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Halide is a domain-specific language (DSL) and compiler - Designed for image processing pipelines. - Optimizes parallelism, locality, and recomputation. - Enables high-level expression of algorithms. - Automatically applies optimization techniques. - Generates optimized code for CPUs, GPUs, and specialized units. - Simplifies development of complex image processing applications. --- transition: slide-up mdc: true --- # Cache ![https://www.computerhope.com/issues/pictures/cpu-cache-die.png](/static/cpu.png){width=500px lazy} --- transition: slide-up level: 2 mdc: true --- # Memory Hierarchy ![https://www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~kwebb/cs31/f18/memhierarchy/figures/MemoryHierarchy.png](/static/MemoryHierarchy.jpg){width=500px lazy} --- transition: slide-up level: 2 mdc: true --- # Moore's law ![https://image3.slideserve.com/6552767/moore-s-law-l.jpg](/static/moore-s-law-l.jpg){width=500px lazy} --- transition: slide-up level: 2 --- # Locality - Temporal Locality - Spatial Locality --- transition: slide-left level: 2 --- # Small Experiment <<< @/snippets/blur.ts ts {all}{maxHeight:'250px'} ```ts {monaco-run} // Paste your code here // // ``` --- transition: slide-up --- # A simple blur algorithm ````md magic-move ```cpp {all|3|4|all} twoslash UniformImage in(UInt(8), 2) Var x, y Func blurx(x,y) = in(x-1,y) + in(x,y) + in(x+1,y) Func out(x,y) = blurx(x,y-1) + blurx(x,y) + blurx(x,y+1) ``` ```cpp {all} twoslash UniformImage in(UInt(8), 2) Var x, y Func blurx(x,y) = in(x-1,y) + in(x,y) + in(x+1,y) Func out(x,y) = blurx(x,y-1) + blurx(x,y) + blurx(x,y+1) // Generated code alloc blurx[2048][3072] for each x in 0..3072: for each y in 0..2048: blurx[y][x] = in[y][x-1] + in[y][x] + in[y][x+1] alloc out[2046][3072] for each x in 0..3072: for each y in 1..2047: out[y][x] = blurx[y-1][x] + blurx[y][x] + blurx[y+1][x] ``` ```cpp {all|3-4,7-8} twoslash // Breadth first: each function is entirely evaluated before the next one. alloc blurx[2048][3072] for each x in 0..3072: for each y in 0..2048: blurx[y][x] = in[y][x-1] + in[y][x] + in[y][x+1] alloc out[2046][3072] for each x in 0..3072: for each y in 1..2047: out[y][x] = blurx[y-1][x] + blurx[y][x] + blurx[y+1][x] ``` ```cpp {all|2-4,6-8} twoslash // Reorder alloc blurx[2048][3072] for each y in 0..2048: for each x in 0..3072: blurx[y][x] = in[y][x-1] + in[y][x] + in[y][x+1] alloc out[2046][3072] for each y in 1..2047: for each x in 0..3072: out[y][x] = blurx[y-1][x] + blurx[y][x] + blurx[y+1][x] ``` ```cpp {all|5-7} twoslash // Total fusion: values are computed on the fly each time that they are needed. alloc out[2046][3072] for each y in 1..2047: for each x in 0..3072: alloc blurx[-1..1] for each i in -1..1: blurx[i] = in[y-1+i][x-1]+in[y-1+i][x]+in[y-1+i][x+1] out[y][x] = blurx[0] + blurx[1] + blurx[2] ``` ```cpp {all|4-5} twoslash // Sliding window: values are computed when needed then stored until not useful anymore. alloc out[2046][3072] alloc blurx[3][3072] for each y in -1..2047: for each x in 0..3072: blurx[(y+1)%3][x] = in[y+1][x-1] + in[y+1][x] + in[y+1][x+1] if y < 1: continue out[y][x] = blurx[(y-1)%3][x] + blurx[ y % 3 ][x] + blurx[(y+1)%3][x] ``` ```cpp {all} twoslash // Tiles: overlapping regions are processed in parallel, functions are evaluated one after another. alloc out[2046][3072] for each ty in 0..2048/32: for each tx in 0..3072/32: alloc blurx[-1..33][32] for y in -1..33: for x in 0..32: blurx[y][x] = in[ty*32+y][tx*32+x-1] + in[ty*32+y][tx*32+x] + in[ty*32+y][tx*32+x+1] for y in 0..32: for x in 0..32: out[ty*32+y][tx*32+x] = blurx[y-1][x] + blurx[y ][x] + blurx[y+1][x] ``` ```cpp {all} twoslash // Sliding windows within tiles: tiles are evaluated in parallel using sliding windows. alloc out[2046][3072] for each ty in 0..2048/8: alloc blurx[-1..1][3072] for y in -2..8: for x in 0..3072: blurx[(y+1)%3][x] = in[ty*8+y+1][tx*32+x-1] + in[ty*8+y+1][tx*32+x] + in[ty*8+y+1][tx*32+x+1] if y < 0: continue for x in 0..3072: out[ty*8+y][x] = blurx[(y-1)%3][x] + blurx[ y % 3][x] + blurx[(y+1)%3][x] ``` ```` --- transition: fade-out --- # Results ## x86 | Algorithm | Halide tuned(ms) | Expert tuned(ms) | Speedup | Lines Halide | Lines Expert | Factor Shorter | | --------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ------- | ------------ | ------------ | -------------- | | Blur | 11 | 13 | 1.2× | 2 | 35 | 18× | | Bilateral grid | 36 | 158 | 4.4× | 34 | 122 | 4× | | Camera pipe | 14 | 49 | 3.4× | 123 | 306 | 2× | | Interpolate | 32 | 54 | 1.7× | 21 | 152 | 7× | | Local Laplacian | 113 | 189 | 1.7× | 52 | 262 | 5× | --- transition: slide-left hideInToc: true --- # Results ## CUDA | Algorithm | Halide tuned(ms) | Expert tuned(ms) | Speedup | Lines Halide | Lines Expert | Factor Shorter | | --------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ------- | ------------ | ------------ | -------------- | | Bilateral grid | 8.1 | 18 | 2.3× | 34 | 370 | 11× | | Interpolate | 9.1 | 54* | 5.9× | 21 | 152* | 7× | | Local Laplacian | 21 | 189* | 9× | 52 | 262* | 5× | --- transition: slide-left --- # References - [Halide: a language and compiler for optimizing parallelism, locality, and recomputation in image processing pipelines](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2491956.2462176) - [CPU die shot](https://www.computerhope.com/issues/pictures/cpu-cache-die.png) - [Memory Hierarchy](https://www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~kwebb/cs31/f18/memhierarchy/figures/MemoryHierarchy.png) - [Moore's Law](https://image3.slideserve.com/6552767/moore-s-law-l.jpg)