const Top5List = require('../models/top5list-model'); const CommunityList = require('../models/communitylist-model'); const auth = require('../auth'); const User = require('../models/user-model') createTop5List = async (req, res) => { const body = req.body; if (!body) { return res.status(400).json({ success: false, errorMessage: 'You must provide a Top 5 List', }) } auth.verify(req, res, async function () { _id = req.userId; }); if (_id === 'Guest') { return res.status(403).json({success: false, errorMessage: 'Please log in to creat new list'}); } let owner = await getOwner(_id); body.owner = owner; body.likes = []; body.dislikes = []; body.views = 0; body.comments = []; body.published = false; const top5List = new Top5List(body); console.log("creating top5List: " + JSON.stringify(top5List)); if (!top5List) { return res.status(400).json({ success: false, errorMessage: err }) } top5List .save() .then(() => { return res.status(201).json({ success: true, top5List: top5List, message: 'Top 5 List Created!' }) }) .catch(error => { return res.status(400).json({ error, errorMessage : 'Top 5 List Not Created!' }) }) } updateTop5List = async (req, res) => { let _id = ''; auth.verify(req, res, async function () { _id = req.userId; }); let owner = 'Guest'; if (_id !== 'Guest') { owner = await getOwner(_id); } const body = req.body console.log("updateTop5List: " + JSON.stringify(body)); if (!body) { return res.status(400).json({ success: false, errorMessage: 'You must provide a body to update', }) } await Top5List.findOne({ _id: }, (err, top5List) => { console.log("top5List found: " + JSON.stringify(top5List)); if (err || top5List.owner !== owner) { return res.status(404).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not found!', }) } if (top5List.published) { return res.status(403).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Cannot modify published list!', }) } =; top5List.items = body.items; top5List .save() .then(() => { console.log("SUCCESS!!!"); return res.status(200).json({ success: true, id: top5List._id, message: 'Top 5 List updated!', }) }) .catch(error => { console.log("FAILURE: " + JSON.stringify(error)); return res.status(404).json({ error, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not updated!', }) }) }) } publishTop5List = async (req, res) => { let _id = ''; auth.verify(req, res, async function () { _id = req.userId; }); let owner = 'Guest'; if (_id !== 'Guest') { owner = await getOwner(_id); } const body = req.body console.log("publishTop5List: " + JSON.stringify(body)); if (!body) { return res.status(400).json({ success: false, errorMessage: 'You must provide a body to update', }) } if (! || !body.items[0] || !body.items[1] || !body.items[2] || !body.items[3] || !body.items[4]) { return res.status(403).json({success: false, errorMessage: 'Must fill in all items and title.'}); } if (body.items[0] === body.items[1] || body.items[0] === body.items[2] || body.items[0] === body.items[3] || body.items[0] === body.items[4] || body.items[1] === body.items[2] || body.items[1] === body.items[3] || body.items[1] === body.items[4] || body.items[2] === body.items[3] || body.items[2] === body.items[4] || body.items[3] === body.items[4]) { return res.status(403).json({success: false, errorMessage: 'All item should be identical'}); } Top5List.findOne({ $and:[{owner: owner}, {name:}, {published: true}]}, (err, top5List) => { if (err) { return res.status(400).json({success: false, errorMessage: err}); } if (top5List) { console.log('there is list with same name') console.log(top5List); return res.status(403).json({success: false, errorMessage: 'Cannot publish list with same name'}); } else { Top5List.findOne({ _id: }, (err, top5List) => { console.log("top5List found: " + JSON.stringify(top5List)); if (err || top5List.owner !== owner) { return res.status(404).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not found!', }) } console.log(top5List); if (top5List.published) { return res.status(403).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Cannot modify published list!', }) } let d = new Date; CommunityList.findOne({name:}, (err, communityList) => { console.log("community list found: " + communityList); if (err) { return res.status(403).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Error with CommunityList', }) } if (!communityList) { communityList = { name:, items: [], likes: [], dislikes: [], views: 0, comments: [], publishedAt: [], } communityList = new CommunityList(communityList); console.log("creating communityList: " + communityList); } let citem = communityList.items; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i ++) { let tmp = citem.find(function(a){return a[0] === body.items[i]}); if (tmp) { tmp[1] = parseInt(tmp[1]) + (5-i); console.log(tmp); } else { citem.push([body.items[i], (5-i)]); } } communityList.items = citem; communityList.publishedAt = [d.getFullYear(), (d.getMonth()+1), d.getDate()]; => { console.log('updated communityList!')}); }) =; top5List.items = body.items; top5List.likes = []; top5List.dislikes = []; top5List.views = 0; top5List.comments = []; top5List.published = true; top5List.publishedAt = [d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()+1, d.getDate()]; top5List .save() .then(() => { console.log("SUCCESS!!!"); return res.status(200).json({ success: true, id: top5List._id, message: 'Top 5 List updated!', }) }) .catch(error => { console.log("FAILURE: " + JSON.stringify(error)); return res.status(404).json({ error, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not updated!', }) }) }) } }).catch(err => console.log(err)); } deleteTop5List = async (req, res) => { let _id = ''; auth.verify(req, res, async function () { _id = req.userId; }); let owner = 'Guest'; if (_id !== 'Guest') { owner = await getOwner(_id); } await Top5List.findById({ _id: }, (err, top5List) => { if (err || top5List.owner !== owner) { return res.status(404).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not found!', }) } let d = new Date; if (top5List.published){ CommunityList.findOne({name:}, (err, communityList) => { console.log("community list found: " + communityList); if (err || !communityList) { return res.status(403).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Error with CommunityList', }) } let citem = communityList.items; console.log(citem); console.log(top5List.items); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i ++) { let tmp = citem.find(function(a){return a[0] === top5List.items[i]}); if (tmp) { tmp[1] -= (5-i); if (tmp[1] < 0) { console.log('vote<0)'); } else if (tmp[1] == 0) { let index = citem.indexOf(tmp); citem.splice(index, 1); } } else { console.log('Error with CommunityList(cannot find item)\ntmp:',tmp, '\ncitem:', citem); } } console.log(citem); if (citem.length < 5) { if (citem.length > 0) { console.log('length is less than 5'); } else { console.log('deleting ' + communityList); CommunityList.findOneAndDelete({_id: communityList._id}, () => {}) } } else { communityList.items = citem; communityList.publishedAt = [d.getFullYear(), (d.getMonth()+1), d.getDate()];; } }) } Top5List.findOneAndDelete({ _id: }, () => { return res.status(200).json({ success: true, data: top5List }) }).catch(err => console.log(err)) }) } getTop5ListById = async (req, res) => { let _id = ''; auth.verify(req, res, async function () { _id = req.userId; }); let owner = 'Guest'; if (_id !== 'Guest') { owner = await getOwner(_id); } console.log(owner) await Top5List.findById({ _id: }, (err, list) => { if (err) { return res.status(400).json({ success: false, errorMessage: err }); } if (!list||!list.published && list.owner !== owner) { return res.status(400).json({success: false, errorMessage: "List does not exists"}); } let pair = { _id: list._id, name:, items: list.items, owner: list.owner, likes: list.likes.length, dislikes: list.dislikes.length, views: list.views, comments: list.comments, published: list.published, publishedAt: list.publishedAt, }; return res.status(200).json({ success: true, top5List: pair }) }).catch(err => console.log(err)) } getTop5Lists = async (req, res) => { let _id = ''; auth.verify(req, res, async function () { _id = req.userId; }); let owner = 'Guest'; if (_id !== 'Guest') { owner = await getOwner(_id); } //let owner = 'a'; await Top5List.find({ $or:[{owner: owner}, {published: true}] }, (err, top5Lists) => { if (err) { return res.status(400).json({ success: false, errorMessage: err }) } if (!top5Lists) { console.log("!top5Lists.length"); return res .status(404) .json({ success: false, errorMessage: 'Top 5 Lists not found' }) } else { // PUT ALL THE LISTS INTO ID, NAME PAIRS let pairs = []; for (let key in top5Lists) { let list = top5Lists[key]; let pair = { _id: list._id, name:, items: list.items, owner: list.owner, likes: list.likes.length, dislikes: list.dislikes.length, views: list.views, comments: list.comments, published: list.published, publishedAt: list.publishedAt, }; pairs.push(pair); } return res.status(200).json({ success: true, idNamePairs: pairs }) } }).catch(err => console.log(err)) } getCommunityLists = async (req, res) => { await CommunityList.find({}, (err, communityLists) => { if (err) { return res.status(400).json({ success: false, errorMessage: err }) } if (!communityLists) { console.log("!communityLists.length"); return res .status(404) .json({ success: false, errorMessage: 'Top 5 Lists not found' }) } else { // PUT ALL THE LISTS INTO ID, NAME PAIRS let pairs = []; for (let key in communityLists) { let list = communityLists[key]; let items = list.items.sort(function(a, b){return b[1] - a[1]}); let temp = []; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i ++) { temp.push(items[i][0] + ' (' + items[i][1] + ' votes)' ); } let pair = { _id: list._id, name:, items: temp, owner: 'Community', likes: list.likes.length, dislikes: list.dislikes.length, views: list.views, comments: list.comments, published: true, publishedAt: list.publishedAt, }; pairs.push(pair); } return res.status(200).json({ success: true, idNamePairs: pairs }) } }).catch(err => console.log(err)) } getCommunityListById = async (req, res) => { await CommunityList.findById({ _id: }, (err, list) => { console.log("communityList found: " + JSON.stringify(list)); if (err) { return res.status(400).json({ success: false, errorMessage: err }); } let items = list.items.sort(function(a, b){return b[1] - a[1]}); let temp = []; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i ++) { temp.push(items[i][0] + ' (' + items[i][1] + ' votes)' ); } let pair = { _id: list._id, name:, items: temp, owner: 'Community', likes: list.likes.length, dislikes: list.dislikes.length, views: list.views, comments: list.comments, published: true, publishedAt: list.publishedAt, }; return res.status(200).json({ success: true, top5List: pair }) }).catch(err => console.log(err)) } updateTop5ListViews = async (req, res) => { await Top5List.findById({ _id: }, (err, top5List) => { console.log("top5List found: " + JSON.stringify(top5List)); if (!top5List||err) { return res.status(404).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not found!', }) } if (top5List.published) { top5List.views += 1; } top5List .save() .then(() => { console.log("SUCCESS!!!"); return res.status(200).json({ success: true, id: top5List._id, message: 'Top 5 List views updated!', }) }) .catch(error => { console.log("FAILURE: " + JSON.stringify(error)); return res.status(404).json({ error, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List views not updated!', }) }) }) } updateTop5ListLikes = async (req, res) => { let _id = ''; auth.verify(req, res, async function () { _id = req.userId; }); let owner = 'Guest'; if (_id !== 'Guest') { owner = await getOwner(_id); await Top5List.findById({ _id: }, (err, top5List) => { console.log("top5List found: " + JSON.stringify(top5List)); if (!top5List||err) { return res.status(404).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not found!', }) } if (top5List.published) { let likes = top5List.likes; let dislikes = top5List.dislikes; if (likes.find((a) => a === owner)) { let index = likes.indexOf(owner); likes.splice(index, 1); } else { likes.push(owner); } if (dislikes.find((a) => a === owner)) { let index = likes.indexOf(owner); dislikes.splice(index, 1); } top5List.likes = likes; } top5List .save() .then(() => { let pair = { _id: top5List._id, name:, items: top5List.items, owner: top5List.owner, likes: top5List.likes.length, dislikes: top5List.dislikes.length, views: top5List.views, comments: top5List.comments, published: top5List.published, publishedAt: top5List.publishedAt, }; console.log("SUCCESS!!!"); return res.status(200).json({ success: true, top5List: pair, }) }) .catch(error => { console.log("FAILURE: " + JSON.stringify(error)); return res.status(404).json({ error, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List views not updated!', }) }) }) } else { return res.status(403).json({ success: false, errorMessage: 'Please login to like/dislike', }) } } updateTop5ListDislikes = async (req, res) => { let _id = ''; auth.verify(req, res, async function () { _id = req.userId; }); let owner = 'Guest'; if (_id !== 'Guest') { owner = await getOwner(_id); await Top5List.findById({ _id: }, (err, top5List) => { console.log("top5List found: " + JSON.stringify(top5List)); if (!top5List||err) { return res.status(404).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not found!', }) } if (top5List.published) { let likes = top5List.likes; let dislikes = top5List.dislikes; if (likes.find((a) => a === owner)) { let index = likes.indexOf(owner); likes.splice(index, 1); } if (dislikes.find((a) => a === owner)) { let index = likes.indexOf(owner); dislikes.splice(index, 1); } else { dislikes.push(owner); } top5List.dislikes = dislikes; } top5List .save() .then(() => { let pair = { _id: top5List._id, name:, items: top5List.items, owner: top5List.owner, likes: top5List.likes.length, dislikes: top5List.dislikes.length, views: top5List.views, comments: top5List.comments, published: top5List.published, publishedAt: top5List.publishedAt, }; console.log("SUCCESS!!!"); return res.status(200).json({ success: true, top5List: pair, }) }) .catch(error => { console.log("FAILURE: " + JSON.stringify(error)); return res.status(404).json({ error, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List views not updated!', }) }) }) } else { return res.status(403).json({ success: false, errorMessage: 'Please login to like/dislike', }) } } updateCommunityListViews = async (req, res) => { console.log('get message'); await CommunityList.findById({ _id: }, (err, communityList) => { console.log("communityList found: " + JSON.stringify(communityList)); if (err) { return res.status(404).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not found!', }) } communityList.views += 1; communityList .save() .then(() => { console.log("SUCCESS!!!"); return res.status(200).json({ success: true, id: communityList._id, message: 'Top 5 List views updated!', }) }) .catch(error => { console.log("FAILURE: " + JSON.stringify(error)); return res.status(404).json({ error, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List views not updated!', }) }) }) } updateCommunityListLikes = async (req, res) => { let _id = ''; auth.verify(req, res, async function () { _id = req.userId; }); let owner = 'Guest'; if (_id !== 'Guest') { owner = await getOwner(_id); await CommunityList.findOne({ _id: }, (err, top5List) => { console.log("top5List found: " + JSON.stringify(top5List)); if (err) { return res.status(404).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not found!', }) } let likes = top5List.likes; let dislikes = top5List.dislikes; if (likes.find((a) => a === owner)) { let index = likes.indexOf(owner); likes.splice(index, 1); } else { likes.push(owner); } if (dislikes.find((a) => a === owner)) { let index = likes.indexOf(owner); dislikes.splice(index, 1); } top5List.likes = likes; top5List .save() .then(() => { let pair = { _id: top5List._id, name:, items: top5List.items, owner: 'Community', likes: top5List.likes.length, dislikes: top5List.dislikes.length, views: top5List.views, comments: top5List.comments, published: true, publishedAt: top5List.publishedAt, }; console.log("SUCCESS!!!"); return res.status(200).json({ success: true, top5List: pair, }) }) .catch(error => { console.log("FAILURE: " + JSON.stringify(error)); return res.status(404).json({ error, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List views not updated!', }) }) }) } else { return res.status(403).json({ success: false, errorMessage: 'Please login to like/dislike', }) } } updateCommunityListDislikes = async (req, res) => { let _id = ''; auth.verify(req, res, async function () { _id = req.userId; }); let owner = 'Guest'; if (_id !== 'Guest') { owner = await getOwner(_id); await CommunityList.findOne({ _id: }, (err, top5List) => { console.log("top5List found: " + JSON.stringify(top5List)); if (err) { return res.status(404).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not found!', }) } let likes = top5List.likes; let dislikes = top5List.dislikes; if (likes.find((a) => a === owner)) { let index = likes.indexOf(owner); likes.splice(index, 1); } if (dislikes.find((a) => a === owner)) { let index = likes.indexOf(owner); dislikes.splice(index, 1); } else { dislikes.push(owner); } top5List.dislikes = dislikes; top5List .save() .then(() => { let pair = { _id: top5List._id, name:, items: top5List.items, owner: 'Community', likes: top5List.likes.length, dislikes: top5List.dislikes.length, views: top5List.views, comments: top5List.comments, published: true, publishedAt: top5List.publishedAt, }; console.log("SUCCESS!!!"); return res.status(200).json({ success: true, top5List: pair, }) }) .catch(error => { console.log("FAILURE: " + JSON.stringify(error)); return res.status(404).json({ error, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List views not updated!', }) }) }) } else { return res.status(403).json({ success: false, errorMessage: 'Please login to like/dislike', }) } } updateCommunityListComments = async (req, res) => { const body = req.body console.log('updating c list commens'); let _id = ''; auth.verify(req, res, async function () { _id = req.userId; }); let owner = 'Guest'; if (_id !== 'Guest') { owner = await getOwner(_id); await CommunityList.findOne({ _id: }, (err, top5List) => { console.log("top5List found: " + JSON.stringify(top5List)); if (!top5List || err) { return res.status(404).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not found!', }) } top5List.comments.push([owner, body.comment]) top5List .save() .then(() => { let pair = { _id: top5List._id, name:, items: top5List.items, owner: 'Community', likes: top5List.likes.length, dislikes: top5List.dislikes.length, views: top5List.views, comments: top5List.comments, published: true, publishedAt: top5List.publishedAt, }; console.log("SUCCESS!!!"); return res.status(200).json({ success: true, top5List: pair, }) }) .catch(error => { console.log("FAILURE: " + JSON.stringify(error)); return res.status(404).json({ error, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List views not updated!', }) }) }) } else { return res.status(403).json({ success: false, errorMessage: 'Please login to leave comments', }) } } updateTop5ListComments = async (req, res) => { const body = req.body let _id = ''; auth.verify(req, res, async function () { _id = req.userId; }); let owner = 'Guest'; if (_id !== 'Guest') { owner = await getOwner(_id); await Top5List.findOne({ _id: }, (err, top5List) => { console.log("top5List found: " + JSON.stringify(top5List)); if (!top5List || err) { return res.status(404).json({ err, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List not found!', }) } if (top5List.published) { top5List.comments.push([owner, body.comment]) top5List .save() .then(() => { let pair = { _id: top5List._id, name:, items: top5List.items, owner: top5List.owner, likes: top5List.likes.length, dislikes: top5List.dislikes.length, views: top5List.views, comments: top5List.comments, published: top5List.published, publishedAt: top5List.publishedAt, }; console.log("SUCCESS!!!"); return res.status(200).json({ success: true, top5List: pair, }) }) .catch(error => { console.log("FAILURE: " + JSON.stringify(error)); return res.status(404).json({ error, errorMessage: 'Top 5 List views not updated!', }) }) } }) } else { return res.status(403).json({ success: false, errorMessage: 'Please login to leave comments', }) } } getOwner = async function (_id) { const loggedInUser = await User.findOne({ _id: _id}); return (loggedInUser.firstName + ' ' + loggedInUser.lastName); } module.exports = { createTop5List, updateTop5List, publishTop5List, deleteTop5List, getTop5Lists, getTop5ListById, getCommunityLists, getCommunityListById, updateTop5ListViews, updateTop5ListLikes, updateTop5ListDislikes, updateCommunityListViews, updateCommunityListLikes, updateCommunityListDislikes, updateTop5ListComments, updateCommunityListComments, }