2022-03-27 16:45:17 -04:00

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* The elements of this enumerated type are used in the "class" field
* of the "STMT" structure to specify the particular kind of statement
* that the structure represents. The parenthesized names in the comments
* indicate which element (if any) of the "members" union in the STMT
* structure is used by each kind of statement.
typedef enum {
LIST_STMT_CLASS, // "list" statement
DELETE_STMT_CLASS, // "delete" statement (delete_stmt)
RUN_STMT_CLASS, // "run" statement
CONT_STMT_CLASS, // "cont" statement
STOP_STMT_CLASS, // "stop" statement
WAIT_STMT_CLASS, // "wait" statement (jobctl_stmt)
POLL_STMT_CLASS, // "poll" statement (jobctl_stmt)
CANCEL_STMT_CLASS, // "cancel" statement (jobctl_stmt)
PAUSE_STMT_CLASS, // "pause" statement
SET_STMT_CLASS, // "set" statement (set_stmt)
UNSET_STMT_CLASS, // "unset" statement (unset_stmt)
IF_STMT_CLASS, // "if" statement (if_stmt)
GOTO_STMT_CLASS, // "goto" statement (goto_stmt)
SOURCE_STMT_CLASS, // "source" statement (source_stmt)
FG_STMT_CLASS, // pipeline run in foreground (sys_stmt)
BG_STMT_CLASS // pipeline run in background (sys_stmt)
* This structure is used to represent a statement.
* The value in the "class" field tells what kind of statement it is.
* Depending on this value, one of the fields of the "members" union
* may be valid.
typedef struct stmt {
int lineno;
union {
struct {
int from;
int to;
} delete_stmt;
struct {
struct pipeline *pipeline;
} sys_stmt;
struct {
struct expr *expr;
} jobctl_stmt;
struct {
char *name;
struct expr *expr;
} set_stmt;
struct {
char *name;
} unset_stmt;
struct {
struct expr *expr;
int lineno;
} if_stmt;
struct {
int lineno;
} goto_stmt;
struct {
char *file;
} source_stmt;
} members;
* This structure is used to represent a command. The "args" field points
* to the head of as a nonempty linked list of "args" that make up the command.
* The first "arg" is interpreted as the name of the command; the remainder
* are arguments to it. The "next" field is used to link commands into a
* pipeline.
typedef struct command {
struct arg *args;
struct command *next;
* This structure is used to represent a "pipeline". The "commands" field
* points to the head of a nonempty list of commands. The "input_file" field,
* if non-NULL, is the name of a file from which input to the first command
* in the pipeline is to be redirected. Similarly, the "output_file" field,
* if non-NULL, is the name of a file to which output from the last command
* in the pipeline is to be redirected. If the "capture_output" field is
* nonzero, then instead of being redirected to a file, the output from the
* last command in the pipeline is to be redirected to a pipe. This pipe is
* to be read by the main process, which will "captures" the output and make
* it available as the value of a variable in the data store.
typedef struct pipeline {
COMMAND *commands;
char *input_file;
char *output_file;
int capture_output;
* Values of this enumerated type are used to identify the various kinds
* of expressions.
typedef enum {
LIT_EXPR_CLASS, // literal string (value)
NUM_EXPR_CLASS, // numeric variable (variable)
STRING_EXPR_CLASS, // string variable (variable)
UNARY_EXPR_CLASS, // unary expression (unary_expr)
BINARY_EXPR_CLASS // binary expression (binary_expr)
* Values of this enumerated type are used to identify the various kinds
* of operators in expressions.
typedef enum {
NOT_OPRTR, // "not" operator (unary_expr)
AND_OPRTR, // "and" operator (binary_expr)
OR_OPRTR, // "or" operator (binary_expr)
EQUAL_OPRTR, // "equal to" operator (binary_expr)
LESS_OPRTR, // "less than" operator (binary_expr)
GREATER_OPRTR, // "greater than" operator (binary_expr)
LESSEQ_OPRTR, // "less than or equal" operator (binary_expr)
GREATEQ_OPRTR, // "greater than or equal" operator (binary_expr)
PLUS_OPRTR, // "plus" (binary_expr)
MINUS_OPRTR, // "minus" (binary_expr)
TIMES_OPRTR, // "times" (binary_expr)
DIVIDE_OPRTR, // "divide" (binary_expr)
MOD_OPRTR // "mod" (binary_expr)
* Values of this enumerated type are used to identify the various kinds
* values that an expression can have.
typedef enum {
NUM_VALUE_TYPE, // numeric value
STRING_VALUE_TYPE // string value
* This structure is used to represent an "expression".
typedef struct expr {
union {
char *variable;
char *value;
struct {
OPRTR oprtr;
struct expr *arg;
} unary_expr;
struct {
OPRTR oprtr;
struct expr *arg1;
struct expr *arg2;
} binary_expr;
} members;
* This structure is used to represent an "argument", which is
* a single element of a command. Arguments contain arbitrary expressions,
* which allows commands to be constructed that depend on the values
* of variables.
typedef struct arg {
EXPR *expr;
struct arg *next;
} ARG;
* The following functions are used to print representations
* of the various syntactic objects to a specified output stream.
* A nonzero value for the "parens" argument of show_expr() causes
* a compound expression to be printed within enclosing parentheses.
void show_stmt(FILE *file, STMT *stmt);
void show_pipeline(FILE *file, PIPELINE *pline);
void show_command(FILE *file, COMMAND *cmd);
void show_expr(FILE *file, EXPR *expr, int parens);
void show_oprtr(FILE *file, OPRTR oprtr);
void show_lineno(FILE *file, int lineno);
* The following functions are use to free the various syntactic
* objects. Freeing an object with one of these functions implies
* freeing all the objects that it references.
void free_stmt(STMT *stmt);
void free_pipeline(PIPELINE *pline);
void free_commands(COMMAND *cmd);
void free_args(ARG *args);
void free_expr(EXPR *expr);
void free_oprtr(OPRTR oprtr);
* The following functions are use to make deep copies of the
* various syntactic objects.
PIPELINE *copy_pipeline(PIPELINE *pline);
COMMAND *copy_commands(COMMAND *cmd);
ARG *copy_args(ARG *args);
EXPR *copy_expr(EXPR *expr);