedLabel = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "UI", { position: new Vec2_1.default(this.worldSize.x - 50, 30), text: "Seed: " + this.randomSeed });
this.seedLabel.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
this.seedLabel.font = "PixelSimple";
// End of level label (start off screen)
this.levelEndLabel = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "UI", { position: new Vec2_1.default(-300, 200), text: "Level Complete" });
this.levelEndLabel.size.set(1200, 60);
this.levelEndLabel.borderRadius = 0;
this.levelEndLabel.backgroundColor = new Color_1.default(34, 32, 52);
this.levelEndLabel.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
this.levelEndLabel.fontSize = 48;
this.levelEndLabel.font = "PixelSimple";
// Add a tween to move the label on screen
this.levelEndLabel.tweens.add("slideIn", {
startDelay: 0,
duration: 1000,
effects: [
property: GameNode_1.TweenableProperties.posX,
start: -300,
end: 300,
ease: EaseFunctions_1.EaseFunctionType.OUT_SINE
this.levelTransitionScreen = this.add.graphic(GraphicTypes_1.GraphicType.RECT, "UI", { position: new Vec2_1.default(300, 200), size: new Vec2_1.default(600, 400) });
this.levelTransitionScreen.color = new Color_1.default(34, 32, 52);
this.levelTransitionScreen.alpha = 1;
this.levelTransitionScreen.tweens.add("fadeIn", {
startDelay: 0,
duration: 1000,
effects: [
property: GameNode_1.TweenableProperties.alpha,
start: 0,
end: 1,
ease: EaseFunctions_1.EaseFunctionType.IN_OUT_QUAD
onEnd: sword_enums_1.Player_Events.LEVEL_END
this.levelTransitionScreen.tweens.add("fadeOut", {
startDelay: 0,
duration: 1000,
effects: [
property: GameNode_1.TweenableProperties.alpha,
start: 1,
end: 0,
ease: EaseFunctions_1.EaseFunctionType.IN_OUT_QUAD
onEnd: sword_enums_1.Player_Events.LEVEL_START
//TODO - determine whether we will have weapon datatype
* Creates and returns a new weapon
* @param type The weaponType of the weapon, as a string
createWeapon(type) {
let weaponType = RegistryManager_1.default.getRegistry("weaponTypes").get(type);
let sprite = this.add.sprite(weaponType.spriteKey, "primary");
return new Weapon_1.default(sprite, weaponType, this.battleManager);
* Initalizes all weapon types based of data from weaponData.json
initializeWeapons() {
let weaponData = this.load.getObject("weaponData");
for (let i = 0; i < weaponData.numWeapons; i++) {
let weapon = weaponData.weapons[i];
// Get the constructor of the prototype
let constr = RegistryManager_1.default.getRegistry("weaponTemplates").get(weapon.weaponType);
// Create a weapon type
let weaponType = new constr();
// Initialize the weapon type
// Register the weapon type
RegistryManager_1.default.getRegistry("weaponTypes").registerItem(, weaponType);
* Initializes the player
initPlayer() {
//create the inventory
let inventory = new InventoryManager_1.default(this, 1, "inventorySlot", new Vec2_1.default(16, 16), 4, "slots1", "items1");
//add starting weapon to inventory
let startingWeapon = this.createWeapon("knife");
inventory.addItem(startingWeapon); //using slice to test right now
// Add the player
this.player = this.add.animatedSprite("player", "primary");
this.player.scale.set(1, 1);
if (!this.playerSpawn) {
console.warn("Player spawn was never set - setting spawn to (0, 0)");
this.playerSpawn = Vec2_1.default.ZERO;
this.player.addPhysics(new AABB_1.default(Vec2_1.default.ZERO, new Vec2_1.default(14, 16))); //sets the collision shape
this.player.colliderOffset.set(0, 16);
this.player.addAI(PlayerController_1.default, {
playerType: "platformer",
tilemap: "Main",
speed: 100,
health: 10,
inventory: inventory,
items: this.items,
inputEnabled: false,
range: 100
//TODO -
* Adds an Enemy into the game
* @param spriteKey The key of the Enemy sprite
* @param tilePos The tilemap position to add the Enemy to
* @param aiOptions The options for the Enemy AI
addEnemy(spriteKey, tilePos, aiOptions) {
let enemy = this.add.animatedSprite(spriteKey, "primary");
//enemy.position.set(tilePos.x*32, tilePos.y*32);
enemy.scale.set(2, 2);
enemy.addPhysics(new AABB_1.default(Vec2_1.default.ZERO, new Vec2_1.default(16, 25)));
enemy.colliderOffset.set(0, 6);
enemy.addAI(EnemyAI_1.default, aiOptions); //TODO - add individual enemy AI
//add enemy to the enemy array
//this.battleManager.setEnemies( => <BattlerAI>enemy._ai));
handlePlayerEnemyCollision(player, enemy) {
//collisions are handled by the battleManager - no need for this in gamelevel for now
* Increments the amount of life the player has
* @param amt The amount to add to the player life
incPlayerLife(amt) {
GameLevel.livesCount += amt;
this.livesCountLabel.text = "Lives: " + GameLevel.livesCount;
if (GameLevel.livesCount == 0) {
this.emitter.fireEvent(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.PLAY_SOUND, { key: "player_death", loop: false, holdReference: false });"death");
* Returns the player to spawn
respawnPlayer() {
GameLevel.livesCount = 3;
this.emitter.fireEvent(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.STOP_SOUND, { key: "level_music" });
this.sceneManager.changeToScene(MainMenu_1.default, {});
* handles the player falling off the map
* @param viewportCenter The center of the viewport
* @param viewportSize The size of the viewport
playerFalloff(viewportCenter, viewportSize) {
if (this.player.position.y >= viewportCenter.y + viewportSize.y / 2.0) {
this.player.position.set(this.playerSpawn.x, this.playerSpawn.y);
exports.default = GameLevel;
// Labels for the UI
GameLevel.livesCount = 3;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Scene_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Scene/Scene");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2");
const UIElementTypes_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/UIElements/UIElementTypes");
const Color_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Utils/Color");
const MainMenu_1 = require("./MainMenu");
const SceneWithStory_1 = require("./SceneWithStory");
const Tutorial_1 = require("./Tutorial");
class Levels extends Scene_1.default {
loadScene() { }
startScene() {
const center = this.viewport.getCenter();
// The main menu
this.primary = this.addUILayer("primary");
const tutorial = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "primary", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y - 200), text: "tutorial " });
tutorial.size.set(200, 50);
tutorial.borderWidth = 2;
tutorial.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
tutorial.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
tutorial.onClickEventId = "tutorial";
const level1 = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "primary", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y - 150), text: "level 1" });
level1.size.set(200, 50);
level1.borderWidth = 2;
level1.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
level1.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
level1.onClickEventId = "level1";
const level2 = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "primary", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y - 100), text: "level 2" });
level2.size.set(200, 50);
level2.borderWidth = 2;
level2.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
level2.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
level2.onClickEventId = "level2";
const level3 = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "primary", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y - 50), text: "level 3" });
level3.size.set(200, 50);
level3.borderWidth = 2;
level3.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
level3.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
level3.onClickEventId = "level3";
const level4 = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "primary", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y), text: "level 4" });
level4.size.set(200, 50);
level4.borderWidth = 2;
level4.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
level4.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
level4.onClickEventId = "level4";
const level5 = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "primary", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y + 50), text: "level 5" });
level5.size.set(200, 50);
level5.borderWidth = 2;
level5.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
level5.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
level5.onClickEventId = "level5";
const StorySceneTester = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "primary", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y + 100), text: "StorySceneTester" });
StorySceneTester.size.set(200, 50);
StorySceneTester.borderWidth = 2;
StorySceneTester.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
StorySceneTester.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
StorySceneTester.onClickEventId = "StorySceneTester";
const back = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "primary", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y + 250), text: "Back" });
back.size.set(200, 50);
back.borderWidth = 2;
back.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
back.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
back.onClickEventId = "back";
updateScene() {
while (this.receiver.hasNextEvent()) {
let event = this.receiver.getNextEvent();
if (event.type === "tutorial") {
this.sceneManager.changeToScene(Tutorial_1.default, {});
if (event.type === "level1") {
this.sceneManager.changeToScene(MainMenu_1.default, {});
if (event.type === "level2") {
this.sceneManager.changeToScene(MainMenu_1.default, {});
if (event.type === "level3") {
this.sceneManager.changeToScene(MainMenu_1.default, {});
if (event.type === "level4") {
this.sceneManager.changeToScene(MainMenu_1.default, {});
if (event.type === "level5") {
this.sceneManager.changeToScene(MainMenu_1.default, {});
if (event.type === "StorySceneTester") {
this.sceneManager.changeToScene(SceneWithStory_1.default, {});
if (event.type === "back") {
this.sceneManager.changeToScene(MainMenu_1.default, {});
exports.default = Levels;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Scene_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Scene/Scene");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2");
const UIElementTypes_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/UIElements/UIElementTypes");
const Color_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Utils/Color");
const Levels_1 = require("./Levels");
class MainMenu extends Scene_1.default {
loadScene() {
// Load the menu song
2022-04-25 23:41:13 -04:00
//"menu", "shattered_sword_assets2/music/menu.mp3");
2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00
startScene() {
// this.config = new ConfigManager();
// = new SaveManager();
// console.log(this.config.getVolume());
// this.config.setVolume(100);
// console.log(this.config.getVolume());
// console.log(;
// console.log(;
2022-04-25 23:41:13 -04:00
// this.rmg = new RandomMapGenerator("shattered_sword_assets2/jsons/forest_template.json", 114514);
2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00
// this.rmg.getMap();
// Scene has started, so start playing music
//this.emitter.fireEvent(GameEventType.PLAY_SOUND, {key: "menu", loop: true, holdReference: true});
const center = this.viewport.getCenter();
// The main menu
this.mainMenu = this.addUILayer("mainMenu");
// Add map button, and give it an event to emit on press
const map = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "mainMenu", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y - 100), text: "Map" });
map.size.set(200, 50);
map.borderWidth = 2;
map.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
map.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
map.onClickEventId = "map";
// Add about button
const about = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "mainMenu", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y + 100), text: "About" });
about.size.set(200, 50);
about.borderWidth = 2;
about.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
about.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
about.onClickEventId = "about";
// Add control button, and give it an event to emit on press
const control = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "mainMenu", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y), text: "Controls" });
control.size.set(200, 50);
control.borderWidth = 2;
control.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
control.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
control.onClickEventId = "control";
/* ########## ABOUT SCREEN ########## */
this.about = this.addUILayer("about");
const aboutHeader = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "about", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y - 250), text: "About" });
aboutHeader.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
const text1 = "This game was created by Henry Chen, Kelly Peng, and Renge";
const text2 = "using the Wolfie2D game engine, a TypeScript game engine created by";
const text3 = "Joe Weaver and Richard McKenna.";
const line1 = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "about", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y - 50), text: text1 });
const line2 = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "about", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y), text: text2 });
const line3 = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "about", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y + 50), text: text3 });
line1.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
line2.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
line3.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
const aboutBack = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "about", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y + 250), text: "Back" });
aboutBack.size.set(200, 50);
aboutBack.borderWidth = 2;
aboutBack.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
aboutBack.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
aboutBack.onClickEventId = "menu";
// Subscribe to the button events
//Control screen
this.control = this.addUILayer("control");
const header = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "control", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y - 250), text: "Controls" });
header.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
const lc = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "control", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y - 150), text: "A/D - Move Left/Right" });
lc.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
const rc = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "control", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y - 100), text: "W/S - Look Up/Down" });
rc.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
const wasd = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "control", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y - 50), text: "J/Z/Enter - Confirm Attack" });
wasd.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
const e = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "control", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y), text: "SPACE/X - Jump" });
e.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
const q = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "control", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y + 50), text: "K/C - Dash" });
q.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
const oneTwo = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "control", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y + 100), text: "L/V - Use Skill" });
oneTwo.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
const zx = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "control", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y + 150), text: "I/B - open Backpack" });
zx.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
const tb = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "control", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y + 200), text: "ESC - Pause" });
tb.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
const back = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "control", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y + 250), text: "Back" });
back.size.set(200, 50);
back.borderWidth = 2;
back.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
back.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
back.onClickEventId = "menu";
unloadScene() {
// The scene is being destroyed, so we can stop playing the song
//this.emitter.fireEvent(GameEventType.STOP_SOUND, {key: "menu"});
updateScene() {
while (this.receiver.hasNextEvent()) {
let event = this.receiver.getNextEvent();
if (event.type === "map") {
this.sceneManager.changeToScene(Levels_1.default, {});
if (event.type === "about") {
if (event.type === "menu") {
if (event.type === "control") {
exports.default = MainMenu;
"use strict";
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Scene_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Scene/Scene");
const Label_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/UIElements/Label");
const UIElementTypes_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Nodes/UIElements/UIElementTypes");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2");
const Color_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Utils/Color");
const GameEventType_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Events/GameEventType");
const Input_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/Input/Input");
var Mode;
(function (Mode) {
Mode["GAME_MODE"] = "GameMode";
Mode["STORY_MODE"] = "StoryMode";
Mode["PAUSE_MODE"] = "PauseMode";
})(Mode || (Mode = {}));
class SceneWithStory extends Scene_1.default {
constructor() {
this.currentMode = Mode.GAME_MODE;
startScene() {
// The code below are for testing only. Please comment them when submit
this.primary = this.addUILayer("primary");
const center = this.viewport.getCenter();
const loadStory = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.BUTTON, "primary", { position: new Vec2_1.default(center.x, center.y), text: "LoadStory" });
loadStory.size.set(200, 50);
loadStory.borderWidth = 2;
loadStory.borderColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
loadStory.backgroundColor = Color_1.default.TRANSPARENT;
loadStory.onClickEventId = "loadStory";
this.storyLayer = this.addUILayer("story");
* This function load a story JSON from storyPath and auto display it to storyLayer
* @param storyPath The path to the story JSON
storyLoader(storyPath) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
// I may want to load multiple stories in a single scene, but this
// Layer with name story already exists
// so can i detect whether this layer exists?
const response = yield (yield fetch(storyPath)).json();
this.story = response;
console.log("story:", this.story);
if (this.story.bgm) {
this.storyBGMs = new Array;
this.story.bgm.forEach((bgm) => {
//, bgm.path);
// console.log("audio:", bgm.key, "path:", bgm.path);
// this.load.loadResourcesFromQueue(() => {
// console.log("finished loading audio");
// this.emitter.fireEvent(GameEventType.PLAY_SOUND, { key: bgm.key, loop: false, holdReference: true });
// });
if (this.load.getAudio(bgm.key)) {
this.emitter.fireEvent(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.PLAY_SOUND, { key: bgm.key, loop: false, holdReference: true });
else {
this.load.singleAudio(bgm.key, bgm.path, () => {
this.emitter.fireEvent(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.PLAY_SOUND, { key: bgm.key, loop: false, holdReference: true });
this.currentSpeaker = this.story.texts[0].speaker;
this.currentContent = this.story.texts[0].content;
this.storytextLabel = this.add.uiElement(UIElementTypes_1.UIElementType.LABEL, "story", { position: new Vec2_1.default(this.viewport.getHalfSize().x, this.viewport.getHalfSize().y + 240), text: "" });
this.storytextLabel.textColor = Color_1.default.WHITE;
this.storytextLabel.font = "PixelSimple";
this.storytextLabel.fontSize = 20;
this.storyProgress = -1;
this.storySprites = new Array;
this.currentMode = Mode.STORY_MODE;
* @returns True if the story has next sentence False otherwise
hasNextStory() {
return this.currentMode === Mode.STORY_MODE && this.storyProgress + 1 < this.story.texts.length;
* Go to the next sentence of current story if there is one or clear the storyLayer and exit storyMode
updateStory() {
if (this.currentMode === Mode.STORY_MODE && this.hasNextStory()) {
let tmp = undefined;
if (this.story.texts[this.storyProgress].actions) {
this.story.texts[this.storyProgress].actions.forEach(action => {
switch (action.type) {
case "loadSprite":
// this.load.image(action.key, action.path);
// this.load.loadResourcesFromQueue(() => {
// tmp = this.add.sprite(action.key, "story");
// tmp.position.set(action.positon[0], action.positon[1]);
// tmp.scale.set(action.scale[0], action.scale[1]);
// this.storySprites.push(tmp);
// });
if (this.load.getImage(action.key)) {
tmp = this.add.sprite(action.key, "story");
tmp.position.set(action.positon[0], action.positon[1]);
tmp.scale.set(action.scale[0], action.scale[1]);
else {
this.load.singleImage(action.key, action.path, () => {
tmp = this.add.sprite(action.key, "story");
tmp.position.set(action.positon[0], action.positon[1]);
tmp.scale.set(action.scale[0], action.scale[1]);
// case "loadAnimatedSprite":
// this.load.spritesheet(action.key, action.path);
// this.load.loadResourcesFromQueue(() => {
// tmp = this.add.animatedSprite(action.key, "story");
// tmp.position.set(action.positon[0], action.positon[1]);
// tmp.scale.set(action.scale[0], action.scale[1]);
// this.storySprites.push(tmp);
// });
// break;
case "moveSprite":
tmp = this.storySprites.find(function (sprite) {
return sprite.imageId === action.key;
tmp.position.set(action.positon[0], action.positon[1]);
tmp.scale.set(action.scale[0], action.scale[1]);
case "showSprite":
tmp = this.storySprites.find(function (sprite) {
return sprite.imageId === action.key;
tmp.visible = true;
case "hideSprite":
tmp = this.storySprites.find(function (sprite) {
return sprite.imageId === action.key;
tmp.visible = false;
this.currentSpeaker = this.story.texts[this.storyProgress].speaker;
this.currentContent = this.story.texts[this.storyProgress].content;
this.storytextLabel.text = (this.currentSpeaker ? (this.currentSpeaker + ":") : ("")) + '\n' + this.currentContent;
else {
this.currentMode = Mode.GAME_MODE;
this.storyProgress = Infinity;
if (this.storySprites) {
this.storySprites.forEach((sprite) => {
sprite.visible = false;
if (this.storyBGMs) {
this.storyBGMs.forEach((bgm) => {
this.emitter.fireEvent(GameEventType_1.GameEventType.STOP_SOUND, { key: bgm });
console.log("sound stopped:", bgm);
this.storyBGMs = undefined;
this.storySprites = undefined;
this.story = undefined;
this.storytextLabel = undefined;
// this.storyLayer = undefined;
updateScene(deltaT) {
while (this.receiver.hasNextEvent()) {
let event = this.receiver.getNextEvent();
// Testing code
if (event.type === "loadStory" && this.currentMode === Mode.GAME_MODE) {
2022-04-25 23:41:13 -04:00
2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00
// Testing code
if (Input_1.default.isMouseJustPressed() && this.currentMode === Mode.STORY_MODE) {
exports.default = SceneWithStory;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Vec2_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2");
const RandomMapGenerator_1 = require("../Tools/RandomMapGenerator");
const GameLevel_1 = require("./GameLevel");
class Tutorial extends GameLevel_1.default {
loadScene() {
// Load resources
2022-04-25 23:41:13 -04:00
// this.load.tilemap("forest1", "shattered_sword_assets2/tilemaps/Tutorial.json");
2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00
// let map = localStorage.getItem("map");
this.randomSeed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000);
2022-04-25 23:41:13 -04:00
let rmg = new RandomMapGenerator_1.default("shattered_sword_assets2/jsons/forest_template.json", this.randomSeed);
2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00 = rmg.getMap();
2022-04-25 23:41:13 -04:00
this.load.spritesheet("player", "shattered_sword_assets2/spritesheets/Hiro.json");
2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00
// TODO - change when done testing
2022-04-25 23:41:13 -04:00
this.load.spritesheet("slice", "shattered_sword_assets2/spritesheets/slice.json");
2022-04-12 00:08:57 -04:00
//load music here
startScene() {
// Add the level 1 tilemap
this.add.tilemap("forest1", new Vec2_1.default(2, 2));
this.viewport.setBounds(0, 0, * 32, * 32);
this.playerSpawn = new Vec2_1.default(5 * 32, 9 * 32);
// Do generic setup for a GameLevel
updateScene(deltaT) {
exports.default = Tutorial;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Enemy = void 0;
const TiledData_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Tilesets/TiledData");
const Vec2_1 = require("../../Wolfie2D/DataTypes/Vec2");
class RandomMapGenerator {
constructor(JSONFilePath, seed) {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.overrideMimeType("application/json");'GET', JSONFilePath, false);
this.template = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
this.roomWithLeftEntrance = new Array();
this.roomWithRightEntrance = new Array();
this.roomWithUpEntrance = new Array();
this.roomWithDownEntrance = new Array();
this.minX = this.minY = this.maxX = this.maxY =
this.roomWithLeftEntranceWeight = this.roomWithRightEntranceWeight =
this.roomWithUpEntranceWeight = this.roomWithDownEntranceWeight = 0; = new TiledData_1.TiledTilemapData();
this.rooms = new Array();
this.enemies = new Array();
this.player = new Vec2_1.default();
let gen = require('random-seed');
this.gen = new gen(seed);
this.hasExit = false;
this.minRoom = this.template.minroom;
this.roomPlaced = 0;
this.exitFacing = this.getEntranceFacing(this.template.exit.entrances[0], this.template.exit.width);
for (let room of this.template.rooms) {
let left = false, right = false, up = false, down = false;
for (let entrance of room.entrances) {
let facing = this.getEntranceFacing(entrance, room.width);
switch (facing) {
case Facing.LEFT:
left = true;
case Facing.RIGHT:
right = true;
case Facing.UP:
up = true;
case Facing.DOWN:
down = true;
if (left) {
this.roomWithLeftEntranceWeight += room.weight;
if (right) {
this.roomWithRightEntranceWeight += room.weight;
if (up) {
this.roomWithUpEntranceWeight += room.weight;
if (down) {
this.roomWithDownEntranceWeight += room.weight;
getMap() {
let room = this.copyRoom(this.template.entrance, 0, 0);
let facing = this.getEntranceFacing(this.template.entrance.entrances[0], this.template.entrance.width);
let position = new Vec2_1.default(this.template.entrance.entrances[0].x, this.template.entrance.entrances[0].y);
this.putNextRoom(position, this.getOppositeFacing(facing));
if (!this.hasExit)
throw new Error("Fail to generate a map with exit!");
console.log("Generated map:",;
getPlayer() {
return this.player;
getEnemies() {
return this.enemies;
putNextRoom(position, facing) {
switch (facing) {
case Facing.LEFT:
position.x += 1;
case Facing.RIGHT:
position.x -= 1;
case Facing.UP:
position.y += 1;
case Facing.DOWN:
position.y -= 1;
if (this.roomPlaced >= this.minRoom && facing == this.exitFacing) {
return true;
let nextRoom = this.getRandomRoom(facing);
let nextPosition = undefined;
let thisEntrance = undefined;
for (let entrance of nextRoom.entrances) {
if (this.getEntranceFacing(entrance, nextRoom.weight) == facing) {
let tmpPosition = new Vec2_1.default(position.x - entrance.x, position.y - entrance.y);
if (this.isValidRoom(tmpPosition, new Vec2_1.default(tmpPosition.x + nextRoom.width - 1, tmpPosition.y + nextRoom.height - 1))) {
thisEntrance = entrance;
nextPosition = tmpPosition;
if (!thisEntrance) {
return false;
let room = this.copyRoom(nextRoom, nextPosition.x, nextPosition.y);
this.roomPlaced += 1;
if (this.hasExit && this.gen.range() <= 0.1) {
return false;
for (let entrance of nextRoom.entrances) {
if (entrance != thisEntrance) {
let facing = this.getEntranceFacing(entrance, nextRoom.width);
let position = new Vec2_1.default(nextPosition.x + entrance.x, nextPosition.y + entrance.y);
if (this.putNextRoom(position, this.getOppositeFacing(facing))) {
this.removeEntrance(room, entrance, facing);
return true;
putExitRoom(position) {
position = new Vec2_1.default(position.x - this.template.exit.entrances[0].x, position.y - this.template.exit.entrances[0].y);
if (!this.isValidRoom(position, new Vec2_1.default(position.x + this.template.exit.width - 1, position.y + this.template.exit.height - 1))) {
throw new Error("Cannot put exit room!!! Position is invalid!!! Please check order of entrances in map template.");
let room = this.copyRoom(this.template.exit, position.x, position.y);
this.hasExit = true;
removeEntrance(room, entrance, facing) {
let width = room.bottomRight.x - room.topLeft.x + 1;
if (facing == Facing.LEFT || facing == Facing.RIGHT) {
for (let index = 0; index < entrance.width; index++)
room.topLayer[(entrance.y + index) * width + entrance.x] = 0;
if (entrance.y > 0)
room.topLayer[(entrance.y - 1) * width + entrance.x] = entrance.alt_tile[0];
if (entrance.y + entrance.width <= (room.bottomRight.y - room.topLeft.y))
room.topLayer[(entrance.y + entrance.width) * width + entrance.x] = entrance.alt_tile[1];
else {
for (let index = 0; index < entrance.width; index++)
room.topLayer[(entrance.y) * width + entrance.x + index] = 0;
if (entrance.x > 0)
room.topLayer[(entrance.y) * width + entrance.x - 1] = entrance.alt_tile[0];
if (entrance.x + entrance.width <= (room.bottomRight.x - room.topLeft.x))
room.topLayer[(entrance.y) * width + entrance.x + entrance.width] = entrance.alt_tile[1];
fillData() {
let width = this.maxX - this.minX + 1;
let height = this.maxY - this.minY + 1; = new Array(2);[0] = new TiledData_1.TiledLayerData;[1] = new TiledData_1.TiledLayerData; =[0].width =[1].width = width; =[0].height =[1].height = height; = this.template.tileheight; = this.template.tilewidth; = "orthogonal";[0].x =[0].y =[1].x =[1].y = 0;[0].opacity =[1].opacity = 1;[0].visible =[1].visible = true;[0].type =[1].type = "tilelayer";[0].name = "Floor";[1].name = "Wall";[0].properties = [{
name: "Collidable",
type: "bool",
value: false
}];[1].properties = [{
name: "Collidable",
type: "bool",
value: true
}]; = [{
columns: this.template.columns,
tilewidth: this.template.tilewidth,
tileheight: this.template.tileheight,
tilecount: this.template.tilecount,
firstgid: this.template.firstgid,
imageheight: this.template.imageheight,
imagewidth: this.template.imagewidth,
margin: this.template.margin,
spacing: this.template.spacing,
image: this.template.image
}];[0].data = new Array(width * height).fill(this.template.background);[1].data = new Array(width * height);
for (let room of this.rooms) {
let roomWidth = room.bottomRight.x - room.topLeft.x + 1;
let roomHeight = room.bottomRight.y - room.topLeft.y + 1;
for (let i = 0; i < roomHeight; i++)
for (let j = 0; j < roomWidth; j++) {[0].data[(room.topLeft.y + i) * width + room.topLeft.x + j] = room.bottomLayer[i * roomWidth + j];[1].data[(room.topLeft.y + i) * width + room.topLeft.x + j] = room.topLayer[i * roomWidth + j];
if (room.enemies)
for (let enemy of this.enemies) {
enemy.position.x -= this.minX;
enemy.position.y -= this.minY;
this.player.x -= this.minX;
this.player.y -= this.minY;
isValidRoom(topLeft, bottomRight) {
for (let room of this.rooms) {
if (room.topLeft.x <= bottomRight.x &&
room.bottomRight.x >= topLeft.x &&
room.topLeft.y <= bottomRight.y &&
room.bottomRight.y >= topLeft.y) {
console.warn("Found an invalid room! TopLeft:", topLeft.toString(), "BottomRight:", bottomRight.toString());
return false;
return true;
getEntranceFacing(entrance, width) {
if (entrance.x === 0)
return Facing.LEFT;
else if (entrance.x === width - 1)
return Facing.RIGHT;
else if (entrance.y === 0)
return Facing.UP;
return Facing.DOWN;
getOppositeFacing(facing) {
switch (facing) {
case Facing.LEFT:
return Facing.RIGHT;
case Facing.RIGHT:
return Facing.LEFT;
case Facing.UP:
return Facing.DOWN;
case Facing.DOWN:
return Facing.UP;
getRandomRoom(facing) {
let array = this.getRoomArray(facing), weight = this.getRoomWeight(facing);
let value = this.gen(weight);
if (value >= weight)
throw new Error("Random number " + value + " is larger than total weight " + weight);
for (let room of array) {
if (value < room.weight)
return room;
value -= room.weight;
throw new Error("Cannot find Room! \nValue: " + value + "\nRooms: " + JSON.stringify(array));
getRoomArray(facing) {
switch (facing) {
case Facing.LEFT:
return this.roomWithLeftEntrance;
case Facing.RIGHT:
return this.roomWithRightEntrance;
case Facing.UP:
return this.roomWithUpEntrance;
case Facing.DOWN:
return this.roomWithDownEntrance;
getRoomWeight(facing) {
switch (facing) {
case Facing.LEFT:
return this.roomWithLeftEntranceWeight;
case Facing.RIGHT:
return this.roomWithRightEntranceWeight;
case Facing.UP:
return this.roomWithUpEntranceWeight;
case Facing.DOWN:
return this.roomWithDownEntranceWeight;
copyRoom(old, posX, posY) {
let room = new Room();
room.topLeft = new Vec2_1.default(posX, posY);
room.bottomRight = new Vec2_1.default(posX + old.width - 1, posY + old.height - 1);
room.topLayer = [...old.topLayer];
room.bottomLayer = [...old.bottomLayer];
room.enemies = new Array();
if (old.sprites) {
for (let sprite of old.sprites) {
if (sprite.type === 'player') {
this.player.x = sprite.x;
this.player.y = sprite.y;
else {
if (this.gen.random() <= sprite.possibility) {
let tmp = new Enemy();
tmp.type = sprite.type;
tmp.position = new Vec2_1.default(posX + sprite.x, posY + sprite.y);
if (posX < this.minX)
this.minX = posX;
if (posY < this.minY)
this.minY = posY;
if (posX + old.width - 1 > this.maxX)
this.maxX = posX + old.width - 1;
if (posY + old.height - 1 > this.maxY)
this.maxY = posY + old.height - 1;
return room;
exports.default = RandomMapGenerator;
class Room {
class Enemy {
exports.Enemy = Enemy;
var Facing;
(function (Facing) {
Facing["LEFT"] = "left";
Facing["RIGHT"] = "right";
Facing["UP"] = "up";
Facing["DOWN"] = "down";
})(Facing || (Facing = {}));
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Statuses = exports.Damage_Type = exports.Player_Events = void 0;
var Player_Events;
(function (Player_Events) {
Player_Events["PLAYER_MOVE"] = "PlayerMove";
Player_Events["PLAYER_JUMP"] = "PlayerJump";
Player_Events["PLAYER_ATTACK"] = "PlayerAttack";
Player_Events["PLAYER_DASH"] = "PlayerDash";
Player_Events["PLAYER_HEAL"] = "PlayerHeal";
Player_Events["LEVEL_START"] = "LevelStart";
Player_Events["LEVEL_END"] = "LevelEnd";
Player_Events["PLAYER_KILLED"] = "PlayerKilled";
Player_Events["ENEMY_KILLED"] = "EnemyKilled";
Player_Events["PLAYER_HIT_ENEMY"] = "PlayerHitEnemy";
Player_Events["BOSS_KILLED"] = "BossKilled";
})(Player_Events = exports.Player_Events || (exports.Player_Events = {}));
var Damage_Type;
(function (Damage_Type) {
Damage_Type["NORMAL_DAMAGE"] = "NormalDamage";
Damage_Type["ENVIRONMENT_DAMAGE"] = "EnvironmentDamage";
Damage_Type["DOT_DAMAGE"] = "DOTDamage";
})(Damage_Type = exports.Damage_Type || (exports.Damage_Type = {}));
var Statuses;
(function (Statuses) {
Statuses["IN_RANGE"] = "IN_RANGE";
Statuses["LOW_HEALTH"] = "LOW_HEALTH";
Statuses["REACHED_GOAL"] = "GOAL";
})(Statuses = exports.Statuses || (exports.Statuses = {}));
//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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